This pocket-sized paperback is one of the twenty-two titles published for 2015 Hong Kong International Poetry Nights. The theme of IPHHK2015 is “Poetry and Conflict”. 21 international poets from 18 different places are invited to participate in recitations, symposia and sharing sessions of the Poetry Nights. A recitation focusing on 10 local Hong Kong poets, “Hong Kong Cantonese Poetry Night” is included. This collection seeks to make accessible the best of contemporary international poetry with outstanding translations.
如若沉睡 6 If You Happen into a Deep Sleep 如果詩會等待 12 Poetry Will Wait for Me 在化石博物館 21 On the Fossil Museum 藍之詩 36 Poem in Blue 園藝詩──庭院 1 39 The Gardener-Garden 1 紫陽花──庭院 6 48 Hydrangeas-Garden 6 梔子之卷──與佐川亞紀的四行連詩 51 “Gardenias”-Verse from Four-line Renshi with Sagawa Aki 玻璃之卷──與木島始的四行連詩 54 “Glass”-Verse from Four-line Renshi with Kijima Hajime
作者簡介 水田宗子 著名詩人和女性學批評家。著有詩集《歸路》、《聖塔芭芭拉的暑假》、《綠藻之海》等。評論集有《從女主人公到英雄—女性的自我與表現》、《20世紀的女性表現—朝向性差異的外部》、《語言紡織羽衣—女性的行旅物語》、《現代主義思潮與「戰後女性詩歌」的發展》、《大庭美奈子的記憶文學》以及英文專著《埃德加.愛倫.坡的世界—罪與夢》、《近代日本文學中的現實與虛構》等。她曾獲得瑞典駐東京大使館主辦的馬丁松國際詩歌獎,並獲世界數十所大學頒授名譽博士和名譽教授,現為日本城西大學理事長。 Noriko Mizuta’s free-verse poetry has blended transnational feminist perspectives with meditations on the meaning of family and home through five decades. Mizuta has also translated works by Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, and E. Ann Kaplan into Japanese. Recent collections have included The Road Home (2008); the three-part Summer Holidays in Santa Barbara (2010), A Wedding in Amsterdam (2013), and Sabbath in Tokyo (2015). In 2013, Mizuta received the Cikada Prize, founded to commemorate Swedish poet and Nobel laureate, Harry Martinson.