【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 05號/2019 第370期
E220107359000101 |
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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2019-04-30 |
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Who Needs Nets or Fishing Rods with These Birds?
The Science behind Erasable Ink
The Troubling History of Treadmills
Food is essential to life, but it can also be surprisingly divisive. We look at a variety of eating choices in the May issue of Analytical English . Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day, and we look at the different places where teenagers like to fill their bellies in “High School Students’ Breakfast Choices.” If you like eggs in the morning, you might be interested in “No-Kill Eggs Hit Shelves in Germany.” Elsewhere in Europe, we take a look at the birthplace of a particularly odorous food that people seem to either love or hate in “The Cheese That Broke the Mold.”
Perhaps you’re more interested in how food is sourced than in what you eat. In that case, have a look at “Who Needs Nets or Fishing Rods with These Birds?” for a glimpse at a unique form of fishing. May’s Analytical English might leave you hungry, so make sure you have the snacks handy before you dive in. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 05號/2019 第370期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 焦點新聞 永遠不會太晚 摩西奶奶的畫與話 翻譯 新聞集錦 擦擦筆:消失墨水的祕密 神奇的捕魚小幫手! 詞彙測驗 五月雪紛飛 翻譯 區塊鏈應用再突破! 新多益 滲透中東文化的利刃 ── 葉門雙刃彎刀 如何應對壓力 馬賽克:拼出永恆藝術 第九章 倒裝句構 《白鯨記》 跑步機黑歷史大揭密 高中生的早餐選擇 窺探過往的面貌 永恆傳承的藝術 拯救巴黎獨特人文景觀:「綠色舊書攤」 新多益 令人又愛又恨的 ── 臭味藍起司 改變世界的1989 第九章 倒裝句構 強迫某人 實力測驗 背誦卡
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