【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 01月號/2019 第366期
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2018-12-26 |
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Lighting Up the Night for Millennia
北歐神話 —— 諸神黃昏
Why Your Skin Gets Wrinkled When Wet
Welcome to 2019! How did you ring in the New Year? Maybe you stayed up until midnight, or perhaps you watched a fireworks display. In the January issue of Analytical English , you can delve into the science behind this colorful show in “Lighting Up the Night for Millennia.” While fireworks have been around for over a thousand years, multi-color ones were only created in the 1800s when extra chemicals were added to the mix. Speaking of chemicals, check out the amazing views they help create in “The Rainbow Mountain of Peru.”
While the peaks may look dyed, these natural hues are the result of minerals in the rocks being exposed to the air. Switch your gaze from the mountains to the sky in “An Experience of a Lifetime” and you’ll find another brilliant display of color, this time from nighttime auroras. If you want a look at another sensation, “Trials of the Wild: Night of the Christmas Crab”has you covered. The mass migration of millions of red baby crabs can be witnessed at home with National Geographic. From the mastery of chemistry to the wonders of nature, January’s Analytical English covers the best phenomena the world has to offer. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 01月號/2019 第366期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 焦點新聞 詞彙測驗 博物館尋貓蹤 翻譯 新聞集錦 揭開皮膚泡水變皺之謎 與石虎同行 拯救瀕危動物 不實廣告 荒漠主宰者 ―― 仙人掌 肯亞考古遺址發現早期文明無階級之分 新多益 追尋幸福極光! 火車恐慌記 為人們帶來歡樂的喜姆娃娃 第八章 副詞 北歐神話——諸神黃昏 生產力大解密!讓你也能輕鬆有效率 生存大考驗:聖誕島紅蟹 神鬼「旗」航:巾幗梟雄 璀璨花火綻放天空 新多益 上帝打翻的調色盤――秘魯彩虹山 第八章 副詞 壓力過大 實力測驗 背誦卡
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