★ 繼《品味故宮.書法之美》之後,推出的第二本英文主題書 ★ 認識中國繪畫藝術之美的最佳入門 ★ 看懂故宮山水、人物、花鳥與風俗畫等題材的繪畫精品 《品味故宮.繪畫之美》乙書,精選院藏三十五件繪畫作品,依朝代順序論述,兼顧山水、人物、花鳥與風俗畫等題材,以期清晰呈現歷代繪畫風尚的脈絡,是認識中國繪畫藝術之美的最佳入門。 The Museum collection of precious paintings spans the ages, covering more than a thousand years of Chinese artistic taste. The collection traces its origins to a court tradition starting in the tenth century and includes in more recent years donations, purchases, and entrustments. As you appreciate the marvels of brush and ink, compositional arrangements, and seals and inscriptions in these works, not only will you be able to perceive the overall development of Chinese painting but also experience the feelings of the artists in their works and their aesthetic values, imbuing them with even greater artistic importance and historical stature. Imperial Taste: The Beauty of Painting features 35 select masterpieces from the National Palace Museum collection. Discussed chronologically, these paintings also take into consideration different subject matter, such as landscapes, figures, birds and flowers, and genre. Offering a clear presentation of developments in Chinese painting through the dynasties, this book is an ideal introduction to one facet in the beauty of Chinese art.