近年來,中國旅遊進一步蓬勃發展,英語導遊的素質也在不斷提高,但是外國遊客對英語導遊的期望值也越來越高。他們不僅希望英語導遊可以介紹中國美麗的風景和悠久的古蹟,也希望透過英語導遊更多地瞭解中國的文化和風土人情。英語導遊一般對中國文化都有一定程度的瞭解,但是外國友人的提問有時會是他們沒有特別留意的地方;或者有些內容他們也很熟悉,但是一時不知道怎麼用英語表達才好。為了提高英語導遊的綜合文化素養,催生策劃了本書,以滿足英語導遊的知識需求。 綜合看來,本書主要有以下特色:第一,作者權威。本書作者均具備豐富的英語導遊教學與實踐經驗,熟悉中國文化內容,瞭解英語導遊工作的實際需要。第二,選材豐富,內容實用。本書所選內容都是外國人感興趣的話題,涉及中國文化和導遊工作的方方面面,具有較強的知識性和趣味性。第三,語言地道、簡練。聘請外國專家審校,確保本書語言符合英語習慣,容易被外國遊客理解;另外本書盡量避免使用晦澀難懂的生詞和繁複的句式,而是選用常用詞和簡練的語句,使其口語化,適合講解。
前言 Preface 旅遊幽默故事 Funny Stories 1.旅遊 Tourism 2.旅店 In Hotels 3.進餐 In Restaurants 4.途中 En Route 5.購物 Shopping 家庭關係 Family Relations in China 1.什麼是傳統的中國大家庭? What is the traditional Chinese extended family? 2.在傳統的大家庭中家長起什麼作用? What was the family head's role in the traditional Chinese extended family? 3.在這個制度裡婦女擔當的是什麼角色? What was a woman's role in this system? 4.在這個制度裡父親擔當的是什麼角色? What was the father's role in this system? 5.孔子對此有什麼論述? What did Confucius say about this system? 6.大家庭是怎樣分家的? What is the Chinese family division? 7.什麼是「包辦婚姻」? What is “arranged marriage” ? 8.中國人在選擇結婚的年份和日子上有什麼講究嗎? Are there any rules in choosing the year and the date to get married in China? 9.中國的計劃生育政策是怎樣的? What is Family Planning Policy in China? 10.中國重視用法律手段保護婦女嗎? Does China attach great importance to legally protecting women? 11.如今,中國的丈夫和妻子是平等的配偶嗎? Are husbands and wives now joint partners in marriage? 12.關於老年人有哪些廣為流傳的格言? What are the popular Chinese sayings about old people? 13.你知道古代中國的退休制度嗎? Do you have any idea about ancient China's retirement system? 14.在中國老人願意說出自己的年齡嗎? Do the elderly people in China like to disclose their age? 15.中國目前採用什麼規章制度來照顧老年人? What regulations have been adopted to take care of elderly people? 16.社區是怎樣照顧老年人的? What does a community do for elderly people? 17.父母上了年紀後,兒女們會做些什麼? What do children do when their parents get old? 文化與教育拾萃 A Glimpse of Culture and Education in China 1.中國的名字有文化含義嗎? Do Chinese given names have cultural connotations? 2.什麼是風水? What is Fengshui? 3.黃曆上有哪些內容? What is said on the yellow calendar? 4.什麼是生辰八字? What is the Eight Characters of a Horoscope? 5.哪些數字是幸運數字? What numbers are lucky numbers? 6.什麼是「印章」? What is “name seal” ? 7.中國的禮儀中有哪些共有的行為規範? What are the common rules of behaviour in Chinese etiquette? 8.怎樣理解中國人的熱情好客? What are the characteristics of Chinese hospitality? 9.中國的人際關係是怎樣的? How do Chinese people get along with others? 10.什麼是人情? What is renqing? 11.中國人有午睡的習慣嗎? Do Chinese people take daily noontime nap? 12.中國古代的教育情況是怎樣的? What do you know about education in ancient China? 13古代考試授予哪些頭銜? What degrees were granted in ancient examinations? 14.「老師」在中國文化裡有特殊的含義嗎? What is the meaning of laoshi? 15.中國的義務教育情況是怎樣的? What is the compulsory education like in China? 16.中國的學前教育情況是怎樣的? What is the preschool education like in China? 17.中國的小學教育情況如何? What is the primary education like in China? 18.中國的中學教育情況如何? What is the secondary education like in China? 19.中國的高等教育情況如何? What is the higher education like in China? 20.能談一談中國高考的情況嗎? Can you say something about the college entrance examinations in China? 21.你知道中國高校的學生宿舍情況嗎? What are the dormitories like in Chinese universities and colleges? 22.中國大學生的社會關係的基本格局是怎樣的? What is the basic pattern of social relationships among Chinese college students? 23.學生為何又稱「桃李」? Why are students also referred to as “peach and plum” in Chinese? 24.名落孫山是什麼意思? What does mingluo Sun Shan mean? 飲食典故與趣談 Interesting Stories About Chinese Food 1.八寶豆腐 Eight Treasure Tofu 2.臭豆腐 Smelly Tofu 3.麻婆豆腐 Braised Mapo Tofu 4.魚香肉絲 Fish-Flavored Shredded Pork 5.泡菜魚火鍋 Fish Hotpot with Pickled Vegetables 6.東坡肉 Dongpo Meat 7.東坡肘子 Dongpo Stewed Pork Shoulder 8.宮保雞丁 Chicken Stir-Fried with Nuts and Chilli Pep-pers 9.乾菜鴨子 Braised Duck with Dried Vegetables 10.爆鱔卷 Stir-Fry Yellow Eel at High Temperature 11.佛跳牆 Buddha Jumps over the Wall 12.涮羊肉 Instant-Boiled Mutton 13.閉門羹 Bimen Thick Soup 15.臘八粥 Laba Rice Congee 15.玉米粥進宮 How was Corn Porridge Introduced to the Imperial Palace? 16.一品包子 Yipin Steamed Stuffed Buns 17.羊眼兒包子 Yangyanr Steamed Stuffed Buns 18.「狗不理」包子 Goubuli Steamed Stuffed Buns 19.餃子 Dumplings 20.窩窩頭 Steamed Corn Bread 21.饅頭 Steamed Buns 22.油條 Deep-Fried Twisted Dough Sticks 23.元宵 Sweet Ball-Like Glutinous Rice Dumplings 24.老婆餅 Wife Cake 25.刀削麵 Knife-Sliced Noodles 26.過橋米線 Crossing-the-Bridge Rice Noodles 27.皮蛋 Lime Preserved Eggs 28.冰糖葫蘆 Candied Haws on a Bamboo Stick 29.鱸魚 Perch 30.鮑魚 Abalone 31.醋 Vinegar 32.辣椒 Spicy Pepper 33.蘿蔔 Turnip 34.譚家菜 Tan's Home-Style Cuisine 35.四菜一湯 Four Dishes and a Soup 36.大排檔 Sidewalk Snack Booths 37.皇帝進膳制度 Dining Arrangements for an Emperor 茶典故與趣談 Interesting Stories About Chinese Tea 1.龍井茶 Longjing Tea 2.黃山毛峰 Huangshan Maofeng Tea 3.鐵觀音 Tieguanyin Tea 4.大紅袍 Dahongpao Tea 5.君山銀針 Junshan Yinzhen Tea 6.白毫銀針 Baihao Yinzhen Tea 7.白牡丹 Baimudan Tea 8.茉莉花 Jasmine Tea 9.碧螺春 Biluochun Tea 10.今日有水厄 Today I Will Suffer From Flood Water Again 11.貢茶可做官 You Can Secure an Official Position by Presenting a Tribute Tea 12.你命不如他 Your Fate Is Not As Good As His 13.貢茶的起源 Origin of Tribute Teas 14.唐代貢茶 Tang Dynasty Tribute Teas 15.宋代貢茶 Song Dynasty Tribute Teas 16.元朝貢茶 Yuan Dynasty Tribute Teas 17.寺僧與茶 Buddhist Monks and Tea 18.茶與待客 Tea and Reception 19.茶馬交易 Tea-Horse Trade 20.茶文化向邊疆各族的傳播 Tea Spreads to the Ethnic Nationality Borderland Areas 21.廣州人的早茶文化 Morning Tea Culture in Guangzhou 22.中國飲茶方法的四次較大改變 The Four Major Developments in Chinese Tea Drinking Methods 23.茶與婚禮 Tea and Marriage 酒典故與趣談 Interesting Stories About Chinese Alcoholic Beverages 1.酒池肉林 Alcohol Pool and Meat Forest 2.鴻門宴 Hongmen Banquet 3.魯酒薄而邯鄲圍 Handan Is Besieged due to Ordinary Wine from the State of Lu 4.箪醪勞師 Reward an Army with Alcohol in a Bamboo Utensil 5.漢高祖醉斬白蛇 Liu Bang Slaughtered a White Snake while Drunk 6.清聖濁賢 Light Sage and Strong Person of Virtue 7.杯酒釋兵權 Glasses of Alcohol Lead to Change of Military Leadership 8.中國古代的十大宮廷貢酒 Ten Tribute Alcoholic Beverages in Ancient China 9.傳統飲酒禮節 Some Alcohol Drinking Customs 10.獨特的飲酒方式 Unique Ways of Drinking Alcohol 11.酒與原始宗教、祭祀、喪葬 Alcohol in Primitive Religion, Sacrificial Offering and Funeral Services 12.酒德和酒禮 Morality and Etiquette of Drinking Alcohol 13.酒與道教 Alcohol and Daoism 14.酒與佛教 Alcohol and Buddhism