頁碼 x From Poems Referring to the Period of Childhood
[Untitled] (My heart leaps up when I behold) The Sparrow's Nest Foresight Lucy Gray We Are Seven The Pet-lamb28 From Poems Founded on the Affections [Untitled] (She dwelt among the untrodden ways) [Untitled] (I travelled among unknown men) To [Untitled] (What heavenly smiles! O Lady mine) Michael From Poems of the Fancy The Waterfall and the Eglantine
頁碼 xi 選自《有關童年的詩》 無題(我一見彩虹高懸天上) 麻雀窩 遠見 露西.格瑞 我們是七個 寶貝羊羔 選自《基於眷愛之情的詩》 無題(她住在達夫河源頭近旁) 無題(我曾在陌生人中間作客 致── 無題(女士啊!你神采超凡的微笑) 邁克爾 選自《幻想的詩》 瀑布和野薔薇
頁碼 xii The Green Linnet Song for the Spinning-wheel The Poet and the Caged Turtledove From Poems of the Imagination To the Cuckoo [Untitled] (Three years she grew in sun and shower) [Untitled] (A slumber did my spirit seal) The Daffodils The Reverie of Poor Susan Written in March Hart-Leap Well Tintern Abbey From Miscellaneous Sonnets [Untitled] (Nuns fret not at their convent's narrow room) Upon the Sight of a Beautiful Picture To Sleep 180 [Untitled] (Surprised by joyimpatient as the Wind) [Untitled] (It is a beauteous evening, calm and free) [Untitled] (The world is too much with us; late and soon) [Untitled] (Scorn not the Sonnet, Critic, you have frowned) [Untitled] (I watch, and long have watched, with calm regret)
頁碼 xiii 綠山雀 紡車謠 詩人和籠中斑鳩 選自《想像的詩》 致杜鵑 無題(三年裡晴晴雨雨,她長大) 無題(昔日,我沒有人間的憂懼) 水仙 蘇珊的夢幻 陽春三月作 鹿跳泉 廷騰寺 選自《十四行雜詠》 無題(修女不嫌修道院房舍狹小) 詠喬治.博蒙特爵士所作風景畫一幀 致睡眠 無題(當歡樂湧來,我像風一般焦急) 無題(好一個美麗的傍晚,安恬,自在) 無題(這塵世拖累我們可真夠厲害) 無題(別小看十四行;批評家,你皺起雙眉) 無題(懷著沉靜的憂思,我久久凝望)
頁碼 xiv [Untitled] (Not Love, not War, nor the tumultuous swell) September, 1815 [Untitled] (With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb'st the sky) [Untitled] (Even as a dragon's eye that feels the stress) Composed upon Westminster Bridge [Untitled] (When Philoctetes in the Lemnian isle) To, in Her Seventieth Year [Untitled] (Why art thou silent! Is thy love a plant) To B. R. Haydon [Untitled] (Wansfell! this Household has a favoured lot) From Memorials of Tours in Scotland, 1803 and 1814 Stepping Westward The Solitary Reaper Yarrow Unvisited Yarrow Visited From Poems Dedicated to National Independence and Liberty Composed by the Seaside near Calais Calais, August, 1802 On the Extinction of the Venetian Republic Thought of a Briton on the Subjugation of Switzerland London, 1802
頁碼 xv 無題(不必唱愛情,戰爭,內亂的風濤) 1815年9月 無題(月亮啊!你無聲無息,默默登天) 無題(好比蒼龍的巨眼,因睡意沉沉) 西敏橋上 無題(楞諾斯荒島上,僵臥著,寂然不動) 贈一位年屆七旬的女士 215 無題(你為何沉默不語?難道你的愛) 致海登,觀其所繪拿破崙在聖海倫娜島 無題(汪斯費爾山!我一家真是有福) 選自《蘇格蘭紀行,1803年與1814年》 往西走 孤獨割麥女 未訪的雅魯河 已訪的雅魯河 選自《獻給民族獨立和自由的詩》 作於加萊附近海濱 加萊,1802年8月 為威尼斯共和國覆亡而作 一個英國人有感於瑞士的屈服 倫敦,1802年
頁碼 xvi [Untitled] (When I have borne in memory what has tamed) To the Men of Kent Anticipation Hofer Feelings of the Tyrolese On the Final Submission of the Tyrolese Indignation of a High-minded Spaniard The French and the Spanish Guerillas From The River Duddon A Series of Sonnets [Untitled] (Not envying Latian shadesif they throw) The Stepping-stones [Untitled] (The Kirk of Ulpha to the pilgrim's eye) After-thought From Poems of Sentiment and Reflection The Tables Turned Lines Written in Early Spring From Miscellaneous Poems George and Sarah Green
頁碼 xvii 無題(我記得一些大國如何衰退) 獻給肯特的士兵 預卜 霍弗爾 蒂羅爾人的心情 有感於蒂羅爾人的屈服 西班牙人的憤怒 法國兵和西班牙游擊隊 選自《十四行組詩──達登河》 無題(不羡慕拉丁姆幽林,它濃蔭如蓋) 踏腳石 無題(阿爾法秀麗的教堂,遊客看來) 追思 選自《感想與反思》 轉折 早春命筆 選自《雜詩》 喬治和薩拉.格林
頁碼 xviii From Poems Relating to the Period of Old Age The Small Celandine From Epitaphs and Elegiac Pieces Elegiac Stanzas Other Ode: Intimations of Immortality
頁碼 xix 選自《有關老年的詩》 小白屈菜 選自《悼念與哀輓》 哀歌 其他 永生的信息
附錄:關於華茲華斯和沈從文的兩封信 |