精選中外案例+訪談設計師+精彩手繪圖 精彩、特殊、符合節慶的裝置藝術 會吸引許多人前往打卡、合照 無形中提升商家曝光度 宣傳品牌概念與形象 本書特色 .介紹特殊的裝置藝術 .手繪圖、設計師訪談,深入了解裝置藝術的內涵
裝飾性裝置 2D/3D Chairs Clipboards Installation Colorful Rope Installation Komorebi Colorful Wind Flyknit Lunar 2 Hanging Garden Thin Thin Thin Air Max Reinvented Installation As Good As New Shop Installation Xintiandi Installation HILUM Art Installation Cloud Ceiling Kwint's Installation Corrugated Cardboard House Risky Trailer Exploding Soccer Ball Camper Osaka Cascading Disk Run Wooden Stick Wall Illumifeet Orchard Installation Interactive Sculptures (fos) The Joy of Consuming Golden Waste More Art Less Matter Explosive Glory The Snow Shop J Crew Permanent Installation Simons Aurora It All Starts with a Pair of Drys Fantastic Canopée Artificial Botanica Spirited Away Playful Luxury Living Painting Bloom Bloom Bloom The Blue Tree Toys Are Forever Force of Nature Cardboard Hut Risky Shop M-store Installation Jailbreak Polar Power Love Fashion/Love Nature Jingle Bao Men Shoe Installation Deer Island Dream Garden Truant School-boys Elements Café Insect log.Exuvium Ningbo Shangri-la Candy Station 節慶裝置 The Woolen Heart Gaysorn Plaza Installation Christmas Tower Emporium Frozen Waterfall Yeah! Winter Wonderland Hope Blossoms Horse Sculpture Hatyai Sculpture Salaya Christmas Installation Grace’s Garden Euphoria Installation 產品裝置 Rainbow Legs Nike Lunar Eclipse Illusion Space Dipped Shirts Tea on the Green Foamboy Monsters Giant Jaw Heineken Cloud Overloaded Fiat 500 SNOG Pop-up Kiosk EGO Jacket Statue Wine Cloud Display IKEA's Furniture Climbing Wall Elephant on the Grass