這食譜以四季來分類,每個季節有3至4組套餐,其中一組是素食,套餐有頭盤、主菜和甜品。 善用食材:如何善用用剩的新鮮香草,怎樣延長新鮮香草的生命、如何製成乾香草作裝飾。 介紹四款基本上湯的烹調法和如何儲存;製作生麵撈、雲呢拿汁和番紅花水等。 本書特色 許多人都有錯覺,認為烹煮西餐很困難,又要添置許多調味料、廚具等等…… 其實只要食材優質,加上用對烹調法,烹調西餐一點也不難,又美味。 本書有許多cook smart的竅門。
春 SPRING 08 SET 01 10 香煎吞拿魚配柚子西椒莎莎醬 Seared sesame tuna with yuzu and pepper salsa 13 燒法國春雞伴牛肝菌蜂蜜甘筍 Oven roasted French spring chicken with honey roasted carrot and ceps sauce 18 草莓慕絲蜂蜜脆餅 Mille-feuille of strawberry mousse with honey tuile 22 SET 02 24 香煎帶子伴帶子香腸 Scallops in 2 ways 28 番茄春蔬伴大蝦 Pot of poached prawns in olive oil broth with tomatoes and spring vegetables 32 焦糖榛子芭菲配焦糖啤梨 Hazelnut praline parfait with caramelized pear 36 SET 03 38 法式豬肉雞肝醬配茴香沙律 Chicken liver and pork terrine with fennel salad 42 巴馬火腿雞胸卷伴芥末薯仔 Chicken breast roll wrapped with Parma ham served with potato remoulade 46 朱古力撻配紅莓雪葩 Chocolate tart with raspberry sorbet 50 SET 04 52 洋葱蘑菇撻伴芝麻菜沙律 Mushroom and onion quiche with rocket salad 56 法式焗雜菜 Ratatouille 59 豆漿米布甸配香茅冰沙 Soya milk rice pudding with lemongrass granite 夏 SUMMER 62 SET 01 64 帶子蔬菜沙律 Scallop ceviche and vegetable tower 67 香煎薯片三文魚配牛油粟米 Pan-fried salmon in potato scales with sweet corns 72 法式忌廉蛋白 Floating island 76 SET 02 78 煙三文魚蟹肉卷配蜂蜜蒔蘿蛋黃醬 Smoked salmon and crab meat roll with honey dill cream 82 煎紅鯔魚配西班牙香腸雜菜 Pan fried red mullet with cherry tomatoes, chorizo and fennels 86 玫瑰忌廉草莓脆餅 Crunchy strawberry cup with rose cream 90 SET 03 92 西班牙凍湯 Gazpacho 95 鼠尾草芝士南瓜意大利飯 Pumpkin risotto with sage and cheese 98 法式甜桃配雲尼拿雪糕 Peach Melba 秋 AUTUMN 102 SET 01 104 鮮蝦忌廉湯 Shrimp Bisque 107 法式焗龍蝦配手切薯條 Lobster thermidor with hand cut chips 111 黑朱古力慕絲伴檸檬忌廉 Dark chocolate mousse with lemon and lime cream 114 SET 02 116 菠菜芝士雲吞伴燻肉醬汁 Spinach and ricotta cheese ravioli with smoked pancetta sauce 120 慢煮羊腰肉配薯蓉砵酒醬汁 Oven slow-cooked lamb loin with crushed potato and port wine sauce 124 紅莓忌廉泡芙 Paris Brest with raspberry 128 SET 03 130 焦糖洋葱羊奶芝士多士配芝麻菜沙律 Caramelized onion and goat cheese on toast with rocket and walnut salad 133 雜菜藜麥配私房番茄醬汁 Vegetable tower with quinoa and tomato sauce 137 棗子拖肥蛋糕 Sticky toffee pudding with dates 冬 WINTER 140 SET 01 142 煙三文魚薑味炒蛋 Smoked salmon scrambled eggs flavoured with ginger 145 慢煮美國肉眼扒伴羊肚菌忌廉汁 Oven roasted (slow-cooked style) US beef ribeye with morel sauce 148 法式冧酒蛋糕 Rum baba 152 SET 02 154 煎蟹餅配榛子蘋果茴香沙律 Crab cake with hazelnut, apple and fennel salad 157 芝士雞卷伴牛油甘筍 Chicken cordon bleu with glazed carrot 160 蘋果撻配冧酒提子雪糕 Apple tarte tatin with rum and raisin ice cream 164 SET 03 166 栗子青蘋果湯 Chestnut and green apple soup 169 鴨肝脆批配松露甜酒汁 Duck foie gras pithivier with truffle and Madeira sauce 175 法式橙酒班戟 Crepe Suzette 178 SET 04 180 意式羅勒青醬雜菜湯 Minestrone flavoured with pesto 183 意式煎薯仔糰伴鼠尾草南瓜蓉 Pan fried potato Gnocchi with butternut squash and sage 187 黑朱古力梳乎厘 Rich dark chocolate soufflé 190 基本食譜 Basic recipes 197 儲存竅門 Storage tips 201 烹飪詞彙 Glossary
作者簡介 Eric Poon 現從事教學工作。他於2011年成立Funkitchen,教授不同程度的西餐、蛋糕和甜品。他畢業於英國伯明翰大學,主修廚藝管理學(Culinary Art Management),獲頒榮譽學位。在英國,他曾於地獄廚神 Gordon Ramsay旗下的餐廳工作。回港後,他曾在香港頂級酒店工作,如香格里拉酒店、文華東方酒店、半島酒店。 Eric Poon擅長西餐、蛋糕和創作,曾參與多個媒體電視拍攝及錄影。現時,他是香港西廚學院的廚師導師。