《末了的摩希干人》,漢譯名又作《最後的摩根戰士》,故事以英法七年戰爭(1754-1763)期間北美洲殖民地為背景,是十九世紀美國作家庫柏(1789-1851)最成功的小說,也是最暢銷的英語小說之一,多次被改編為電影。庫柏被譽為與司各脫、拜倫齊名,他的作品常展現出浪漫的邊塞史事和美國立國初期美洲原住民風情,材料豐富是其特長,在美國文學史上別樹一幟。 譯註者伍光建(1867-1943)為中國近代三大翻譯家之一、白話文翻譯英文文學之父。畢業於北洋水師學堂,後赴英國格林尼治皇家海軍學院及倫敦大學深造。回國後從事教育及翻譯工作,譯著甚豐。 伍氏譯本於一九三四年刊行,節譯原著第二十一章、第三十二和最後第三十三章部分段落,都是書中精華部分。譯者行文簡練有力,深得「信、達、雅」之三昧。譯本中的「印度人」(Indians)實指美洲原住民,後世多改譯為「印第安人」以資識別,現代英文一般改稱「American natives」。 ““The Last of the Mohicans” by American writer James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) was one of the most popular novels in English. Cooper had been rated as with the same class as prominent writers such as Sir Walter Scott and Lord Byron. His novels featured historical romances of frontier and life of American natives before the establishment of USA, and had created a unique form of American literature. This representative novel of Cooper had been frequetly adapted into motion pictures. This Chinese version, translated by Woo Kwong-Kien, one of the three greatest translators of modern China, was an abridged one selecting passages from chapters 21, 32 and the ending 33 of the original. Woo’s translation was concise and energetic that could comfortably meet the requirements of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance in professional translation. 本書特色 ●漢英對照經典英文文學文庫 ●Classic English Literature Collection with Chinese Translation ●譯註者伍光建(1867-1943)為中國近代三大翻譯家之一、白話文翻譯英文文學之父。 ●最暢銷的英語小說之一 ●譯者行文簡練有力,深得「信、達、雅」之三昧 ●This Chinese version, translated by Woo Kwong-Kien, one of the three greatest translators of modern China ●Chinese translation was concise and energetic that could comfortably meet the requirements of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance in professional translation.
譯者簡介 伍光建(1867-1943)/譯註者 為中國近代三大翻譯家之一、白話文翻譯英文文學之父。畢業於北洋水師學堂,後赴英國格林尼治皇家海軍學院及倫敦大學深造。回國後從事教育及翻譯工作,譯著甚豐。 Woo Kwang-Kien(1867-1943), one of the three greatest translators of modern China, over a time-span of two decades.