This story is set in a futuristic society, where a disastrous nuclear war has devastated the earth and caused certain children to develop abnormal abilities. Governments no longer exist, and the remaining people live in fear and suppression from the powerful gangs that control everyone. The main character, Hope, and her brother, Nye, must learn to navigate this tough environment, especially since Hope has a superpower of her own. However, the pair is separated amid a power struggle between two formidable sides. What will they do, and how will they get out of this alive? 本書特色 ★當一場核戰將世界焚為焦土,國家體制不復存在,世界的命運繫在兩名萌生超能力的青少年身上…… ★幻想與理想的交織,一部為青少年書寫的反烏托邦小說
Prologue Chapter. 1 Hope Chapter. 2 Chapter. 3 Chapter. 4 Chapter. 5 Nye Chapter. 6 Chapter. 7 Chapter. 8 Chapter. 9 Hope Chapter. 10 Chapter. 11 Chapter. 12 Chapter. 13 Nye Chapter. 14 Chapter. 15 Chapter. 16 Chapter. 17 Chapter. 18 Chapter. 19 Chapter. 20 Chapter. 21
作者簡介 Christian D. Chu Christian is currently a high school Junior studying in Singapore American School. He was accepted into the NYT creative writing program, which helped expand his skills as a writer. Ever since he was little, he enjoyed reading various genres, and would read for hours if he could. Christian loves dystopian and science fiction especially, which is also what spurred him to write this book and many other short stories.