對沖基金經理人錢志健在書中回顧自從2019年香港反修例運動以迄港版國安法實施以來,香港、中國以至世界局勢的變化:「過去數年,最大的衝擊,就是香港人在『主旋律』操控下,變成『大灣區.香港人』,受到強力監控,也失去言論自由。政治、金融、經濟及民生其實一環扣一環,而香港人歷經一次又一次的『身份改變』,令不少人有不同的體會,從而調整自己的想法。」 不論你是否懂得政治,政治始終要埋身(你不理政治,政治依然會找上你)。作者自云:「這書的構思其實是『先談及自由與公義,然後分享健康與投資。全天候性的操盤運作,長短均可;在短暫的人生當中,如何善用數萬天;是整個人生的策略和使命。』文章內容,以英語及正體中文字為主軸,涉及我對香港、中港臺以至世界局勢的看法。中文和英文的內容,不會翻譯,原文出版。」 本書收錄近百篇的中英文時事評論,願與「世界的香港人」一同分享。 各界推薦 銅鑼灣書店店長 林榮基 國際關係學者 沈旭暉 香港交易所前人力資源總監 曾振超 Mark Clifford Benedict Rogers ──聯合推薦 來自金融界的資深對沖基金經理錢志健先生,同為《港區國安法》下決定離開香港的港人之一。過往在港出版的書籍被視為「禁書」,是次在海外首次出版,暢所欲言地講述現今投資與國際關係、普世價值的關係。--國際關係學者 沈旭暉
好評推薦/沈旭暉 序/曾振超 自序/錢志健 真的邁開走向更遠的路 中共強權下的港澳疆藏 中共病毒,香港變天 股樓投資,低買高賣 香港已變,願來年更好 《小屋》:為何不幸降臨 龐貝奧的新書《一寸也不讓》及其它 戴教授背負的十字架 四十七人案的極權大審判 第三次世界大戰熱身戰 戰地孤聲,人生如戲 中共港共,好識得玩! 基努‧李維vs.甄子丹 義本無言,篤灰可恥 談惡意軟體:拼多多天美 西藏香港臺灣 香港已沒兩制,仍講馬照跑? 民主遊行已成絕響 致富心態,貪錢作怪 香港噤聲下,人財兩空 港共表忠,民主國家不可裝睡 一年已巨變,何況已三年? 港股變天,勇氣不滅 高機率投資,尋獲利之道 世界的香港,最後守護者 香港有燶味,這個夏天螞蟻搬家 香港曾是強力品牌 香港笑不出,七一好安靜 大灣區香港人 香港並非無藥可救 香港迎接各種波動 一國兩制,一切幻影 獄中贈畫,人間有情 香港被清洗,政敵被死亡 一國兩制還可捍衛? 傾國家力量治理香港 世上沒有發達祕笈 APEC 峰會,世界在看 年尾收爐,命運在手 香港大崩壞,自由價更高 Preface Challenges to True Freedom: Political Prisoners and the NSL's Suppression inHong Kong From Tiananmen 89 to Hong Kong's Ongoing Political Crackdown Freedom in HK Is Now History What Can Hong Kong's New Leader Bring to the Table? The Upcoming National Security Trial of Jimmy Lai and the Erosion of Freedoms in Hong Kong The Resilience of a City: Hong Kong's Fight for Freedom and the Mid-Autumn Festival A Journey Through Time: Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Hong Kong's Struggle, and the Hope for Freedom A Brighter Tomorrow: Hong Kong's Political Prisoners in Two Years, as We Continue to Pray When Real Hong Kong Voices Cannot be Heard, We Will Have Nothing Left For Freedom: Tibet, Democratic China, and Hong Kong Remain Steadfast in Supporting Taiwan and Hong Kong Erosion of Rights: Hong Kong's Dismantling Under Totalitarian Control Hongkongers Must Live as We Always Live-Global Citizens The Fall of Hong Kong Under the National Security Law Human Rights Situation in Hong Kong Under CCP Rule Standing Unjust Trials in Hong Kong Leaving Hong Kong but Continuing to Tell the Story Misplaced Hope for Hong Kong's Future Hong Kong in Accelerated Exodus Mode Remembrance of Apple Daily Jimmy Lai: Bravest Guardian of Hong Kong's Freedom in the Face of an Unjust NSL Trial
作者簡介 錢志健 資深對沖基金經理,投資超過三十年經驗。曾爲最大型英國上市對沖基金Man Investments地區主管。與此同時,也是財經電台及多媒體頻道負責人、評論人及專欄作家。 金融以外,錢氏關注香港在「港版國安法」及「一國兩制」急速崩壞下,警惕世界投資者,自由及開放市場來得不易,也非必然。當制度崩壞後,很多事情難以修補,我們更要引以為戒。 過去兩年多,錢氏組織了「世界香港論壇」及「全球為香港政治犯祈禱」多個項目,希望世界關注香港現況;希望香港可重回正軌,保留「真正」資本主義生活方式,公務員政治中立,學校教育沒有政治洗腦,新聞自由,評論自由,言論自由,進出自由,但願香港返回真正的「一國兩制」。錢氏也主理一條超過七萬五千人訂閱的YouTube頻道,繼續說「真香港」故事。 Edward C. K. Chin has enjoyed a lengthy career in hedge funds and the media. Initially, he served as a portfolio manager in Canada before relocating to Hong Kong in 2000. Over the years, he has held leadership positions at regulated asset management firms in Hong Kong. Additionally, he formerly served as the Country Manager at Man Investments, a UK publicly listed hedge fund operator, recognized as the largest of its kind in terms of assets under management (AUM). Beyond his financial pursuits, Chin is a staunch advocate for democracy and press freedom. In response to the enactment of the National Security Law (NSL) in Hong Kong in 2020, he actively maintains and operates a global social media platform, continuing to share the authentic Hong Kong story. Chin's ongoing projects include the Global Prayer Movement for Hong Kong and the World Hong Kong Forum. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute (FCSI). His academic background includes the study of Speech Communication at the University of Minnesota, and he received his MBA from the University of Toronto. YouTube@EdChinWorld Email: edckchin@gmail.com