1. 留題秦淮丁家水閣二首(其二)(錢謙益)Inscriptions on the Water Pavilion of the Ding Family (No. 2) (Qian Qianyi)
永安溪,我的愛(林明理)Yong’an Stream, My Love (Lin Ming-Li) ························ 28
2. 詠同心蘭四絕句(其三)(錢謙益)Ode to the Orchid Flower (No. 3) (Qian Qianyi)
在風中,寫你的名字(林明理)To Write Your Name in the Wind (Lin Ming-Li) ············· 29
3. 西湖(柳如是)The West Lake (Liu Rushi)
在醉月湖的寧靜中(林明理)In the Quietude of the Drunken Moon Lake (Lin Ming-Li) ····· 30
4. 與兒子雍(金聖歎)To My Son Upon My Death (Jin Shengtan)
寫給小女莫莉(林明理)To My Little Daughter Molly (Lin Ming-Li) ························ 32
5. 臨別口號遍謝彌天大人謬知我者(金聖歎)To My Readers Upon My Death (Jin Shengtan)
在福爾摩沙島嶼之間──緬懷曹永和院士(林明理) Between the Islands of Formosa: In Memory of Academician Cao Yonghe (Lin Ming-Li) ························· 34
6. 阻雪(吳偉業)Snowed In (Wu Weiye)
張家界之夢(林明理)The Dream of Zhangjiajie (Lin Ming-Li) ··························· 36
7. 塞下曲(顧炎武)A Border Song (Gu Yanwu)
我怎能停止為你而歌(林明理)How Can I Stop Singing for You (Lin Ming-Li) ··················· 40
8. 舟中見獵犬有感(宋琬)Inspired at the Sight of a Hound in the Boat (Song Wan)
冥想──致詩人穆旦(林明理)Meditation: to Mu Dan as a Poet (Lin Ming-Li)··········· 42
9. 上巳將過金陵(龔鼎孳)Passing by the Ancient Town of Jinling (Gong Dingzi)
你的影跡在每一次思潮之上(林明理)Your Shadow Is Over Every Thought (Lin Ming-Li)··· 44
10. 自題桃花楊柳圖(顧媚)Self-Inscription on a Painting of Peach Flowers & Willow Trees (Gu Mei)
夜思(林明理)Night Thoughts (Lin Ming-Li) ·············46
11. 雪中閣望(施閏章)Snowy Landscape Seen from a Pavilion (Shi Runzhang)
冬季的旅行(林明理)Winter Journey (Lin Ming-Li) ·········· 48
12. 悼亡四首(其一)(王夫之)Lament for My Deceased Wife (No. 1) (Wang Fuzhi)
憶(林明理)Recollection (Lin Ming-Li) ························· 50
13. 客發苕溪(葉燮)Homeward Sailing on Shaoxi River (Ye Xie)
我的波斯菊(林明理)My Mexican Aster (Lin Ming-Li) ······ 52
14. 來青軒雪(朱彝尊)Snowing Over the Green Pavilion (Zhu Yizun)
每當黃昏飄進窗口(林明理)Whenever the Evening DriftsInto the Window (Lin Ming-Li) ··· 54
15. 花前(屈大均)Before the Flowers (Qu Dajun)
松林中的風聲(林明理)The Wind in the Pines (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 57
16. 再過露筋祠(王士禎)Once More Passing by the Virgin’s Temple (Wang Shizhen)
你是一株半開的青蓮(林明理)You Are a Half-Blossoming Green Lotus (Lin Ming-Li) ······ 58
17. 秦淮雜詩(王士禎)On Qinhuai River (Wang Shizhen)
自由(林明理)Freedom (Lin Ming-Li) ··························· 61
18. 次韻答王司寇阮亭先生見贈(蒲松齡)Reply to Wang Shizhen (Pu Songling)
吾友張智中教授(林明理)To Professor Zhang Zhizhong as My Friend (Lin Ming-Li) ········ 62
19. 客愁(洪昇)Homesickness (Hong Sheng)
佳節又重陽(林明理)The Double Ninth Festival (Lin Ming-Li) ······63
20. 北固山看大江(孔尚任)The Great River Seen from the Northern Mountain (Kong Shangren)
秋在白沙屯(林明理)Autumn in Baishatun (Lin Ming-Li) ··· 65
21. 《桃花扇傳奇》題辭(陳宇王)Inscription On Legend of Peach Blossom Fan (Chen Yuwang)
勇氣─祝賀川普總統(Donald Trump)Courage: Congratulations to President Donald Trump (Lin Ming-Li) ···· 67
22. 青溪口號(查慎行)Improvised on the Blue River (Zha Shenxing)
二層坪水橋之歌(林明理)Song of the Two-Floor Flat Water Bridge (Lin Ming-Li) ········ 69
23. 秣陵懷古(納蘭性德)Cherishing the Past in the Old Capital (Nalan Xingde)
華夏龍脈雕塑群(林明理)Chinese Dragon Vein Sculpture Group (Lin Ming-Li) ········· 71
24. 過許州(沈德潛)Passing by Xuzhou (Shen Deqian)
獻給青龍峽的歌(林明理)A Song Dedicated to Qinglong Gorge (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 73
25. 柳(金農)The Drooping Willow (Jin Nong)
在四月桐的夢幻邊緣(林明理)On the Edge of the Fond Dream of April Parasol Tree (Lin Ming-Li) ·······76
26. 湖樓題壁(厲鶚)Inscription on the Wall of a Lakeside Pavilion (Li E)
七星潭之戀(林明理)Love of the Seven-Star Pool (Lin Ming-Li) ·········78
27. 竹石(鄭燮)A Bamboo Biting in the Rock (Zheng Xie)
通海秀山行(林明理)Journey to the Fair Mountain in Tonghai County (Lin Ming-Li) ····· 79
28. 濰縣署中畫竹(鄭燮)Written on a Painting of Bamboo (Zheng Xie)
敘利亞內戰悲歌(林明理)Dirge for the Syrian Civil War (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 83
29. 聞蛙(倪瑞璿)Croaking Frogs (Ni Ruixuan)
夜裡聽到礁脈(林明理)The Reef Is Heard at Night (Lin Ming-Li) ············ 85
30. 馬嵬(袁枚)Concubine Yang (Yuan Mei)
昨夜下了一場雨(林明理)It Has Rained Last Night (Lin Ming-Li) ·············· 87
31. 遣興(袁枚)Inspired on Poetry Composition (Yuan Mei)
感謝在我身邊(林明理)Thanks for Being Here With Me (Lin Ming-Li) ········ 88
32. 雞(袁枚)The Chicken (Yuan Mei)
哈特曼山斑馬(林明理)Equus Zebra Hartmannae (Lin Ming-Li) ········90
33. 推窗(袁枚)Upon Opening the Window (Yuan Mei)
無論是過去或現在(林明理)In the Past or at the Present (Lin Ming-Li) ········· 92
34. 富春至嚴陵山水甚佳(其一)(紀昀)Journeying Along the River Fair with Hills (No. 1) (Ji Yun)
昨夜,在五岩山醉人的夢幻裡(林明理)Last Night, in the Fond Dream of Wuyan Mountain (Lin Ming-Li) ········· 94
35. 富春至嚴陵山水甚佳(其二)(紀昀)Journeying Along the River Fair with Hills (No. 2) (Ji Yun)
在彼淇河(林明理)By the Qi River (Lin Ming-Li) ············· 96
36. 題畫(蔣士銓)Inscription on a Painting (Jiang Shiquan)
重遊石門水庫(林明理)Once More to Shimen Reservoi (Lin Ming-Li) ········· 99
37. 論詩(趙翼)On Poetry Writing (Zhao Yi)
清雨塘(林明理)Limpid Rain Pond (Lin Ming-Li) ··········· 101
38. 野步(趙翼)Ambling in the Wilderness (Zhao Yi)
獻給湯顯祖之歌(林明理)A Song Dedicated to Tang Xianzu, Shakespeare in China (Lin Ming-Li) ···········102
39. 江上竹枝詞(其四)(姚鼐)Bamboo Branch Song on the River (No. 4) (Yao Nai)
書寫王功漁港(林明理)On Wanggong Fishing Port (Lin Ming-Li) ············· 105
40. 別老母(黃景仁)Parting With My Old Mother (Huang Jingren)
蘿蔔糕(林明理)Turnip Pudding (Lin Ming-Li) ··············· 107
41. 新雷(張維屏)The First Thunder of Spring (Zhang Wei-ping)
春之歌(林明理)The Song of Spring (Lin Ming-Li) ·········· 110
42. 已亥雜詩(之五)(龔自珍)Miscellanies Composed in 1839 (No. 5) (Gong Zizhen)
湖畔冥想(林明理)Lakeside Meditation (Lin Ming-Li) ······ 112
43. 已亥雜詩(之一二五)(龔自珍)Miscellanies Composed in 1839 (No. 125) (Gong Zizhen)
寫給屈原之歌(林明理)A Song for Qu Yuan (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 114
44. 日本雜事詩(黃遵憲)Mount Fuji of Japan (Huang Zunxian)
嵩山之夢(林明理)The Dream of Songshan Mountain (Lin Ming-Li) ········· 116
45. 山村夜雨(祁寯藻)Night Rain in a Mountain Village (Qi Junzao)
當愛情靠近時(林明理)When Love Approaches (Lin Ming-Li) ···········120
46. 邯鄲旅店(王星諴)The Inn of Handan (Wang Xingxian)
冬日神山部落(林明理)Sacred Mountain Tribe in Winter (Lin Ming-Li) ········122
47. 新霽(郭慶藩)Letup of a Snowfall (Guo Qingfan)
憶阿里山(林明理)Memory of Ali Mountain (Lin Ming-Li) ··124
48. 暮春(席佩蘭)Late Spring (Xi Peilan)
龍田桐花季之歌(林明理)The Song of Tong Flower Festival (Lin Ming-Li) ········125
49. 夏夜示外(席佩蘭)The Summer Night (Xi Peilan)
在真實世界裡(林明理)In the Real World (Lin Ming-Li) ····128
50. 聽鶯(孫蓀意)The Oriole (Sun Sunyi)
安義的春天(林明理)The Spring of Anyi (Lin Ming-Li) ·····130
51. 書懷(周寶生)Inspired in an Instant (Zhou Baosheng)
我原鄉的欖仁樹(林明理)An Olive Tree of My Hometown (Lin Ming-Li) ········134
52. 對月(徐韋)Facing the Moon (Xu Wei)
秋夜(林明理)Autumn Night (Lin Ming-Li) ···················136
53. 鄉思(胡友蘭)Homesickness (Hu Youlan)
回憶(林明理)Memory (Lin Ming-Li)···························137
54. 桐江夜泊(彭孫貽)Tongjiang River at Night (Peng Sunyi)
七股潟湖夕照(林明理)Evening Glow Over the Seven Lagoon Lake (Lin Ming-Li) ····140
55. 山行詠紅葉(其一)(蔣超)Red Leaves in the Mountain (No. 1) (Jiang Chao)
關山遊(林明理)Visiting Guanshan Town (Lin Ming-Li) ···· 141
56. 舟中戲題(徐倬)On the Boat (Xu Zhuo)
富岡海堤小吟(林明理)Ode to the Tomioka Seawall (Lin Ming-Li) ········ 143
57. 偶成(沈守正)An Impromptu (Shen Shouzheng)
野地(林明理)The Wild Field (Lin Ming-Li) ·················· 145
58. 鉛山河口即目(其一)(王奐曾)A Glimpse of Hekou Town in Yanshan County (No. 1) (Wang Huanzeng)
致雙溪(林明理)To Shuangxi (Lin Ming-Li) ·················· 148
59. 鉛山河口即目(其二)(王奐曾)A Glimpse of Hekou Town in Yanshan County (No. 2) (Wang Huanzeng)
淡水黃昏(林明理)Tamsui Dusk (Lin Ming-Li) ··············· 150
60. 西池(曹寅)The West Pool (Cao Yin)
竹子湖之戀(林明理)Love of Zhuzihu (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 152
61. 題畫三首(其一)(曹寅)Three Poems on Paintings (No. 1) (Cao Yin)
水沙連之戀(林明理)Love of Shuishalian Pool (Lin Ming-Li)··· 154
62. 漫興(魏基)An Impromptu (Wei Ji)
驀然回首(林明理)Looking Back Suddenly (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 157
63. 下堯峰(閔華)The Lower Yao Peak (Min Hua)
修路工人(林明理)Road Workers (Lin Ming-Li) ············· 158
64. 黃昏(黃任)Dusk (Huang Ren)
回眸恆春夕照(林明理)Backward Glancing at the Sunset of Hengchun (Lin Ming-Li) ·····160
65. 獨遊上帶溪二絕句(其一)(黃任)Two Quatrains Composed During Solitary Touring Shangdai Creek (No. 1) (Huang Ren)
牡丹水庫即景(林明理)View of Mudan Reservoir (Lin Ming-Li) ········· 162
66. 夜過夢溪(張如炠)Night Passing by Mengxi, or Dreamy Creek (Zhang Ruxia)
相見居延海(林明理)Meeting in Juyan Lake Basin (Lin Ming-Li) ········ 165
67. 舟望(黃家鳳)Gazing From the Boat (Huang Jiafeng)
你繫著落日的漁光(林明理)You Are Tied to the Fishing Light of the Setting Sun (Lin Ming-Li) ···167
68. 題方邴鶴琴鶴送秋圖(馬曰琯)Inscription on a Painting of Autumn (Ma Yueguan)
劍門蜀道遺址(林明理)Ruins of Jianmen Shu Road (Lin Ming-Li) ········169
69. 杭州半山看桃花(馬曰琯)Admiring Peach Flowers in Banshan Mountain of Hangzhou (Ma Yueguan)
大好河山張家口(林明理)The Great Rivers & Mountains in Zhangjiakou (Lin Ming-Li) ···171
70. 蟋蟀(李四維)Crickets (Li Siwei)
遠方傳來的樂音(林明理)The Sound of Music From Afar (Lin Ming-Li) ·······174
71. 山中雪後(鄭燮)In the Mountain After Snowing (Zheng Xie)
二月春雪(林明理)Spring Snow (Lin Ming-Li) ···············175
72. 芭蕉(鄭燮)Plantain Trees (Zheng Xie)
曇花的故事(林明理)The Story of Night-blooming Cereus (Lin Ming-Li) ········177
73. 小廊(鄭燮)The Small Corridor (Zheng Xie)
秋暮(林明理)An Autumn Dusk (Lin Ming-Li) ················180
74. 登長溪嶺(葉元坊)Climbing the Changxi Ridge (Ye Yuanfang)
踏青詠春(林明理)Ode to Spring and Spring Outing (Lin Ming-Li) ·········181
75. 顴鵲樓(喬光烈)The Stork Tower (Qiao Guanglie)
緬懷億載金城(林明理)Cherishing Memory of the Erkunshen Turret (Lin Ming-Li) ·······183
76. 盤豆驛(楊鸞)Pandou Post (Yang Luan)
等著你,岱根塔拉(林明理)Waiting for You, Dagentara (Lin Ming-Li) ········186
77. 偶成(朱一蜚)An Impromptu Poem (Zhu Yifui)
睡吧,青灣情人海(林明理)Fall Asleep, Green Bay Lovers’ Sea (Lin Ming-Li) ·······188
78. 山行(姚範)A Mountain Trip (Yao Fan)
南庄油桐花開時(林明理)When Tung Tree Flowers Are Flowering in Nanzhuang (Lin Ming-Li) ··190
79. 即景(其一)(慶蘭)Inspired by the Sight (No. 1) (Qing Lan)
東勢林場(林明理)Dongshi Forest Farm (Lin Ming-Li) ····· 193
80. 即景(其二)(慶蘭)Inspired by the Sight(No. 2) (Qing Lan)
米故鄉──池上(林明理)The Land of Rice: Chishang (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 196
81. 嘉禾寓中聞秋蟲(謝垣)Katydids in Autumn (Xie Yuan)
寄霍童古鎮(林明理)To Ancient Huotong Town (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 198
82. 漁父(蔣浩)An Old Fisherman (Jiang Hao)
噶瑪蘭之歌(林明理)Song of Kebalan (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 199
83. 中秋無月(德普)Mid-autumn Moon Festival Without Moon (De Pu)
坐在秋陽下(林明理)Sitting in the Autumn Sun (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 203
84. 觀水(旺都特納木濟勒)Watching the Water (Wangdu Tena Muzil)
布拉格之秋(林明理)Autumn in Prague (Lin Ming-Li) ······ 205
85. 桐廬道中雜詩(其一)(程同義)Miscellaneous Poems Along the Tonglu Road (No. 1) (Cheng Tongyi)
聽泉(林明理)Listening to the Spring (Lin Ming-Li) ········· 206
86. 桐廬道中雜詩(其二)(程同義)Miscellaneous Poems Along the Tonglu Road (No. 2) (Cheng Tongyi)
聽海(林明理)Listening to the Sea (Lin Ming-Li) ············· 207
87. 聞雁(徐志源)The Honking of Wild Geese (Xu Zhiyuan)
大冠鷲的天空(林明理)The Sky of the Crested Serpent Eagle (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 209
88. 嘲燕(金和)Jeering at the Sea Swallows (Jin He)
重生的棕熊(林明理)A Reborn Brown Bear (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 212
89. 十一日夜坐(易順鼎)Night Sitting (Yi Shunding)
歲暮(林明理)The Close of the Year (Lin Ming-Li) ··········· 214
90. 天童山中月夜獨坐(其一)(易順鼎)Moonlit Night, Solitary Sitting in Tiantong Mountain (No. 1) (Yi Shunding)
四草湖中(林明理)In Sicao Lake (Lin Ming-Li) ·············· 217
91. 天童山中月夜獨坐(其二)(易順鼎)Moonlit Night, Solitary Sitting in Tiantong Mountain (No. 2) (Yi Shunding)
新埔柿農(林明理)Farmers of Persimmons in Xinpu Town (Lin Ming-Li) ·····219
92. 丙戌十二月二十四日雪中游鄧尉三十二絕句(其二十三)(易順鼎)A Trip to the Snowy Dengwei Mountain (No. 23)(Yi Shunding)
海煙(林明理)The Sea Mist (Lin Ming-Li) ·····················221
93. 邠州七絕(譚嗣同)A Quatrain Composed in Binzhou (Tan Sitong)
時光裡的和平島(林明理)Heping Island in Time (Lin Ming-Li) ·········224
94. 獄中題壁(譚嗣同)Inscription on the Wall of the Prison (Tan Sitong)
鵝鑾鼻燈塔(林明理)The Eluanbi Lighthouse (Lin Ming-Li)······················228
95. 偶題(姚永概)An Impromptu Poem (Yao Yonggai)
美在大安森林公園(林明理)Ode to Da’an Forest Park (Lin Ming-Li) ··················230
96. 西樓(黃節)The West Tower (Huang Jie)
小野柳漫步(林明理)Promenade in Xiaoyeliu Scenic Area (Lin Ming-Li) ···········232
97. 詠梅十首(其九)(秋瑾)Ode to Plum Blossoms (No. 9) (Qiu Jin)
一顆瑩潔的燦星——悼葉嘉瑩教授(林明理)A Bright,Brilliant Star: Mourning Professor Chiaying Yeh (Lin Ming-Li) ··234
98. 詠梅十首(其十)(秋瑾)Ode to Plum Blossoms (No. 10) (Qiu Jin)
朱䴉(林明理)The Crested Ibis (Lin Ming-Li) ·················236
99. 登山六首(其一)(周實)Mountaineering (No.1) (Zhou Shi)
在下龍灣島上(林明理)On Ha Long Bay Island (Lin Ming-Li) ···········239
100. 詠紙鳶(方芳佩)Ode to the Paper Kite (Fang Fangpei)
二林舊社田龜夢(林明理)The Field Turtle Dream of Erlin Old Society (Lin Ming-Li) ······241
101. 樂府體(馮班)A Folk Song (Feng Ban)
給岩上的信(林明理)A Letter to Yan Shang (Lin Ming-Li) ··· 243
102. 春感(王崇簡)Spring Inspiration (Wang Chongjian)
北極熊(林明理)The Polar Bear (Lin Ming-Li) ··············· 245
103. 絕句(林古度)A Quatrain (Lin Gudu)
給Bulgarian poet Radko Radkov(1940-2009)(林明理)To Bulgarian poet Radko Radkov (1940-2009) (Lin Ming-Li) ··· 246
104. 池上(張光啟)Over the Pool (Zhang Guangqi)
秋收的黃昏(林明理)Dusk of the Autumn Harvest (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 248
105. 早起(宗渭)Early Rising (Zong Wei)
愛的禮讚(林明理)In Praise of Love (Lin Ming-Li) ·········· 250
106. 曉雨(王庭)Morning Rain (Wang Ting)
細密的雨聲(林明理)The Thick Sound of the Rain (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 252
107. 宿山中(張履祥)Lodging in the Mountain (Zhang Lüxiang)
致摯友非馬(林明理)To My Best Friend Dr. William Marr (Lin Ming-Li) ········ 253
108. 五夜(陳一策)The Fifth Watch of Night (Chen Yice)
今夜,我走入一星燈火(林明理)Tonight, I Walk Into a Star of Light (Lin Ming-Li) ······ 255
109. 山行(施閏章)A Mountain Trip (Shi Runzhang)
當陽光照耀達娜伊谷(林明理)When the Sun Shines Into Tanayiku (Lin Ming-Li) ······ 256
110. 夜坐天遊峰得月(施閏章)Night Sitting in Heavenly Mountain to Admire the Moon (Shi Runzhang)
光之湖(林明理)The Lake of Light (Lin Ming-Li) ············ 259
111. 題畫(吳綺)Inscription on a Painting (Wu Qi)
在沙巴東岸的谷地(林明理)In the Valley of the East Coast of Sabah (Lin Ming-Li) ····· 260
112. 夜坐(孫枝蔚)Night Sitting (Sun Zhiwei)
螢光與飛蟲(林明理)Fluorescence and Fireflies (Lin Ming-Li)·· 262
113. 微雲移時月出(王士禧)The Moon Peeps Through Thin Clouds (Wang Shixi)
追悼──出版家劉振強前輩(林明理)In Memoriam of Liu Zhenqiang as a Famous Publisher (Lin Ming-Li) ··················263
114. 題畫(湯貽汾)Inscription on a Painting (Tang Yifen)
致巴爾札克(Honoré de Balzac, 1799-1850)(林明理)To Balzac (Honoré de Balzac, 1799-1850) (Lin Ming-Li) ·······265
115. 題畫(湯斌)Inscription on a Painting (Tang Bin)
寂靜無聲的深夜(林明理)The Silent Night (Lin Ming-Li) ··267
116. 閨情(夏宗沂)Boudoir Repinings (Xia Zongyi)
月桃記憶(林明理)Shell-flower Memory (Lin Ming-Li) ·····269
117. 讀曲歌(朱彝尊)A Song (Zhu Yizun)
丁香花開(林明理)Flowering Lilacs (Lin Ming-Li) ···········272
118. 惜花(其二)(李經垓)Cherishing Flowers (No. 2)(Li Jinggai)
我的歌(林明理)My Song (Lin Ming-Li) ·······················274
119. 曉起(葛元福)Getting Up in the Morning (Ge Yuanfu)
青煙(林明理)Blue Smoke (Lin Ming-Li) ······················275
120. 宿山園(謝芳連)Lodging in a Mountain Yard (Xie Fanglian)
剪影(林明理)Sketch (Lin Ming-Li) ·····························277
121. 密雲望行人(謝芳連)Watching Wanderers in Miyun (Xie Fanglian)
銀背大猩猩(林明理)Silverback Gorilla (Lin Ming-Li) ······279
122. 落花(宋犖)Falling Flowers (Song Luo)
約克郡的春天(林明理)Spring in Yorkshire (Lin Ming-Li) ···280
123. 待友(王敔)Waiting for a Friend (Wang Yu)
寄語哥哥(林明理)A Message to My Brother (Lin Ming-Li) ··282
124. 黃竹子歌(申涵盼)Song of Yellow Bamboos (Shen Hanpan)
極端氣候下(林明理)In Extreme Weather (Lin Ming-Li) ····284
125. 溪上(張增慶)Over the Creek (Zhang Zengqing)
卑南溪(林明理)The Pinan River (Lin Ming-Li) ··············286
126. 渡江(文點)Crossing the River (Wen Dian)
詩與白冷圳的間奏曲(林明理)Intermezzo Between Poems and Bailengzhun (Lin Ming-Li) ·····288
127. 桃花谷(張實居)The Valley of Peach Flowers (Zhang Shiju)
觀霧—雲的故鄉(林明理)Watching Clouds: the Hometown of Clouds (Lin Ming-Li) ···· 290
128. 山居(洪昇)Mountain Life (Hong Sheng)
詩河(林明理)The Poetic River (Lin Ming-Li) ················ 292
129. 採蓮歌(王鴻緒)Lotus-Picking Song (Wang Hongxu)
岩川之夜(林明理)The Night of Iwakawa (Lin Ming-Li) ···· 293
130. 別後作(劉獻廷)Composed Upon Departure (Liu Xianting)
致友人李浩(林明理)To My Friend Li Hao (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 295
131. 夜宿養素堂東偏(查慎行)Lodging for the Night (Zha Shengxing)
集集站遐想(林明理)Reverie of the Jiji Station (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 298
132. 舟中書所見(查慎行)Night Sight from the Boat (Zha Shengxing)
日出新蘭漁港(林明理)Sunrise Over Xinlan Fishing Port (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 300
133. 梅花(蔣錫震)Plum Blossoms (Jiang Xizhen)
春雪飛紅(林明理)Spring Snow Flying with Red (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 302
134. 月橋行秋(陳仁)The Moon Bridge in Autumn (Chen Ren)
夢橋(林明理)The Dream Bridge (Lin Ming-Li) ·············· 304
135. 白髮(翁志琦)Gray Hairs (Weng Zhiqi)
夜思(林明理)Night Missing & Pining (Lin Ming-Li) ········ 306
136. 邦均野寺(慎郡王)A Wild Temple in Bangjun (Shen Junwang)
暮秋裡的春花──讀瓦西里基‧德拉古尼詩集《越過夏季》(林明理)Spring Flowers in Late Autumn: Reading the poetry collection Through the Season of Summer by Vasiliki Dragouni (Lin Ming-Li) ·········· 307
137. 長橋(顧於觀)A Long Bridge (Gu Yuguan)
CT273,仲夏寶島號(林明理)CT273, Summer Formosa (Lin Ming-Li) ····· 309
138. 雜詠(大寧)A Random Poem(Da Ning)
末日地窖(林明理)The Doomsday Vault (Lin Ming-Li) ····· 311
139. 暮春(翁格)Late Spring (Weng Ge)
等候黎明(林明理)Waiting for the Dawn (Lin Ming-Li) ····· 314
140. 山中暮歸(張廷玉)Late Return in the Mountain (Zhang Tingyu)
阿德湖森林(林明理)Ade Lake Forest (Lin Ming-Li) ········315
141. 偶見(王文清)An Occasional View (Wang Wenqing)
燈下讀《田裏爬行的滋味》(林明理)Reading The Taste of Crawling in the Field Under the Lamp (Lin Ming-Li) ············317
142. 梅花塢坐月(翁照)Admiring the Moon in Plum Blossoms Dock (Weng Zhao)
梅花鹿(林明理)The Sika Deer (Lin Ming-Li) ·················319
143. 太白樓(馬翮飛)The Tower of Li Bai (Ma Hefei)
緬懷億載金城(林明理)In Memory of the Eternal Golden Fort (Lin Ming-Li) ·······320
144. 題畫(鄭燮)Inscription on a Painting of Bamboos (Zheng Xie)
鯨之舞(林明理)The Dance of Whales (Lin Ming-Li) ········323
145. 田家(任瑗)The Farmer (Ren Yuan)
北門潟湖夕照(林明理)Evening Glow Over the Lagoon in the Beimen (Lin Ming-Li) ······324
146. 金山寺晚望(郭楷)An Evening View of the Gold Hill Temple (Guo Kai)
東隆宮街景(林明理)The Streetscape of Donglong Temple (Lin Ming-Li) ·······327
147. 苔(袁枚)The Moss (Yuan Mei)
向科爾沁草原的防護林英雄致敬(林明理)Homage to the Heroes of Horqin Grassland Shelterbelt (Lin Ming-Li) ···········329
148. 十二月十五夜(袁枚)On the Night of December 15th (Yuan Mei)
沉浸在此刻(林明理)Immersed in the Moment (Lin Ming-Li) ··· 331
149. 吳中竹枝詞(徐士鉉)A Bamboo Song (Xu Shixuan)
雨,落在愛河的冬夜(林明理)Raindrops, Dropping on the Winter Night of Love (Lin Ming-Li) ···334
150. 雨過(袁枚)After a Rain (Yuan Mei)
雨中的綠意(林明理)Green in the Rain (Lin Ming-Li) ·······336
Appendix:Close Reading of a Book by Zhang Zhizhong (Lin Ming-Li) ···········339
Inscriptions on the Water Pavilion of
the Ding Family (No. 2 of two poems)Qian Qianyi
Beyond the garden the willow down
is wafting over the surging evening
tide; beyond the stream, the Peach-
Leaf-Lover Ferry keeps watch over
the Red Bridge. The setting sun is
gazing through water-like spring; before
T-shaped Curtain, the splendors of
the Six Dynasties are called to mind.
Yong’an Stream, My LoveLin Ming-Li
Wild flowers, egrets, reeds, creeks and beaches
The sky is blue like a mirror; who knows your mystery
The wind is still singing — to bring your name
Dots after dots sails, flashing over the shining South Peak
And you
With a soft and sweet voice, like a lover
How I want to get away from all the empty confusion
And let my burning dream fly to my moonlit hometown
Table of Contents
1. 留題秦淮丁家水閣二首(其二)(錢謙益)Inscriptions on the Water Pavilion of the Ding Family (No. 2) (Qian Qianyi)
永安溪,我的愛(林明理)Yong’an Stream, My Love (Lin Ming-Li) ························ 28
2. 詠同心蘭四絕句(其三)(錢謙益)Ode to the Orchid Flower (No. 3) (Qian Qianyi)
在風中,寫你的名字(林明理)To Write Your Name in the Wind (Lin Ming-Li) ············· 29
3. 西湖(柳如是)The West Lake (Liu Rushi)
在醉月湖的寧靜中(林明理)In the Quietude of the Drunken Moon Lake (Lin Ming-Li) ····· 30
4. 與兒子雍(金聖歎)To My Son Upon My Death (Jin Shengtan)
寫給小女莫莉(林明理)To My Little Daughter Molly (Lin Ming-Li) ························ 32
5. 臨別口號遍謝彌天大人謬知我者(金聖歎)To My Readers Upon My Death (Jin Shengtan)
在福爾摩沙島嶼之間──緬懷曹永和院士(林明理) Between the Islands of Formosa: In Memory of Academician Cao Yonghe (Lin Ming-Li) ························· 34
6. 阻雪(吳偉業)Snowed In (Wu Weiye)
張家界之夢(林明理)The Dream of Zhangjiajie (Lin Ming-Li) ··························· 36
7. 塞下曲(顧炎武)A Border Song (Gu Yanwu)
我怎能停止為你而歌(林明理)How Can I Stop Singing for You (Lin Ming-Li) ··················· 40
8. 舟中見獵犬有感(宋琬)Inspired at the Sight of a Hound in the Boat (Song Wan)
冥想──致詩人穆旦(林明理)Meditation: to Mu Dan as a Poet (Lin Ming-Li)··········· 42
9. 上巳將過金陵(龔鼎孳)Passing by the Ancient Town of Jinling (Gong Dingzi)
你的影跡在每一次思潮之上(林明理)Your Shadow Is Over Every Thought (Lin Ming-Li)··· 44
10. 自題桃花楊柳圖(顧媚)Self-Inscription on a Painting of Peach Flowers & Willow Trees (Gu Mei)
夜思(林明理)Night Thoughts (Lin Ming-Li) ·············46
11. 雪中閣望(施閏章)Snowy Landscape Seen from a Pavilion (Shi Runzhang)
冬季的旅行(林明理)Winter Journey (Lin Ming-Li) ·········· 48
12. 悼亡四首(其一)(王夫之)Lament for My Deceased Wife (No. 1) (Wang Fuzhi)
憶(林明理)Recollection (Lin Ming-Li) ························· 50
13. 客發苕溪(葉燮)Homeward Sailing on Shaoxi River (Ye Xie)
我的波斯菊(林明理)My Mexican Aster (Lin Ming-Li) ······ 52
14. 來青軒雪(朱彝尊)Snowing Over the Green Pavilion (Zhu Yizun)
每當黃昏飄進窗口(林明理)Whenever the Evening DriftsInto the Window (Lin Ming-Li) ··· 54
15. 花前(屈大均)Before the Flowers (Qu Dajun)
松林中的風聲(林明理)The Wind in the Pines (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 57
16. 再過露筋祠(王士禎)Once More Passing by the Virgin’s Temple (Wang Shizhen)
你是一株半開的青蓮(林明理)You Are a Half-Blossoming Green Lotus (Lin Ming-Li) ······ 58
17. 秦淮雜詩(王士禎)On Qinhuai River (Wang Shizhen)
自由(林明理)Freedom (Lin Ming-Li) ··························· 61
18. 次韻答王司寇阮亭先生見贈(蒲松齡)Reply to Wang Shizhen (Pu Songling)
吾友張智中教授(林明理)To Professor Zhang Zhizhong as My Friend (Lin Ming-Li) ········ 62
19. 客愁(洪昇)Homesickness (Hong Sheng)
佳節又重陽(林明理)The Double Ninth Festival (Lin Ming-Li) ······63
20. 北固山看大江(孔尚任)The Great River Seen from the Northern Mountain (Kong Shangren)
秋在白沙屯(林明理)Autumn in Baishatun (Lin Ming-Li) ··· 65
21. 《桃花扇傳奇》題辭(陳宇王)Inscription On Legend of Peach Blossom Fan (Chen Yuwang)
勇氣─祝賀川普總統(Donald Trump)Courage: Congratulations to President Donald Trump (Lin Ming-Li) ···· 67
22. 青溪口號(查慎行)Improvised on the Blue River (Zha Shenxing)
二層坪水橋之歌(林明理)Song of the Two-Floor Flat Water Bridge (Lin Ming-Li) ········ 69
23. 秣陵懷古(納蘭性德)Cherishing the Past in the Old Capital (Nalan Xingde)
華夏龍脈雕塑群(林明理)Chinese Dragon Vein Sculpture Group (Lin Ming-Li) ········· 71
24. 過許州(沈德潛)Passing by Xuzhou (Shen Deqian)
獻給青龍峽的歌(林明理)A Song Dedicated to Qinglong Gorge (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 73
25. 柳(金農)The Drooping Willow (Jin Nong)
在四月桐的夢幻邊緣(林明理)On the Edge of the Fond Dream of April Parasol Tree (Lin Ming-Li) ·······76
26. 湖樓題壁(厲鶚)Inscription on the Wall of a Lakeside Pavilion (Li E)
七星潭之戀(林明理)Love of the Seven-Star Pool (Lin Ming-Li) ·········78
27. 竹石(鄭燮)A Bamboo Biting in the Rock (Zheng Xie)
通海秀山行(林明理)Journey to the Fair Mountain in Tonghai County (Lin Ming-Li) ····· 79
28. 濰縣署中畫竹(鄭燮)Written on a Painting of Bamboo (Zheng Xie)
敘利亞內戰悲歌(林明理)Dirge for the Syrian Civil War (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 83
29. 聞蛙(倪瑞璿)Croaking Frogs (Ni Ruixuan)
夜裡聽到礁脈(林明理)The Reef Is Heard at Night (Lin Ming-Li) ············ 85
30. 馬嵬(袁枚)Concubine Yang (Yuan Mei)
昨夜下了一場雨(林明理)It Has Rained Last Night (Lin Ming-Li) ·············· 87
31. 遣興(袁枚)Inspired on Poetry Composition (Yuan Mei)
感謝在我身邊(林明理)Thanks for Being Here With Me (Lin Ming-Li) ········ 88
32. 雞(袁枚)The Chicken (Yuan Mei)
哈特曼山斑馬(林明理)Equus Zebra Hartmannae (Lin Ming-Li) ········90
33. 推窗(袁枚)Upon Opening the Window (Yuan Mei)
無論是過去或現在(林明理)In the Past or at the Present (Lin Ming-Li) ········· 92
34. 富春至嚴陵山水甚佳(其一)(紀昀)Journeying Along the River Fair with Hills (No. 1) (Ji Yun)
昨夜,在五岩山醉人的夢幻裡(林明理)Last Night, in the Fond Dream of Wuyan Mountain (Lin Ming-Li) ········· 94
35. 富春至嚴陵山水甚佳(其二)(紀昀)Journeying Along the River Fair with Hills (No. 2) (Ji Yun)
在彼淇河(林明理)By the Qi River (Lin Ming-Li) ············· 96
36. 題畫(蔣士銓)Inscription on a Painting (Jiang Shiquan)
重遊石門水庫(林明理)Once More to Shimen Reservoi (Lin Ming-Li) ········· 99
37. 論詩(趙翼)On Poetry Writing (Zhao Yi)
清雨塘(林明理)Limpid Rain Pond (Lin Ming-Li) ··········· 101
38. 野步(趙翼)Ambling in the Wilderness (Zhao Yi)
獻給湯顯祖之歌(林明理)A Song Dedicated to Tang Xianzu, Shakespeare in China (Lin Ming-Li) ···········102
39. 江上竹枝詞(其四)(姚鼐)Bamboo Branch Song on the River (No. 4) (Yao Nai)
書寫王功漁港(林明理)On Wanggong Fishing Port (Lin Ming-Li) ············· 105
40. 別老母(黃景仁)Parting With My Old Mother (Huang Jingren)
蘿蔔糕(林明理)Turnip Pudding (Lin Ming-Li) ··············· 107
41. 新雷(張維屏)The First Thunder of Spring (Zhang Wei-ping)
春之歌(林明理)The Song of Spring (Lin Ming-Li) ·········· 110
42. 已亥雜詩(之五)(龔自珍)Miscellanies Composed in 1839 (No. 5) (Gong Zizhen)
湖畔冥想(林明理)Lakeside Meditation (Lin Ming-Li) ······ 112
43. 已亥雜詩(之一二五)(龔自珍)Miscellanies Composed in 1839 (No. 125) (Gong Zizhen)
寫給屈原之歌(林明理)A Song for Qu Yuan (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 114
44. 日本雜事詩(黃遵憲)Mount Fuji of Japan (Huang Zunxian)
嵩山之夢(林明理)The Dream of Songshan Mountain (Lin Ming-Li) ········· 116
45. 山村夜雨(祁寯藻)Night Rain in a Mountain Village (Qi Junzao)
當愛情靠近時(林明理)When Love Approaches (Lin Ming-Li) ···········120
46. 邯鄲旅店(王星諴)The Inn of Handan (Wang Xingxian)
冬日神山部落(林明理)Sacred Mountain Tribe in Winter (Lin Ming-Li) ········122
47. 新霽(郭慶藩)Letup of a Snowfall (Guo Qingfan)
憶阿里山(林明理)Memory of Ali Mountain (Lin Ming-Li) ··124
48. 暮春(席佩蘭)Late Spring (Xi Peilan)
龍田桐花季之歌(林明理)The Song of Tong Flower Festival (Lin Ming-Li) ········125
49. 夏夜示外(席佩蘭)The Summer Night (Xi Peilan)
在真實世界裡(林明理)In the Real World (Lin Ming-Li) ····128
50. 聽鶯(孫蓀意)The Oriole (Sun Sunyi)
安義的春天(林明理)The Spring of Anyi (Lin Ming-Li) ·····130
51. 書懷(周寶生)Inspired in an Instant (Zhou Baosheng)
我原鄉的欖仁樹(林明理)An Olive Tree of My Hometown (Lin Ming-Li) ········134
52. 對月(徐韋)Facing the Moon (Xu Wei)
秋夜(林明理)Autumn Night (Lin Ming-Li) ···················136
53. 鄉思(胡友蘭)Homesickness (Hu Youlan)
回憶(林明理)Memory (Lin Ming-Li)···························137
54. 桐江夜泊(彭孫貽)Tongjiang River at Night (Peng Sunyi)
七股潟湖夕照(林明理)Evening Glow Over the Seven Lagoon Lake (Lin Ming-Li) ····140
55. 山行詠紅葉(其一)(蔣超)Red Leaves in the Mountain (No. 1) (Jiang Chao)
關山遊(林明理)Visiting Guanshan Town (Lin Ming-Li) ···· 141
56. 舟中戲題(徐倬)On the Boat (Xu Zhuo)
富岡海堤小吟(林明理)Ode to the Tomioka Seawall (Lin Ming-Li) ········ 143
57. 偶成(沈守正)An Impromptu (Shen Shouzheng)
野地(林明理)The Wild Field (Lin Ming-Li) ·················· 145
58. 鉛山河口即目(其一)(王奐曾)A Glimpse of Hekou Town in Yanshan County (No. 1) (Wang Huanzeng)
致雙溪(林明理)To Shuangxi (Lin Ming-Li) ·················· 148
59. 鉛山河口即目(其二)(王奐曾)A Glimpse of Hekou Town in Yanshan County (No. 2) (Wang Huanzeng)
淡水黃昏(林明理)Tamsui Dusk (Lin Ming-Li) ··············· 150
60. 西池(曹寅)The West Pool (Cao Yin)
竹子湖之戀(林明理)Love of Zhuzihu (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 152
61. 題畫三首(其一)(曹寅)Three Poems on Paintings (No. 1) (Cao Yin)
水沙連之戀(林明理)Love of Shuishalian Pool (Lin Ming-Li)··· 154
62. 漫興(魏基)An Impromptu (Wei Ji)
驀然回首(林明理)Looking Back Suddenly (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 157
63. 下堯峰(閔華)The Lower Yao Peak (Min Hua)
修路工人(林明理)Road Workers (Lin Ming-Li) ············· 158
64. 黃昏(黃任)Dusk (Huang Ren)
回眸恆春夕照(林明理)Backward Glancing at the Sunset of Hengchun (Lin Ming-Li) ·····160
65. 獨遊上帶溪二絕句(其一)(黃任)Two Quatrains Composed During Solitary Touring Shangdai Creek (No. 1) (Huang Ren)
牡丹水庫即景(林明理)View of Mudan Reservoir (Lin Ming-Li) ········· 162
66. 夜過夢溪(張如炠)Night Passing by Mengxi, or Dreamy Creek (Zhang Ruxia)
相見居延海(林明理)Meeting in Juyan Lake Basin (Lin Ming-Li) ········ 165
67. 舟望(黃家鳳)Gazing From the Boat (Huang Jiafeng)
你繫著落日的漁光(林明理)You Are Tied to the Fishing Light of the Setting Sun (Lin Ming-Li) ···167
68. 題方邴鶴琴鶴送秋圖(馬曰琯)Inscription on a Painting of Autumn (Ma Yueguan)
劍門蜀道遺址(林明理)Ruins of Jianmen Shu Road (Lin Ming-Li) ········169
69. 杭州半山看桃花(馬曰琯)Admiring Peach Flowers in Banshan Mountain of Hangzhou (Ma Yueguan)
大好河山張家口(林明理)The Great Rivers & Mountains in Zhangjiakou (Lin Ming-Li) ···171
70. 蟋蟀(李四維)Crickets (Li Siwei)
遠方傳來的樂音(林明理)The Sound of Music From Afar (Lin Ming-Li) ·······174
71. 山中雪後(鄭燮)In the Mountain After Snowing (Zheng Xie)
二月春雪(林明理)Spring Snow (Lin Ming-Li) ···············175
72. 芭蕉(鄭燮)Plantain Trees (Zheng Xie)
曇花的故事(林明理)The Story of Night-blooming Cereus (Lin Ming-Li) ········177
73. 小廊(鄭燮)The Small Corridor (Zheng Xie)
秋暮(林明理)An Autumn Dusk (Lin Ming-Li) ················180
74. 登長溪嶺(葉元坊)Climbing the Changxi Ridge (Ye Yuanfang)
踏青詠春(林明理)Ode to Spring and Spring Outing (Lin Ming-Li) ·········181
75. 顴鵲樓(喬光烈)The Stork Tower (Qiao Guanglie)
緬懷億載金城(林明理)Cherishing Memory of the Erkunshen Turret (Lin Ming-Li) ·······183
76. 盤豆驛(楊鸞)Pandou Post (Yang Luan)
等著你,岱根塔拉(林明理)Waiting for You, Dagentara (Lin Ming-Li) ········186
77. 偶成(朱一蜚)An Impromptu Poem (Zhu Yifui)
睡吧,青灣情人海(林明理)Fall Asleep, Green Bay Lovers’ Sea (Lin Ming-Li) ·······188
78. 山行(姚範)A Mountain Trip (Yao Fan)
南庄油桐花開時(林明理)When Tung Tree Flowers Are Flowering in Nanzhuang (Lin Ming-Li) ··190
79. 即景(其一)(慶蘭)Inspired by the Sight (No. 1) (Qing Lan)
東勢林場(林明理)Dongshi Forest Farm (Lin Ming-Li) ····· 193
80. 即景(其二)(慶蘭)Inspired by the Sight(No. 2) (Qing Lan)
米故鄉──池上(林明理)The Land of Rice: Chishang (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 196
81. 嘉禾寓中聞秋蟲(謝垣)Katydids in Autumn (Xie Yuan)
寄霍童古鎮(林明理)To Ancient Huotong Town (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 198
82. 漁父(蔣浩)An Old Fisherman (Jiang Hao)
噶瑪蘭之歌(林明理)Song of Kebalan (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 199
83. 中秋無月(德普)Mid-autumn Moon Festival Without Moon (De Pu)
坐在秋陽下(林明理)Sitting in the Autumn Sun (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 203
84. 觀水(旺都特納木濟勒)Watching the Water (Wangdu Tena Muzil)
布拉格之秋(林明理)Autumn in Prague (Lin Ming-Li) ······ 205
85. 桐廬道中雜詩(其一)(程同義)Miscellaneous Poems Along the Tonglu Road (No. 1) (Cheng Tongyi)
聽泉(林明理)Listening to the Spring (Lin Ming-Li) ········· 206
86. 桐廬道中雜詩(其二)(程同義)Miscellaneous Poems Along the Tonglu Road (No. 2) (Cheng Tongyi)
聽海(林明理)Listening to the Sea (Lin Ming-Li) ············· 207
87. 聞雁(徐志源)The Honking of Wild Geese (Xu Zhiyuan)
大冠鷲的天空(林明理)The Sky of the Crested Serpent Eagle (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 209
88. 嘲燕(金和)Jeering at the Sea Swallows (Jin He)
重生的棕熊(林明理)A Reborn Brown Bear (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 212
89. 十一日夜坐(易順鼎)Night Sitting (Yi Shunding)
歲暮(林明理)The Close of the Year (Lin Ming-Li) ··········· 214
90. 天童山中月夜獨坐(其一)(易順鼎)Moonlit Night, Solitary Sitting in Tiantong Mountain (No. 1) (Yi Shunding)
四草湖中(林明理)In Sicao Lake (Lin Ming-Li) ·············· 217
91. 天童山中月夜獨坐(其二)(易順鼎)Moonlit Night, Solitary Sitting in Tiantong Mountain (No. 2) (Yi Shunding)
新埔柿農(林明理)Farmers of Persimmons in Xinpu Town (Lin Ming-Li) ·····219
92. 丙戌十二月二十四日雪中游鄧尉三十二絕句(其二十三)(易順鼎)A Trip to the Snowy Dengwei Mountain (No. 23)(Yi Shunding)
海煙(林明理)The Sea Mist (Lin Ming-Li) ·····················221
93. 邠州七絕(譚嗣同)A Quatrain Composed in Binzhou (Tan Sitong)
時光裡的和平島(林明理)Heping Island in Time (Lin Ming-Li) ·········224
94. 獄中題壁(譚嗣同)Inscription on the Wall of the Prison (Tan Sitong)
鵝鑾鼻燈塔(林明理)The Eluanbi Lighthouse (Lin Ming-Li)······················228
95. 偶題(姚永概)An Impromptu Poem (Yao Yonggai)
美在大安森林公園(林明理)Ode to Da’an Forest Park (Lin Ming-Li) ··················230
96. 西樓(黃節)The West Tower (Huang Jie)
小野柳漫步(林明理)Promenade in Xiaoyeliu Scenic Area (Lin Ming-Li) ···········232
97. 詠梅十首(其九)(秋瑾)Ode to Plum Blossoms (No. 9) (Qiu Jin)
一顆瑩潔的燦星——悼葉嘉瑩教授(林明理)A Bright,Brilliant Star: Mourning Professor Chiaying Yeh (Lin Ming-Li) ··234
98. 詠梅十首(其十)(秋瑾)Ode to Plum Blossoms (No. 10) (Qiu Jin)
朱䴉(林明理)The Crested Ibis (Lin Ming-Li) ·················236
99. 登山六首(其一)(周實)Mountaineering (No.1) (Zhou Shi)
在下龍灣島上(林明理)On Ha Long Bay Island (Lin Ming-Li) ···········239
100. 詠紙鳶(方芳佩)Ode to the Paper Kite (Fang Fangpei)
二林舊社田龜夢(林明理)The Field Turtle Dream of Erlin Old Society (Lin Ming-Li) ······241
101. 樂府體(馮班)A Folk Song (Feng Ban)
給岩上的信(林明理)A Letter to Yan Shang (Lin Ming-Li) ··· 243
102. 春感(王崇簡)Spring Inspiration (Wang Chongjian)
北極熊(林明理)The Polar Bear (Lin Ming-Li) ··············· 245
103. 絕句(林古度)A Quatrain (Lin Gudu)
給Bulgarian poet Radko Radkov(1940-2009)(林明理)To Bulgarian poet Radko Radkov (1940-2009) (Lin Ming-Li) ··· 246
104. 池上(張光啟)Over the Pool (Zhang Guangqi)
秋收的黃昏(林明理)Dusk of the Autumn Harvest (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 248
105. 早起(宗渭)Early Rising (Zong Wei)
愛的禮讚(林明理)In Praise of Love (Lin Ming-Li) ·········· 250
106. 曉雨(王庭)Morning Rain (Wang Ting)
細密的雨聲(林明理)The Thick Sound of the Rain (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 252
107. 宿山中(張履祥)Lodging in the Mountain (Zhang Lüxiang)
致摯友非馬(林明理)To My Best Friend Dr. William Marr (Lin Ming-Li) ········ 253
108. 五夜(陳一策)The Fifth Watch of Night (Chen Yice)
今夜,我走入一星燈火(林明理)Tonight, I Walk Into a Star of Light (Lin Ming-Li) ······ 255
109. 山行(施閏章)A Mountain Trip (Shi Runzhang)
當陽光照耀達娜伊谷(林明理)When the Sun Shines Into Tanayiku (Lin Ming-Li) ······ 256
110. 夜坐天遊峰得月(施閏章)Night Sitting in Heavenly Mountain to Admire the Moon (Shi Runzhang)
光之湖(林明理)The Lake of Light (Lin Ming-Li) ············ 259
111. 題畫(吳綺)Inscription on a Painting (Wu Qi)
在沙巴東岸的谷地(林明理)In the Valley of the East Coast of Sabah (Lin Ming-Li) ····· 260
112. 夜坐(孫枝蔚)Night Sitting (Sun Zhiwei)
螢光與飛蟲(林明理)Fluorescence and Fireflies (Lin Ming-Li)·· 262
113. 微雲移時月出(王士禧)The Moon Peeps Through Thin Clouds (Wang Shixi)
追悼──出版家劉振強前輩(林明理)In Memoriam of Liu Zhenqiang as a Famous Publisher (Lin Ming-Li) ··················263
114. 題畫(湯貽汾)Inscription on a Painting (Tang Yifen)
致巴爾札克(Honoré de Balzac, 1799-1850)(林明理)To Balzac (Honoré de Balzac, 1799-1850) (Lin Ming-Li) ·······265
115. 題畫(湯斌)Inscription on a Painting (Tang Bin)
寂靜無聲的深夜(林明理)The Silent Night (Lin Ming-Li) ··267
116. 閨情(夏宗沂)Boudoir Repinings (Xia Zongyi)
月桃記憶(林明理)Shell-flower Memory (Lin Ming-Li) ·····269
117. 讀曲歌(朱彝尊)A Song (Zhu Yizun)
丁香花開(林明理)Flowering Lilacs (Lin Ming-Li) ···········272
118. 惜花(其二)(李經垓)Cherishing Flowers (No. 2)(Li Jinggai)
我的歌(林明理)My Song (Lin Ming-Li) ·······················274
119. 曉起(葛元福)Getting Up in the Morning (Ge Yuanfu)
青煙(林明理)Blue Smoke (Lin Ming-Li) ······················275
120. 宿山園(謝芳連)Lodging in a Mountain Yard (Xie Fanglian)
剪影(林明理)Sketch (Lin Ming-Li) ·····························277
121. 密雲望行人(謝芳連)Watching Wanderers in Miyun (Xie Fanglian)
銀背大猩猩(林明理)Silverback Gorilla (Lin Ming-Li) ······279
122. 落花(宋犖)Falling Flowers (Song Luo)
約克郡的春天(林明理)Spring in Yorkshire (Lin Ming-Li) ···280
123. 待友(王敔)Waiting for a Friend (Wang Yu)
寄語哥哥(林明理)A Message to My Brother (Lin Ming-Li) ··282
124. 黃竹子歌(申涵盼)Song of Yellow Bamboos (Shen Hanpan)
極端氣候下(林明理)In Extreme Weather (Lin Ming-Li) ····284
125. 溪上(張增慶)Over the Creek (Zhang Zengqing)
卑南溪(林明理)The Pinan River (Lin Ming-Li) ··············286
126. 渡江(文點)Crossing the River (Wen Dian)
詩與白冷圳的間奏曲(林明理)Intermezzo Between Poems and Bailengzhun (Lin Ming-Li) ·····288
127. 桃花谷(張實居)The Valley of Peach Flowers (Zhang Shiju)
觀霧—雲的故鄉(林明理)Watching Clouds: the Hometown of Clouds (Lin Ming-Li) ···· 290
128. 山居(洪昇)Mountain Life (Hong Sheng)
詩河(林明理)The Poetic River (Lin Ming-Li) ················ 292
129. 採蓮歌(王鴻緒)Lotus-Picking Song (Wang Hongxu)
岩川之夜(林明理)The Night of Iwakawa (Lin Ming-Li) ···· 293
130. 別後作(劉獻廷)Composed Upon Departure (Liu Xianting)
致友人李浩(林明理)To My Friend Li Hao (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 295
131. 夜宿養素堂東偏(查慎行)Lodging for the Night (Zha Shengxing)
集集站遐想(林明理)Reverie of the Jiji Station (Lin Ming-Li) ·· 298
132. 舟中書所見(查慎行)Night Sight from the Boat (Zha Shengxing)
日出新蘭漁港(林明理)Sunrise Over Xinlan Fishing Port (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 300
133. 梅花(蔣錫震)Plum Blossoms (Jiang Xizhen)
春雪飛紅(林明理)Spring Snow Flying with Red (Lin Ming-Li) ······· 302
134. 月橋行秋(陳仁)The Moon Bridge in Autumn (Chen Ren)
夢橋(林明理)The Dream Bridge (Lin Ming-Li) ·············· 304
135. 白髮(翁志琦)Gray Hairs (Weng Zhiqi)
夜思(林明理)Night Missing & Pining (Lin Ming-Li) ········ 306
136. 邦均野寺(慎郡王)A Wild Temple in Bangjun (Shen Junwang)
暮秋裡的春花──讀瓦西里基‧德拉古尼詩集《越過夏季》(林明理)Spring Flowers in Late Autumn: Reading the poetry collection Through the Season of Summer by Vasiliki Dragouni (Lin Ming-Li) ·········· 307
137. 長橋(顧於觀)A Long Bridge (Gu Yuguan)
CT273,仲夏寶島號(林明理)CT273, Summer Formosa (Lin Ming-Li) ····· 309
138. 雜詠(大寧)A Random Poem(Da Ning)
末日地窖(林明理)The Doomsday Vault (Lin Ming-Li) ····· 311
139. 暮春(翁格)Late Spring (Weng Ge)
等候黎明(林明理)Waiting for the Dawn (Lin Ming-Li) ····· 314
140. 山中暮歸(張廷玉)Late Return in the Mountain (Zhang Tingyu)
阿德湖森林(林明理)Ade Lake Forest (Lin Ming-Li) ········315
141. 偶見(王文清)An Occasional View (Wang Wenqing)
燈下讀《田裏爬行的滋味》(林明理)Reading The Taste of Crawling in the Field Under the Lamp (Lin Ming-Li) ············317
142. 梅花塢坐月(翁照)Admiring the Moon in Plum Blossoms Dock (Weng Zhao)
梅花鹿(林明理)The Sika Deer (Lin Ming-Li) ·················319
143. 太白樓(馬翮飛)The Tower of Li Bai (Ma Hefei)
緬懷億載金城(林明理)In Memory of the Eternal Golden Fort (Lin Ming-Li) ·······320
144. 題畫(鄭燮)Inscription on a Painting of Bamboos (Zheng Xie)
鯨之舞(林明理)The Dance of Whales (Lin Ming-Li) ········323
145. 田家(任瑗)The Farmer (Ren Yuan)
北門潟湖夕照(林明理)Evening Glow Over the Lagoon in the Beimen (Lin Ming-Li) ······324
146. 金山寺晚望(郭楷)An Evening View of the Gold Hill Temple (Guo Kai)
東隆宮街景(林明理)The Streetscape of Donglong Temple (Lin Ming-Li) ·······327
147. 苔(袁枚)The Moss (Yuan Mei)
向科爾沁草原的防護林英雄致敬(林明理)Homage to the Heroes of Horqin Grassland Shelterbelt (Lin Ming-Li) ···········329
148. 十二月十五夜(袁枚)On the Night of December 15th (Yuan Mei)
沉浸在此刻(林明理)Immersed in the Moment (Lin Ming-Li) ··· 331
149. 吳中竹枝詞(徐士鉉)A Bamboo Song (Xu Shixuan)
雨,落在愛河的冬夜(林明理)Raindrops, Dropping on the Winter Night of Love (Lin Ming-Li) ···334
150. 雨過(袁枚)After a Rain (Yuan Mei)
雨中的綠意(林明理)Green in the Rain (Lin Ming-Li) ·······336
Appendix:Close Reading of a Book by Zhang Zhizhong (Lin Ming-Li) ···········339
Inscriptions on the Water Pavilion of
the Ding Family (No. 2 of two poems)Qian Qianyi
Beyond the garden the willow down
is wafting over the surging evening
tide; beyond the stream, the Peach-
Leaf-Lover Ferry keeps watch over
the Red Bridge. The setting sun is
gazing through water-like spring; before
T-shaped Curtain, the splendors of
the Six Dynasties are called to mind.
Yong’an Stream, My LoveLin Ming-Li
Wild flowers, egrets, reeds, creeks and beaches
The sky is blue like a mirror; who knows your mystery
The wind is still singing — to bring your name
Dots after dots sails, flashing over the shining South Peak
And you
With a soft and sweet voice, like a lover
How I want to get away from all the empty confusion
And let my burning dream fly to my moonlit hometown