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【电子书】Taiwan Unbound: A New Chapter

ISBN E9786267063569
定价 NT336
售价 RM52.08
作者 Rex How
出版社 大塊文化
出版日期 2023-12-21
库存量 有库存

本书为流动版面EPUB格式,适合用 mooInk、手机、平板及电脑阅读(无法在其他阅读器上阅读),不能下载及打印。需登录第三方网站readmoo.com兑换及阅读。


● Over the course of eight years, Rex How has observed what he calls the “Ocean Mindset” in Taiwanese society. Drawing from interviews from experts in diverse fields, he describes how this mindset has evolved.

● In the post-pandemic era and amid signif


This insightful and indispensable book explores dramatic changes in Taiwanese society on the eve of the 2024 presidential elections. It seeks to demystify the complexities of Taiwan’s political landscape and illuminate social and political issues that are often overlooked.

Part One, The Mist, provides a backdrop of the last thirty years in Taiwan, focusing on the evolution of major political parties and the emergence of new political forces. This section provides a crucial overview of the electoral dynamics in Taiwan.

Part Two, The Smoke, uncovers the often-invisible influence of China on Taiwan’s politics and everyday life. From subtle economic pressures to overt cognitive warfare, external forces are shaping Taiwan’s political and social reality.

Part Three, The Elephant, turns the spotlight on pressing issues impacting Taiwan’s youth, among them housing, labor, and a sense of possibility. It sheds light on the unique challenges faced by the younger generation in Taiwan, who navigate a world vastly different from their predecessors.

Part Four, The Ocean, turns to the surrounding waters as both a literal source and symbol of Taiwanese potential and resilience. Drawing parallels from the ocean’s capacity to renew itself, this section portrays Taiwan as a nation at the forefront of significant global changes. It illustrates how Taiwan, much like the vast ocean, holds untapped opportunities and lessons for the world at large.

This book is an essential read for those interested in understanding this dynamic island nation and its role in global affairs.


Rex How

A leader and changemaker in the publishing industry for over 40 years.

Established Locus Publishing in 1996.

Co-founded Taipei Book Fair Foundation in 2005.
National Policy Advisor to the President of Republic of China Ma Ying-jeou from 2009- 2013.

The script writer of Abi-Sword, graphics by Chen Uen, 1990.

The author of Abi-Sword Prequel Volume 1 and 2, 2020

The author of Confessions of an Underground Buddhist, 2009; Taiwan Unbound, 2016; Taiwan Sets Sail: New Hope, 2016, and others.

The translator of 2001: A Space Odyssey, Arthur C. Clarke; How to Read a Book, Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren.

Bestowed the title Knight of the Order of the Italian Star in 2021.




      Guest Introduction / Michelle Kuo
      Part 1: The Mist
      Part 2: The Smoke
      Part 3: The Elephant
      Part 4: The Ocean
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