Cappella Pratensis阿卡貝拉人聲樂團是Challenge唱片公司旗下最火紅的團體.每張發行都是最熱賣的保證.這張專輯選擇文藝復興時期與畫家Hieronymus Bosch相關的歌曲集.非常的動聽!封面採用Hieronymus Bosch畫作的特別版. 這系列已發行四集:分別是第一集CC-72877,第二集CC-72878,第三集CC-72879,第四集CC-72880 阿卡貝拉人聲的夢幻演出系列之作! 本發行為第四集 本發行為雙層SACD唱片版,可在一般CD-Player播放 The present program presents the kind of music that might have been heard at the Feast of the Swan, an annual banquet held by the Confraternity of Our Illustrious Lady in ’s-Hertogenbosch, sometime in the middle of the sixteenth century. The combination of “sacred” and “secular” pieces might come as a surprise. However, the border between what we in the twenty-first century might imagine as two different musical realms was actually quite porous in the sixteenth. One of the Confraternity’s regular banquets, held each year on the first Monday after Holy Innocents’ Day (28 December), was the Feast of the Swan. The Swan was the Confraternity’s heraldic beast, a symbol of grace and purity, attributes of the Blessed Virgin. In the medieval imagination, the swan had musical associations. The anonymous bestiary Physiologus states that the Latin name for the swan (cygnus) comes from the verb “to sing” (canere), because it produces such a beautiful song from its long and flexible neck. It was thus fitting that the Feast of the Swan should include a rich musical component. Some of the singers also played instruments at the banquets. 曲目: 1. Sicut lilium inter spinas 2. Ave Maria 3. Ave Maria 4. Ave Maria 5. Le grant désir d’aymer m’y tient 6. Missa Benedicti (Ick had een boelken uutvercoren): Kyrie 7. Missa Benedicti (Ick had een boelken uutvercoren): Gloria 8. Myns liefkens bruyn ooghen 9. Missa Myns liefkens bruyn ooghen: Sanctus 10. Dictes moy toutes voz pensées 11. Een vroulic wesen 12. Missa Benedicti (Ick had een boelken uutvercoren): Agnus Dei 13. Ick had een boelken uutvercoren (Oeverloos) 14. Ave Maria 15. Bonus track: Ick had een boelken uutvercoren (Oeverloos) Tim Braithwaite, Andrew Hallock, Vincent Bijlo, Cappella Pratensis, Christoph Sommer, Mara Winter, Filipa Meneses, Anna Danilevskaia, Grantley McDonald, Marc Busnel, Peter de Laurentiis, Lior Leibovici, Jonatan Alvarado, Korneel Van Neste, Sollazzo Ensemble |
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