Spring Eternity: A Trilogy
Volume One:
Southern Sovereignty: Spring Eternity
推薦序一 相挺作伙,點燃這把傳承的薪火 伍錦霖 2
The Foreword 1 Reciprocate, and ignite the spiritual fire of inheritance.
by Wu Jin-lin
推薦序二 倘佯永恆春日,閱讀百年恆春 郭松林 10
The Foreword 2 Sauntering across spring eternity, reading one hundred years’ Hengchun.
by Kuo Sung-lin
推薦序三 將我們的鄉情記憶,代代傳述下去 吳俊德 17
The Foreword 3 Our hometown affections and memories, pass on from generation to generation.
by Wu Jun-de
自序 寫一本故鄉的書,永續恆春之美 24
The Preface A book about a hometown, about the eternity and the beauty of Hengchun
恆春地圖 34
第一章、起程恆春:恆春半島的奇幻之旅,嵐山蔚海的優勝美地 35
Chapter1. Hengchun Off-go: A Fantastic Tour of Hengchun Peninsula; a Shangri-La of Misty Mountains and Blue Oceans
第二章、恆春身世:阿猴打狗本是同一家,族群融合的歷史過程 65
Chapter 2. Hengchun Genealogy: Akawm and Takau of the Same Blood-tie; the Historical Process of Ethnic Assimilation
第三章、恆春古道:一百二十公里大冒險,琅嶠卑南段先民足跡 75
Chapter 3. Hengchun Ancient Trail: A 120-Kilometer Expedition; the Ancestors’ Footprints upon Longkiauw-Beinan Trail
第四章、恆春命運:福爾摩沙的地緣政治,數百年來的明爭暗鬥 83
Chapter 4. Hengchun Destiny: Geopolitics Engulfing Formosa; Several-hundred-years’ Life Struggle
第五章、恆春歷史:羅發號事件考古揭密,八寶公主的民間傳說 93
Chapter 5. Hengchun History: The Archaeological Revelation of the Rover Incident; the Folkloric Legend of Princess Babao
第六章、恆春轉捩:還原八瑤灣事件始末,為保護領土導致誤會 111
Chapter 6. Hengchun Inflection Point: Back to the Truth of Bayao Bay Incident; Misunderstanding due to Defending Sovereignty
第七章、恆春戰火:牡丹社事件爆發激戰,沈葆楨來臺改變戰局 126
Chapter 7. Hengchun War: The Slaughter of the Mudan Incident; Shen Baozhen Strategically Transforming Taiwan
第八章、恆春大戰:獅頭社戰役原漢衝突,大龜文王國由盛轉衰 137
Chapter 8. Hengchun Bleeding: The Shi Tou Battle between the Aborigine and the Han People; the Governing and Declining of Daguiwenwang Nation
第九章、恆春戲劇:跟《斯卡羅》逛恆春,探訪劇中的美麗秘境 154
Chapter 9. Hengchun Drama: Take “Seqalu Formosa” as the Hengchun Guide; Visit the Beautiful Mythic Sites in the Drama
第十章、恆春探古:古城‧廟宇‧老建築,見證恆春的輝煌歷史 167
Chapter 10. Hengchun Time Travel: Old Town, Temples and Old Buildings; Witnessing the Glorious Legacies of Hengchun
第十一章、恆春特產:檳榔‧民謠‧落山風,瓊麻‧洋蔥‧港口茶 211
Chapter 11. Hengchun Specialties: Betel Nuts, Folk Songs and the Katabatic Wind; Agave Sisalana, Onion and Port Tea
後記:永恆春日:臺頂有戲,臺跤有夢 229
The Afterword: Eternal Spring—Drama on the Stage, Dream for the Audience
圖片來源 232 |