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2019-10-31 |
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不要小看生病的小孩,他不但可以創造許多奇蹟,更可以向世人見證:活著真好! ◎作者威皓曾因罹患腦瘤中斷學業,療養後恢復上學,卻發現已忘記原本學習過的文字、數學、繪畫等能力,必須忍著病痛重頭學起。
Since the age of twelve, Wei-Hao has been suffering from illness. He could not run around like other children. Since Wei-Hao’s body could not absorb water normally, he always had to bring his bottle with him to take in water, went to the toilet frequently, and vomited easily.
Because of his sickness, Wei-Hao became emotional and capricious. However, the suffering gave him a unique view of life. His paintings are full of naivety and at the same time metaphorical meanings. These creative works of paintings and poems leave much space for imagination and let our minds be free. They encourage people to get out of their blindly busy life, let the tired minds rest, and allow the injured to be healed.
While there is life, there is hope. One hurdle after another, each hurdle would be overcome, one by one. Don’t underestimate the sick kid. He can create miracles. Don’t feel worthless. Everyone is unique and good for something. Keep forward and have no fear. This book is dedicated to all the parents who devote their whole life to their children
曾威皓 Wei-Hao Tseng
Wei-Hao was born in Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1996. In 2005, in the third grade, he was admitted to Hsinchu County gi¬ed art class. With the painting “Barbarshop,“ he won the rst prize in a county art contest. Unexpectedly, just before his elementary school graduation, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. A¬er eight years of recuperation, he started again to practice painting, composing poems and writing calligraphy. In 2016, Wei Hao graduated from high school and opened “Studio Ah-Q” at home, dedicated to the creation of poetry and painting. His works touched Professor Yun-Hsien Wu so much that she decided to write down the stories behind the works. Thanks to Ms. Yi-Chen Hsu’s translation and Mr. Matthew Chen’s proofreading, the book can be presented here today.
吳芸嫻 Yun-Hsien Wu
Associate professer, Ming-hsin University of Science and Technology 目錄列表:創造生命的奇蹟:詩人畫家曾威皓 封面 作者序1 作者序2 目錄 畫說威皓 美麗心世界
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