【代購】普朗克 / 史特拉文斯基 / 普羅高菲夫: 小提琴奏鳴曲 / 大衛.格里摩 小提琴 / 伊塔瑪.戈朗 鋼琴
Poulenc, Stravinsky, Prokofiev: Sonatas For Violin and Piano / David Grimal / Itamar Golan |
作曲家: Poulenc / Stravinsky / Prokofiev 演出者: David Grimal (violin) / Itamar Golan (piano)
三首奏鳴曲, 三位作曲家, 三個不同的世界, 但這三首曲子來自同一個時期, 1930年和1940年間, 在極權主義政權的興起和第二次世界大戰之間, 都是為同一種力量而寫: 一個小提琴和鋼琴二重奏.
1928年在巴黎歌劇院首演的芭蕾舞劇(仙子之吻 Le Baiser de la fee), 史特拉汶斯基指揮柴可夫斯基的作曲. 在四年後, 從此新古典樂譜中的部分樂章在小提琴家杜希金(Samuel Dushkin)的協助下被改編並命名為(嬉遊曲 Divertimento).
Three sonatas, three composers, three different universes, but three pieces dating from the same period, the 1930s and 1940s, between the rise of the totalitarian regimes and the Second World War, and written for the same forces, a violin-piano duo.
It was the Paris Opera that saw the 1928 premiere of the ballet v (The Fairy's Kiss), which Igor Stravinsky concocted from pieces by Tchaikovsky. Movements from this neo- classical score were rearranged in part four years later, with the help of the violinist Samuel Dushkin, under the title Divertimento.
FRANCIS POULENC – SONATA FOR VIOLIN AND PIANO 1. Allegro con fuoco 6'20 2. Intermezzo 5'48 3. Presto tragico 5'33
IGOR STRAVINSKY – DIVERTIMENTO FOR VIOLIN AND PIANO 4. Sinfonia 6'11 5. Danses suisses 4'15 6. Scherzo 2'54 7. Pas de deux (Adgio – Variation – Coda) 6'02
SERGUEI PROKOFIEV – VIOLIN SONATA NO.1 IN F MINOR, OP.80 8. Andante 6'02 9. Allegro brusco 6'51 10. Andante 6'30 11. Allegrissimo 6'57 |
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