豆腐口感軟嫩清淡,無論涼拌、煎炒或燒滷,都能吃出美味,本書特以常見的豆腐食材,包括板豆腐、嫩豆腐、雞蛋豆腐、凍豆腐、百頁豆腐、干絲、豆乾、臭豆腐、油豆腐等十餘種豆類加工品,逐一介紹採買、處理和烹飪訣竅,教您自己在家輕鬆做好吃豆腐菜。 本書特色 ◎豆腐食材要怎麼買?怎麼煮?將近60道食譜,逐一示範各式各樣的豆腐料理變化,菜色不僅老少咸宜,而且營養可口。 ◎書中每道食譜皆有營養提示和烹飪祕訣,從各種豆腐食材的採買處理和烹飪運用,一圖一文加以解說,讓您馬上學會大廚絕活。
就愛吃豆腐~豆腐家族大集合 A Collection of Tofu Family for Tofu Lovers 豆腐、豆乾怎麼做最好吃? How to Make Delicious Tofu and Dried Bean Curd Cuisines? 豆腐料理疑惑Q&A Tofu Q&A Part 1 好吃豆腐原來這樣做 Delicious Ways to Cook Tofu 麻婆豆腐Mapo Tofu 補中益氣+生津潤膚 The recipe helps supplement the center of the body and boost the Qi of the body; can promote the production of Body fluid and nourish the skin. 香蔥燒豆腐Stew Tofu with Green Onion 對抗疲勞+促進代謝 The recipe helps fight against the feeling of fatigue and increase metabolism. 脆皮豆腐Crispy Tofu 強健脾胃+調節血壓 The recipe helps fortify the spleen and stomach, regulating blood pressure. 椒麻豆腐Spiced Tofu with Sichuan Pepper 增進食慾+祛除寒氣 The recipe can improve appetite and expel cold of the body. 茄子鑲豆腐Eggplant Stuffed with Tofu 清熱活血+幫助消化 The recipe helps clean liver heat and quickens the blood, improving digestive function. 鮮肉鑲豆腐Tofu Stuffed with Ground Pork 滋陰潤燥+強健肌肉 The recipe can help enrich “Yin”, neutralize dryness effect and fortify the muscles. 醬燒煎豆腐Fried Tofu with Sauce 增進食慾+幫助消化 The recipe can improve appetite and digestive function. 蒜茸蒸豆腐Steamed Tofu with Minced Garlic 提升食慾+加強抗病力 The recipe can regain appetite and fortify the body’s resistance. 蝦仁蒸豆腐Steamed Tofu with Shelled Shrimps 供給能量+促進皮膚健康 The recipe provides calories and improves a healthy skin. 蟹香豆腐捲Tofu Wrap with Crabmeat 清熱涼血+開胃健脾 The recipe can clean heat from the liver, cooling blood and improve appetite and the spleen. 高麗菜豆腐捲Tofu Roll with Cabbage 美化肌膚+提振精力 The recipe efficiently nourishes the skin and boost vitality. 豆豉鮮蚵豆腐Oyster Tofu with Fermented Soybeans 滋陰養血+強化肌肉生長 The recipe helps nurture the Yin and blood, strengthening muscle development. 金沙豆腐Sauteed Tofu with Egg Yolk 補氣益虛+增加免疫力 The recipe can supplement vitality and improve frailness, increasing immunity. 和風山藥冷豆腐Yam and Tofu Served Cold with Japanese Sauce 提升免疫力+保護心血管 The recipe helps boost immunity and protects cardiovascular system. Part 2 家常豆腐變化多 Versatile Homemade Tofu Dishes 皮蛋拌豆腐Thousand-year Egg with Tofu 提振食慾+維護心血管 The recipe can boost appetite and protect cardiovascular system. 三鮮豆腐Braised Tofu with Three Delicacies 滋潤養顏+預防骨質疏鬆 The recipe helps nourish the skin and keep beauty, providing bone loss prevention. 百花豆腐Steamed Tofu Stuffed with Delicacies 強健骨質+安定神經 The recipe can fortify bone quality and calm the nerves. 三杯杏菇豆腐Three-cup Mushrooms with Tofu 保健腸道+降低血壓 The recipe can protect intestinal tract and reduce blood pressure. 雙冬燒豆腐Braised Tofu with Mushrooms 降膽固醇+預防便祕 The recipe can reduce the levels of cholesterol and prevent constipation. 鹹魚雞粒豆腐Braised Tofu Pot with Salted Fish and Diced Chicken 滋養體力+通補氣血 The recipe can be a tonic food for vitality and can supplement blood and energy. 沙茶豆腐Shacha Tofu 強健骨質+滋補強身 The recipe can fortify bone quality and nourish fitness. 香菇釀豆腐Tofu Stuffed with Mushrooms 健胃益脾+補中益氣 The recipe can fortify the stomach and nourish the spleen, and supplement the center of the body and boost the Qi of the body. 樹子煎燒豆腐Braised Tofu with Pickled Cordias 提振食慾+有助消化 The recipe can boost appetite and aid digestive function. 家鄉豆腐Homemade Tofu 消除疲勞+強化免疫力 The recipe helps eliminate fatigue and strengthen immune system. 泰式拌豆腐Thai-style Tofu Served Cold 預防骨質疏鬆+淨化腸胃 The recipe helps prevent bone loss and purify the intestinal tract. 咖哩豆腐丸子Curry Tofu Balls 加強代謝+強身健體 The recipe can strengthen metabolism and nourish fitness. 糖醋豆腐Sweet-and-Sour Tofu 美化肌膚+抗老防癌 The recipe can give shine to the skin, fight against aging process and provide cancer prevention. 起司煎豆腐Stir-fried Tofu with Cheese 強化骨骼+調節代謝 The recipe helps fortify bone quality and regulate metabolism. 牛肉豆腐煲Beef Tofu Pot 增強人體機能+促進生長 The recipe can keep human body at functioning at optimum level and promote development. Part 3 豆腐家族大會串 Tofu Family – The Joy of Tofu Cuisines 毛豆炒豆乾Stir-fried Green Soybeans with Dried Bean Curd 改善便祕+預防骨質疏鬆 The recipe can improve constipation and prevent bone loss. 蜜汁香菇豆乾Honey-Glazed Mushrooms with Dried Bean Curd 幫助代謝+增加鈣質吸收 The recipe helps metabolism and increase the absorption of calcium. 青辣椒炒豆乾Green Chili Stir-fried with Dried Bean Curd 開胃助消化+分解脂肪 The recipe can help appetite recovery and decompose fats. 回鍋肉炒豆乾Pork Belly Stir-fried with Dried Bean Curd 提升食慾+增進發育 The recipe can regain appetite and stimulate development. 客家小炒Stir-fry Hakka-style 強筋固骨+降膽固醇 The recipe can strengthen the muscle and fortify bone quality, as well as reduce the levels of cholesterol. 五花燒豆乾Braised Pork Belly with Dried Bean Curd 滋補體力+促進腸胃蠕動 The recipe can be a tonic food for fitness and can improve bowel movement. 小魚炒豆乾Silver Anchovy Stir-fried with Dried Bean Curd 補充鈣質+安定神經 The recipe supplements calcium and calms the nerves. 豆乾拌豬耳Dried Bean Curd Mixed with Pork’s Ear 強化關節+補養氣血 The recipe helps strengthen joints and nourish blood system. 黑豆乾牛肉鬆Black Dried Bean Curd Stir-fried with Ground Beef 生肌長肉+美化肌膚 The recipe promotes the muscle growth and gives a shine to the skin. 銀芽拌豆乾絲Bean Sprouts Mixed with Shredded Dried Bean Curd 降低膽固醇+調節血壓 The recipe can help reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood pressure. 雪菜百頁Pickled Mustard Greens with Shutter Bean Curd 清熱涼血+幫助消化 The recipe helps clean the heat from the liver and promote digestion. 白菜燒腐皮Braised Chinese Cabbage with Bean Curd Sheet 清熱解毒+強化代謝 The recipe can clean the heat from the liver and strengthen metabolism. 百頁結燒排骨Braised Shutter Bean Curd Knot with Pork Rib 維持肌膚彈性+提振食慾 The recipe can make the skin resilient and boost appetite. 芹菜白干絲Celery Stir-fried with Dried Tofu Threads 開胃降脂+保護血管健康 The recipe helps appetite recovery and reduces fats, as well as keeps cardiovascular system healthy. 豬肉炒黃干絲Shredded Pork Stir-fried with Shredded Dried Bean Curd 提振元氣+滋潤臟腑 The recipe can promote vitality and nourish the organs. 海蜇拌干絲Jellyfish Salad with Dried Tofu Threads 美膚消腫+潤腸瘦身 The recipe can keep the skin glowing and reduce the body fluid, as well as smooth the intestines and keep the body slimmer. Part 4 換個花樣吃豆腐 Ever-changing Tofu Cuisines 菜脯蒸豆腐Steamed Tofu with Dried Radish 消食健胃+滋補氣血 The recipe helps digest the food we eat and fortify the stomach, as well as nourish blood system and the Qi of the body. 鮮茄油豆腐燒雞肉Braised Chicken with Tomato and Oily Bean Curd 強健脾胃+補中益氣 The recipe helps fortify the spleen and stomach, supplement the center of the body and boost the Qi of the body. 油豆腐燒牛肉Braised Oily Bean Curd with Beef 增強體力+維持骨骼健康 The recipe strengthens vitality and maintains bones health. 油豆腐細粉Oily Bean Curd with Glass-Noodles 提振食慾+維持生理機能 The recipe helps boost appetite and maintain the body functioning at optimum level. 糖醋豆包Sweet-and-Sour Bean Curd Parcels 提高食慾+消除疲勞 Sweet-and-Sour Bean Curd Parcels 花枝燴百頁豆腐Cuttlefish Stewed with Shutter Bean Curd 滋陰清熱+調節血壓 The recipe can help nourish Yin and clear heat, as well as regulate blood pressure. 辣炒凍豆腐Spicy Stir-fried Frozen Tofu 增進食慾+預防肥胖 The recipe helps appetite recovery and prevents obesity. 雙腸蒸豆腐Steamed Tofu with Two Sausages 瘦身美膚+防治高血壓 The recipe helps make the body slimmer, giving the skin glowing quality and preventing hypertension. 沙茶肉片凍豆腐Shacha Sliced Pork with Frozen Tofu 增強體能+紓解疲勞 The recipe fortifies vitality and energy, as well as relieves the feeling of fatigue. 茄汁烤麩Baked Spongy Gluten with Tomato Sauce 強化免疫力+預防高血壓 The recipe helps strengthen immune system and prevent hypertension. 清蒸四喜臭豆腐Steamed Stinky Tofu with Four Delicacies 提升免疫功能+消除疲勞 The recipe can promote immunity and relieve the feeling of fatigue. 麻婆酥皮臭豆腐Crispy Mapo Stinky Tofu 美膚養顏+促進消化 The recipe provides skin care and rejuvenates the look, as well as stimulates digestive system. 醋溜臭豆腐Sour Stinky Tofu 調整機能+促進新陳代謝 The recipe helps regulate the body functioning at the good level and improve metabolism. 五更臭豆腐Sichuan-style Stinky Tofu 補虛養身+通補氣血 The recipe can supplement frailness and nurture fitness, as well as quicken blood circulation.
作者簡介 郭泰王Guo Taiwang 現任 Current Position 台北故宮晶華酒店 創意主廚 Creative Chef of Silks Palace at the National Palace Museum 經歷Experiences 法國藍帶騎士勳章、中國烹飪大師金牌 Knight Medal of Le Cordon Bleu Gold Medal of Chinese Master Chef 第七屆上海FHC國際烹飪大賽銀牌獎 Silver Award of the 7th FHC China International Culinary Arts Competition 亞洲廚藝交流協會總監 Director of the Association of Asian Culinary Art Exchange 北中南美食展專任策劃主廚 Planning Chef of Taiwan Culinary Exhibitions 農會烹飪講師、頭城商家客座講師 Cooking Instructor of National Farmers’ Association Guest cooking Instructor of Toucheng Merchants 台北開平餐飲學校受拜廚師 Master Chef of Apprentices of Kai Ping Culinary School 中視創意料理及統一超商年菜代言人 Brand Ambassador of TV program-Creative Cuisines of China Television Company Brand Ambassador of 7-11 Chinese New Year Foods 美鳳有約、冰冰好料理等電視節目專任主廚 Full-time Chef of TV programs-Mayfon Date, Bingbing’s Kitchen 呂永順Lu Yongshun 現任 Current Position 天成大飯店信義會館 副主廚 Sous Chef of TICC Hsin-Yi Branch 經歷 Experiences 世新大學華僑會館宴會廳主廚 Chef of the Banquet Hall of Overseas Compatriot Guest House-Shin Hsin University Branch 福臨門連鎖餐廳副主廚 Sous Chef of Food Lam Moon Restaurant 冠翔世紀溫泉會館宴會執行 Executive Chef of the Banquet Hall of Guan Xiang Century Hotel 2008年新加坡佛光山素食研習小組 2008 Group Member of Fo Guang Shan Vegetable Diet Workshop in Singapore