《詩歌與衝突》是呼應香港國際詩歌之夜2015而出版的二十二本詩選套裝,由北島、陳嘉恩、方梓勳、柯夏智、馬德松和宋子江所編,收錄了來自世界各地,摩洛哥、巴勒斯坦、法國、西班牙、馬其頓、美國、加拿大、南韓、日本、緬甸、澳洲、中國、台灣、香港等優秀當代詩人的作品,以雙語或三語呈現,附送USB乙隻(包含過往三屆「香港國際詩歌之夜」的活動錄影及照片)。這二十二本小書可以單獨購買。 Edited by Gilbert C. F. Fong, Shelby K. Y. Chan, Lucas Klein, Bei Dao, Christopher Mattison, and Chris Song, the Poetry and Conflict twenty-two volume box set is an extended edition of the single-volume anthology. Included are twenty-two pocket-sized paperbacks and a complimentary USB (incl. video clips and photos of the previous IPNHK) encased in a fine paper box, containing works by each of the poets included in the anthology, accompanied by English and/or Chinese translations. This collection seeks to make accessible the best of contemporary international poetry with outstanding translations. Each of the twenty-two volumes can be purchased separately.
作者簡介 詩人包括穆罕默德.貝尼斯、飲江、艾棘.米索、萊斯.馬雷、安妮.華曼、王小妮、加桑.扎克坦等作者。 Poets include Mohammed Bennis, Lau Yee-ching, Agi Mishol, Les Murray, Anne Waldman, Wang Xiaoni, Ghassan Zaqtan, and others.