【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 06月號/2024 第431期
E220330109000101 |
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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2024-05-31 |
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Commemorating the Historic Arrival of Lady Liberty in New York
※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3 ※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3
Commemorating the Historic Arrival of Lady Liberty in New York
Fan Chants Add Spice to K-Pop Songs
熱情地應援吧 撒朗嘿 K-pop
Strategies for Confronting Face Blindness and Living Fully
June 2024
Summer is in full swing, and it's a perfect time to take a few trips with Analytical English . First up is “Challenging Yourself with the Niesen Stairway Run,” where people push themselves to run up the world's longest stairway. This difficult race is only 3.4 kilometers long, but it goes up 11,674 steps, which is very tough. For an easier trip, students can read “Does Anyone Want a Virtual Forest Bath?” The Japanese say that people feel much better when they go into the jungle and get a forest bath. Now, with a virtual tour, people can feel better without leaving their home. One of the most iconic places in the world is New York City. Overlooking the massive city is the Statue of Liberty. Learn more about this landmark in “Commemorating the Historic Arrival of Lady Liberty in New York” as we explain why the statue was made and what it meant. Finally, in almost every big city, there is a place to see animals. In “Zoos Old and New,” we look at how zoos came about and how modern ones are changing how we look at animals. This summer is a perfect time for a vacation, whether it's climbing stairs, exploring virtual worlds on the computer, or visiting a zoo. Analytical Editors 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 06月號/2024 第431期 封面 目錄 多元收聽平台 焦點新聞 全球最長階梯!驚心動魄尼森山 NASA毅力號證實火星曾存有湖泊 日本24小時商店逐漸沒落 宅在家也能做森林浴? 詞彙測驗 「鴉」倒眾生的鳥界天才 彩虹橋:與毛孩再次相聚的彼端 傳統節慶,你最喜歡哪一個? 塵封百年!大理石古羅馬地圖重現博物館 自由女神像漂洋過海抵紐約 翻譯 熱情地應援吧 撒朗嘿K-pop 支持當地紀念品 來一場永續旅行吧! 客製化蛋糕 隨你怎麼搭 韻律體操的特色與發展 茫茫人海臉盲盲 以車為家 車旅人生 當動物園沒有動物時 名詞與數量詞的關係 實力測驗 背誦卡
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