【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 09月號/2024 第434期
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RM13.80 |
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2024-08-31 |
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A Message across the Milky Way
來自地球的致意 跨越星河的忠告
※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3 ※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3
A Message across the Milky Way
來自地球的致意 跨越星河的忠告
Standing on the Right and Passing on the Left?
Five Seconds Don't Save Food
Our planet is full of amazing creatures and places. One incredible spot that is sure to catch your interest is the Underwater Sculpture Park in Grenada. To learn more about this beautiful attraction, check out the article “Undersea Works of Art.” If you are more interested in learning about unique creatures, then “The Swamp's Silent Hunter” is a must-read article. It details the shoebill bird, a fascinating African swamp dweller that looks both silly and scary. You don't need to travel so far from home to see wonderful sights and animals. Hualien, located in the east of Taiwan, has plenty of places worth checking out. “Hualien: A Marvel of Natural Beauty and Cultural History” provides an in-depth look at this region. The September issue of Analytical English has more than just articles about places and animals, though. For example, “Why Are Bubbles Round?” describes the intriguing science behind this soapy, fun shape. So many other articles are waiting for you on the following pages. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 09月號/2024 第434期 封面 目錄 多元收聽平台 焦點新聞 結合藝術與保育:水下雕塑公園 首見野生猩猩自製草藥敷傷口 聯合國:環保記者屢遭脅迫 母語忘光光!有可能嗎? 詞彙測驗 敵不動我不動 鯨頭鸛怪怪惹人愛 緊握扶手、站穩踏階…… 還有請勿行走? 遊客過度旅遊 居民苦不堪言 泡泡啊,泡泡 你為什麼是圓的呢? 活力早餐哪裡買? 「髓」緣之情 延續生命 城市中的救命旋律 古今消暑大作戰 來自地球的致意 跨越星河的忠告 花蓮風景美如畫 自然歷史大會串 掉落食物秒撿起? 細菌笑你太天真! 翻譯 50分貝:最健康的噪音強度! 你的睡眠像哪種動物? 解析文法:動詞-1 實力測驗 背誦卡
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