【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 03月號/2019 第368期
E220103848000101 |
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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2019-02-14 |
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Japan's Perfect Mountain
The Leprechaun Legend Lives On
Forensic Science from the 19th Century to Henry Lee and O.J. Simpson
柯南與福爾摩斯的最佳幫手 —— 法醫
Is there any better escape than stories of improbable events or fantasy shows featuring dragons, wizards, or talking animals? This month, there is a world of myths and legends to explore with Analytical English . In “Japan’s Perfect Mountain,” read about a tale of beauty and immortality that offers one explanation of how Mt. Fuji got its name. You can also dive into one of the most well-known Celtic myths in “The Leprechaun Legend Lives On.” No longer confined to the shores of Ireland, fantastical stories of little men in green are now told across the globe. In “Figs: More than Just a Tasty Treat,”you’ll learn how this sweet treat found its way into religious tales of both sin and enlightenment. Finally, don’t get overwhelmed by all the legends associated with a blue gemstone in “Aquamarine: A Closer Look at a Stone That Holds Sensational Powers.” Tales about this gem range from the ancient belief that this stone could appease the sea god to current theories on its meditative powers. Come immerse yourself in a world of storytelling with the March issue of Analytical English. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 03月號/2019 第368期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 焦點新聞 新聞集錦 鞋帶為什麼總是自己鬆開? 卡巴迪── 戰鬥版老鷹抓小雞 詞彙測驗 尋找拉布列康 翻譯 人類糞便發現塑膠 新多益 醜蔬果大變身!超環保野菜蠟筆 我看不慣的一件事 大和民族的心靈原鄉:富士山 《祕密花園》 小丑恐懼症 卡車翻覆意外 你不知道的荷式可樂餅 第八章 副詞 一抹深邃的蔚藍── 海藍寶石 新多益 宗教與文化的碩「果」 太空梭:凱旋與悲劇 柯南與福爾摩斯的最佳幫手── 法醫 第九章 倒裝句構 實力測驗
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