Section 1: 用英語買東西 Unit 1: Buying Clothes逛街買衣服 Unit 2: Shopping for a Gift挑選禮物 Unit 3: Getting a New Pair of Shoes 買鞋記 Unit 4: Exchanging a Christmas Gift 換貨篇 Unit 5: Tax Refund 海外退稅 Unit 6: Stationery Talk 採買文具小物 Unit 7: Shopping for Appliances 採買家電 Unit 8: Getting the Top-of-the-Line 選購手機 Unit 9: Shopping in a Traditional Market 傳統市場實戰篇 Unit 10: Getting the Hang of Haggling 第一次討價還價就上手 Section 2: 用英語聊美食 Unit 1: A Busy Evening at the Restaurant餐廳候位 Unit 2: Ordering in a Restaurant 省錢點餐法 Unit 3: Dinner in the Food Court 美食街大啖美食 Unit 4: The Best Bread in Town 推薦好吃的麵包 Unit 5: Cooking for Chinese New Year 過新年、煮年菜 Unit 6: Preparing for a Chinese New Year Feast 網購年菜 Unit 7: A Coffee Shop Adventure 品嚐好咖啡 Section 3: 用英語趴趴走 Unit 1: Checking in at a Hotel 旅館登記入住 Unit 2: A Valuable First Stop 搭乘大眾運輸 Unit 3: Asking for Directions 問路與報路 Unit 4: Checking in at the Airport 機場辦理登機 Unit 5: Dealing with a Lost Item 遺失物品緊急處理 Unit 6: Traffic Rules and Safety 馬路停看聽 Unit 7: Visiting an Old Street 帶老外遊老街 Section 4: 用英語過生活 Unit 1: The New Kid in School 描述外表 Unit 2: Renting an Apartment租房子 Unit 3: The Bookstore: An Old Forgotten Friend書店巡禮 Unit 4: Opening a Bank Account 銀行開戶 Unit 5: Having a Meeting 開行銷會議 Unit 6: A Visit to the Hospital 看醫生 Unit 7: Clothing Care 清洗保養衣物 Section 5: 用英語話娛樂 Unit 1: Deciding on a Movie 看電影 Unit 2: Having Fun at an Amusement Park 暢遊遊樂園 Unit 3: A Charity Fair 逛園遊會 Unit 4: A Visit to the Zoo 來去動物園 Unit 5: At a Sports and Recreation Center 運動中心健身去 Unit 6: Visiting a Museum 逛美術館 Unit 7: Going to a Comic Book Fair 逛書展 Unit 8: Buying Concert Tickets 演唱會購票 Unit 9: Talking about the Winter Olympics 看奧運比賽