【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 12月號/2023 第425期
E220303062000101 |
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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2023-11-30 |
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The Catboat Helps Keep Kitties Comfy on Canals
The Catboat Helps Keep Kitties Comfy on Canals
Reindeer— The Reality behind the Myths
Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker
December has arrived, and this means that Christmas is around the corner. One popular Christmas tradition is hanging stockings by the fireplace. To learn about the origins of this tradition, check out “The History of Christmas Stockings.” Another thing commonly associated with Christmas is reindeer. While these animals might not be able to fly in the sky, they have many other special features. The article “Reindeer—The Reality behind the Myths” is full of information about these majestic creatures. If you are looking to pick up a fun sport this winter, then ice climbing might be perfect for you. “The Thrills and Chills of Ice Climbing” has all the information you need to know about this exhilarating sport. Maybe you are someone who likes to spend time relaxing on a cruise ship. “Charting the Fast Route: Hurtigruten Norway’s Zero-Emission Cruise Ship” looks at one company’s effort to make the cruise ship industry more environmentally friendly. These are just some of the great articles you will find in the December issue of Analytical English. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 12月號/2023 第425期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 焦點新聞 翻譯 荷蘭貓船:喵星人的諾亞方舟 瞳孔橫豎的祕密 祕魯史前巨鯨或成最大哺乳動物 巴拿馬運河大塞船 詞彙測驗 揭開馴鹿的神祕面紗 粉紅色 男生女生都配 不屈不撓的精神象徵:達摩不倒翁 聯名商品夯 你買單嗎? 驚險刺激的冰攀 為什麼船底要塗成紅色? 奇幻浪漫的芭蕾舞劇《胡桃鉗》 地球超載日:8/2起全球陷生態赤字 看電影驚魂記 零碳排電動郵輪來了! 掛上聖誕襪 來收禮物囉! 百變碳搖身一變!石墨烯超人顯現 隕落︰鐵達尼號和泰坦號 解析文法:反問句 實力測驗 背誦卡
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