This pocket-sized paperback is one of the twenty-two titles published for 2015 Hong Kong International Poetry Nights. The theme of IPHHK2015 is “Poetry and Conflict”. 21 international poets from 18 different places are invited to participate in recitations, symposia and sharing sessions of the Poetry Nights. A recitation focusing on 10 local Hong Kong poets, “Hong Kong Cantonese Poetry Night” is included. This collection seeks to make accessible the best of contemporary international poetry with outstanding translations.
耶路撒冷 (I) 6 Jerusalem (I) 耶路撒冷 (II) 9 Jerusalem (II) 即使在戰爭中 15 Even in War 沉睡在加沙 18 Sleeping in Gaza 丟失的,早已不再 24 Nothing More to Lose 這個世界會好的 30 The World Will Be Good 開往撒布拉和夏蒂拉的夢靨巴士 38 The Nightmare Bus to Sabra and Shatila 就像這些樹木 44 Like These Trees 在天堂 (I) 47 In Paradise (I) 在天堂 (II) 50 In Paradise (II) 拉開窗簾 53 To Draw Back the Blinds
作者簡介 納捷宛.達爾維什 阿拉伯文年輕詩人,其成就在同輩中尤為突出。達爾維什1978年生於耶路撒冷,那年剛好是他的父母被趕出耶路撒冷西部的三十週年。在約旦安曼學習法律,當上律師不久後,他即轉投文學事業,在巴勒斯坦國內兩本文化雜誌任編輯一職,並在2006至2012年期間為黎巴嫩當地大報《Al-Akhbar》撰寫文化評論。達爾維什於2000年出版自己的第一本詩集,此後揚名阿拉伯世界,他的詩已給翻譯成十五種語言在世界各地出版。2009年,達爾維什獲貝魯特文學節選為「39歲以下39位最佳阿拉伯文作家」之一。 Najwan Darwish, one of the foremost Arabic language poets of his generation, was born in Jerusalem in 1978, exactly thirty years after his family was exiled from their home in the western part of the city. Shortly after becoming a lawyer, he decided to give up law and devote himself to literature. Since the publication of his first collection in 2000, Darwish’s poetry has been acclaimed across the Arab world and has been translated into fifteen languages. In 2009, he was on the Hay Festival Beirut’s list of the "best 39 Arab authors under the age of 39."