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Part 1 General Aircraft Structure with Accordance to Airworthiness 1
1.1 Specifics of Civil Aircraft 1
1.1.1 The flight performances of the aircraft 1
1.1.2 Aerodynamic and strength performances 13
1.1.3 Design process and airworthiness
requirements 24
1.1.4 Aircraft classification by functions 26
1.1.5 Weight calculation by statistical data 28
1.2 Classification of Aircrafts on Aerodynamic Configuration and Designing
Feature 30
1.2.1 Classification by the wing arrangement in
vertical and horizontal planes 30
1.2.2 Classification by the aircraft units
arrangement tail unit, engines,landing gear, etc. 36
1.3 General Requirements to Aircraft Structure 49
1.3.1 General requirements to the aircraft 49
1.3.2 Main stages of aircraft cyclic life 53
1.4 General Knowledge About Wings
1.4.1 Purpose of the wing and requirements to it 63
1.4.2 Geometrical parameters and different shapes of
the wing 67
1.4.3 Main structural members of the wing 71
1.4.4 Load-carry structure of the wing 77
1.5 Tail Unit of the Aircraft 82
1.5.1 Purpose of the tail unit and requirements to
it 82
1.5.2 Geometrical parameters and different shapes of
a tail unit 86
1.5.3 Load-carry structure of the tail unit 91
1.6 Control Surfaces and High-lift Devices CS&HLD of the
Aircraft 95
1.6.1 Purpose of CS&HLD and requirements to
it 95
1.6.2 Geometrical parameters of CS&HLD 101
1.6.3 Load-carry structure of H-LD and CS 110
1.7 Fuselage of the Aircraft 111
1.7.1 Purpose of the fuselage and requirements to it
1.7.2 Geometrical parameters and different shapes of
the fuselage 130
1.7.3 Load-carry structure of the fuselage 134
1.8 Other Structural Members of the Aircraft 141
1.8.1 Purpose and specific requirements for the
landing gear 141
1.8.2 Configuration of the landing gear 148
1.8.3 Purpose and specific requirements for the
control system 172
1.8.4 Classification of the control system 178
Questions 194
Part 2 Conformity Verification and Validation of Aircraft Power Plant
System 195
2.1 Definition of Concept Power Plant
2.1.1 General questions 195
2.1.2 Aviation power plant improvement
directions 200
2.1.3 Over-all technical requirements to
aircraft power plants 204
2.1.4 Requirements to aircraft power plants in
airworthiness 205
2.2 Classification of Power Plants Types of Aircraft Engines and Their
Arrangement on Aircraft 214
2.2.1 General analysis of aircraft engine types
and areas of their application 214
2.2.2 Auxiliary power unit 224
2.2.3 Engine selection 224
2.2.4 Number of Engines 225
2.2.5 Analysis of scheme of engine arrangement on
aircraft 227
2.3 Engine Mounts 239
2.3.1 General information 239
2.3.2 Requirements to engine mount 241
2.3.3 Airframes of engine mounts 243
2.4 Fuel Systems of Power Plant 255
2.4.1 Purpose of fuel systems and requirements to
them 255
2.4.2 Aviation fuels and their properties 270
2.4.3 Structure of fuel systems 274
2.4.4 Layouts of fuel system 274
2.4.5 Calculations of fuel systems 278
2.4.6 Venting and pressurization of fuel system 286
2.4.7 Designing the scheme and calculation of fuel
dump system 291
2.4.8 Fueling system
2.4.9 Structural components of fuel system 296
2.5 Lubrication Systems of Power Plants 305
2.5.1 Purpose of lubrication systems and
requirements 305
2.5.2 Aviation oils
2.5.3 General characteristics of lubrication
systems 311
2.5.4 Lubrication system schemes methods of
separation air from oil 313
2.5.5 Calculation of lubrication system 320
2.5.6 Oil cooling, coolers 322
2.5.7 Oil tank structure 324
2.6 Nacelles and Cowlings of Engines
2.6.1 Purpose and components of nacelles and
cowlings 326
2.6.2 Airframe of nacelles for various types of
engines 330
2.7 Air-Intakes 332
2.7.1 Air suction system, its purpose, requirements and
components 332
2.7.2 Air intake classification 335
2.7.3 Designing model and design algorithm of
subsonic air intakes 338
2.7.4 Subsonic air intake design 341
2.8 Exhaust Units of Power Plants
2.8.1 Exhaust units, their purpose, requirements and
structure 342
2.8.2 Types of exhaust 345
2.8.3 Thrust reverse devices, their Purpose and
Requirementstypes of thrust reverse devices 347
2.8.4 Aircraft noise sources. noise abatement
procedures 349
2.9 Vibrations of Power Plants. Shock-Absorption of Engine Mounts 351
2.9.1 Airworthiness about powerplant vibrations 351
2.9.2 Common information about aircraft engines
ribrations 352
2.9.3 Stiffness of engine mounts 355
2.9.4 Shock-absorption of engine mounts 358
2.9.5 Design of shock absorbers 359
Questions 361
References 362
Dmytro:主要從事民用飛機結構設計、適航符合性驗證等領域研究;主要承擔民用飛機結構區域性設計以及民用飛機降噪減排適航性設計等項目;承擔了飛機結構適航符合性設計、驗證與審定飛機動力裝置系統與結構適航符合性驗證與審定等課程的教學。 |