This pocket-sized paperback is one of the twenty-two titles published for 2015 Hong Kong International Poetry Nights. The theme of IPHHK2015 is “Poetry and Conflict”. 21 international poets from 18 different places are invited to participate in recitations, symposia and sharing sessions of the Poetry Nights. A recitation focusing on 10 local Hong Kong poets, “Hong Kong Cantonese Poetry Night” is included. This collection seeks to make accessible the best of contemporary international poetry with outstanding translations.
Pedres 8 石 Stones Semàntica i nutrició 14 語義和營養 Semantics and Nutrition La casa 17 房子 The House Baptisme 20 洗禮 Baptism Petit conte 23 小故事 Little story Parc d’atraccions 26 遊樂場 Amusement Park El cel sobre Berlín 29 柏林的天空 The Sky Above Berlin Llarg recorregut 35 長途 Long Journey Una dona 38 一位婦女 A Woman Poemes del Llibre dels minuts 44 選自《分鐘書》 Selections from the Book of Minutes El sentit del creixement 56 生長方向 The Sense of Growth La llista 59 單子 The List Postguerra 65 戰後 Postwar Desaparegut 68 失蹤 Disappeared
作者簡介 詹瑪.歌爾伽 1968年出生於巴塞隆納,在巴塞隆納大學取得文獻學博士學位,現於該校任教古典文學課程。歌爾伽出版過六本詩集,包括《鳥類學》(1997)、《手的障礙》(2003)、《光學儀器》(2005)、《書頁時刻》(2006)、《隔膜》(2013)和《牆》(2015),另有合著非虛構類書籍《自然廚房裏:飯桌上的健康、傳統與快樂》(2004)。歌爾伽在印度新德里梵文基金會任駐留詩人三個月後,陸續在翻譯印度當代英文詩歌,現已出版狄麗普.切特熱的詩集《邁向死亡的二十次早餐》(2013)。歌爾伽詩作的英譯被收錄於《加泰隆尼亞詩人六家》(弧形出版社,2013)。 Gemma Gorga, has a Ph.D. in Philology from the University of Barcelona, where she teaches Ancient Literature. She has published six collections of poetry including Ocellania (Birdology, 1997), El desordre de les mans (Disorder of the Hands, 2003), Instruments òptics (Optical Instruments, 2005), Llibre dels minuts (Book of Minutes, 2006) and Mur (Wall, 2015). A selection of Gorga’s poems has been included in Pere Ballart’s anthology Six Catalan Poets (Arc Publications, 2013).