1. 業務往來 Business Contacts 1-1 維繫舊客戶 Existing Customer Maintenance 1-1-1 產品介紹 (對既有客戶) Product Introduction to Existing Customer 1-1-2 新品上市 Notification of New Product Launch 1-1-3 產品停產 Notification of Production Suspense 1-1-4 恢復往來 Business Resuming 1-1-5 同意代理 Agreement for Exclusive Agency 1-2 開發新客戶 New Customer Development 1-2-1 尋求合作 Exporter Looking for Customer 1-2-2 公司介紹I Company Profile I 1-2-3 公司介紹II Company Profile II 1-2-4 產品介紹 (對首次見面客戶) Product Introduction to New Customer 1-2-5 信用調查 Credit Investigation 1-3 新產品開發 New Product Development 1-3-1 產品評估 Product Evaluation 1-3-2 產品開發 Product Development 1-3-3 啟始會議 Kick-off Meeting 1-3-4 會議記錄 Meeting Minutes 1-3-5 送樣審核 PPAP Verification 2. 商務活動 Commercial Activities 2-1 參加商展 Participation in the Trade Exhibition 2-1-1 報名參展 Application for Trade Exhibition 2-1-2 邀請觀展 Invitation to the Trade Exhibition 2-1-3 會展接待 Serving the Visitors 2-1-4 展品介紹 Introduction of Exhibits 2-1-5 展後拜訪 Visitation Plan to Potential Customer Meeting in the Exhibition 2-2 商務旅行 Business Travel 2-2-1 行程確認 Itinerary Confirmation 2-2-2 簽證申請 Applying for Visa 2-2-3 代訂航班 Flight Booking 2-2-4 交通安排 Transportation Arrangement 2-2-5 食宿預定 Restaurant & Hotel Reservation 2-3 客戶來訪 Visitation 2-3-1 人員介紹 Introduction of Company Staff 2-3-2 公司介紹 Tour of Office Building 2-3-3 參觀工廠 Factory Tour 2-3-4 認證稽核 Certification 2-3-5 招待用餐 Entertainment 3. 社交公關 Social Intercourse 3-1 公告通知 Announcement and Notification 3-1-1 活動邀請 Invitation 3-1-2 休假公告 Holiday Announcement 3-1-3 人事異動 Reshuffle Announcement 3-1-4 喬遷啟示 Removal Notification 3-1-5 問卷調查 Questionnaire Survey 3-2 人際互動 Interpersonal Communication 3-2-1 表達祝賀 Expressing Congratulations 3-2-2 表達弔唁 Expressing Condolence 3-2-3 表達感謝 Expressing Appreciation 3-2-4 表達歉意 Expressing Apology 3-2-5 表達慰問 Expressing Solicitude
作者簡介 施美怡 1979年出生於台灣台中的小康家庭,從小即嚮往能成為獨當一面的翻譯人才。自嶺東科技大學國際貿易系畢業後,隨即投入職場,並利用假日於台中科技大學,攻讀應用外語系學士學位,沒有喝過洋墨水,一路從國貿業務助理到上市公司的國外部業務副理,憑藉的是“做中錯;錯中學”的鍥而不捨學習精神。