各行各業說中文 2(教師手冊)
Advanced Business Chinese 2 (Teacher’s Manual) |
9789570853957 |
定价 |
NT400 |
售价 |
RM62.50 |
优惠价 |
RM55.63 *
出版社 |
出版日期 |
2019-11-15 |
装订 |
平裝. 單色印刷. 128 页. 28. |
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海外库存 下单时可选择“空运”或“海运”(空运和海运需独立下单)。空运费每本书/CD是RM12.00。 空运需时8-11个工作天,海运需时约30个工作天。 (以上预计时间不包括出版社调货的时间以及尚未出版的预购商品) |
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華語教學最權威——國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心 編寫開發
This two-volume series is a practical learning material for students working in a Chinese working environment. Each volume has ten chapters, with a workbook attached.
Volume One aims to strengthen workplace communication with colleagues and bosses; Volume Two focuses on handling external affairs. Series consists of a wide range of topics including first day of work, company trip, marketing, customer complaint, layoff and merger and acquisition, etc.
Each volume includes a textbook, a workbook and a teacher’s manual. Each chapter contains dialogue-based question, case study, culture appreciation unit and comprehensive exercise.
Advanced Business Chinese is suitable for learners who have complete Advanced Business Chinese 1《各行各業說中文1》, A Course in Contemporary Chinese Volume 4 《當代中文課程 4》 or Far East Business Chinese Volume 3《遠東商務漢語 3》. This series covers levels B2 to C1 in the CEFR, or Advanced-high in ACTFL Guidelines.
.Including dialogue-based questions and case study for workplace problem solving.
.Including detailed explanations on useful expression.
.Including cultural appreciation unit based on Chinese workplace.
.Including a synopsis of learning and grammar focuses for each chapter.
第一課 自有品牌 Private Brand
第二課 叫你們經理出來 Tell Your Manager to Come Out
第三課 讓產品爆紅 Making Products Sell Well
第四課 國際展場 International Exhibition Venue
第五課 機器人的世界 The World of Robots
第六課 品質認證 Quality Certification
第七課 原物料漲價了 Raw Material Prices Have Gone Up
第八課 自己當老闆 Be Your Own Boss
第九課 實體商店的出路 A Way Out for Brick and Mortar Stores
第十課 大魚吃小魚 Big Fish Eat Small Fish
附錄一 臺灣縣市地名地圖
附錄二 中國省分地圖
附錄三 兩岸地區常用詞彙對照表
The Mandarin Training Center (MTC) at NTNU
The Mandarin Training Center (MTC) was founded in 1956. The MTC, a subsidiary of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), is the largest and oldest institution dedicated to teaching Chinese as a second language in Taiwan. The center has well-equipped facilities and is internationally renowned for its high teaching quality. MTC’s students come from all over the world, and many renowned sinology scholars and important figures in the politics and financial are its alumni.