《天方夜談》,漢譯又作《天方夜譚》、《一千零一夜》。故事源於約公元九世紀阿拉伯地區流傳的口述民間文學。本書於十八世紀傳入歐洲後,迅即被翻譯成多國文字,風行全球。「天方」是中國古代對阿拉伯地區的泛稱,「夜談」則指晚上講故事。原著內容豐富,包羅童話、寓言、冒險事跡等多種題材,故事人物情節反映中古時期阿拉伯地區的風土人情和社會面貌。當中不少故事被改編為音樂、戲劇、電影、繪畫等等不同的藝術形式,其中如《智婢殺盜的故事》(即《阿里巴巴與四十大盜》)、《阿萊延的故事》(即《阿拉丁神燈》)等都是耳熟能詳。 本書自清末以來,曾有多種漢譯本。1949年以前漢譯本現今大多絕版失傳。是次選用一種民國間漢譯本,選輯本選取英譯故事十三個,用簡單英語譯寫。漢譯亦使用簡潔白話文寫成,行文簡練、淺白、優雅、含蓄,符合中國近代譯翻理論奠基人嚴復(1854-1921)提出「信、達、雅」總則,也可作為兒童或初學英文人士的讀物。 今據稀見民國間漢譯本按原書原貌復刻出版,以保存版本,及供讀者學習、譯本比較、民國研究、欣賞收藏。 “Stories From Arabian Nights” or “One Thousand and One Nights” was a collection of oral folklores originated in Arabia circa 9th century and was introduced into Europe in 18th century. Since then, the book had been translated into many languages and well-known all over the world. It contains fairy tales, fables and adventures, that reflects regional customs and traditions, social conventions and cultural institutions of the Arabian world in Middle Ages. This English selection consists of 13 stories, and both the English translation and the corresponding Chinese translation were written in simple languages. Chinese translation is concise and elegance. It is a reprint edition according to rare English-Chinese edition which was originally published in 1911-1949. 本書特色 ●漢英對照經典英文文學文庫 ●Classic English Literature Collection with Chinese Translation ●1949年以前漢譯本現今大多絕版失傳 ●是次選用一種民國間漢譯本,選輯本選取英譯故事十三個,用簡單英語譯寫 ●漢譯亦使用簡潔白話文寫成,行文簡練、淺白、優雅、含蓄 ●也可作為兒童或初學英文人士的讀物 ●Both the English translation and the corresponding Chinese translation were written in simple languages ●This work was a classic and quintessence of early modern translation from English to Chinese that had demonstrated Woo´s concise, classically elegant and beautiful writing style. ●Chinese translation is concise and elegance. ●It is a reprint edition according to rare English-Chinese edition which was originally published in 1911-1949.