9789620757587 |
定价 |
NT670 |
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RM104.70 |
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RM93.18 *
作者 |
译者 |
蔡芫 |
出版社 |
出版日期 |
2018-01-12 |
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平裝. 單色印刷. 340 页. 23. |
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郭鶴年是香港以及馬來西亞企業家,出生於柔佛新山,以經營白糖業起家,有「亞洲糖王」之稱。書中講述他創立以亞洲為基地的郭氏集團故事,是一部多姿多彩的家族歷史,當中亦包括郭鶴年童年的成長回憶,以及與其父母及兄弟於亂世中的生活。此外,書中亦有詳述其管理企業和做生意的獨特見解──從1949年開始,如何帶領郭氏集團發展成為當今多元經營的跨國企業。讀者從書中了解華人移民東南亞,在英國殖民統治下的生活,在第二次大戰時期日軍鐵蹄下經歷的歲月,也可了解中國和亞洲經濟騰飛的歷程。 |
ROBERT KUOK is one of the most highly respected businessmen in Asia. But this legendary Overseas Chinese entrepreneur, commodities trader, hotelier and property mogul has maintained a low profile and seldom shed light in public on his business empire or personal life. That is, until now. In these memoirs, the 94-year-old Kuok tells the remarkable story of how, starting in British Colonial Malaya, he built a multi-industry, multinational business group. In reflecting back on 75 years of conducting business, he offers management insights, discusses strategies and lessons learned, and relates his principles, philosophy, and moral code.
Kuok has lived through fascinating and often tumultuous times in Asia – from British colonialism to Japanese military occupation to post-colonial Southeast Asia and the dramatic rise of Asian economies, including, more recently, China. From his front-row seat and as an active participant, this keen, multi-cultural observer tells nearly a century of Asian history through his life and times. Readers interested in business, management, history, politics, culture and sociology will all enjoy Robert Kuok’s unique and remarkable story.