以81個原理,從全方位的角度建立兒童教育理論架構,與孩子們一起成長,帶孩子們進入美妙的世界 ◎根據學習者自身條件、生長環境,以及學習過程有關的各種原理,所發展出來的一套兒童教育理論。 ◎本書能使孩子的智力、情感以及人際關係,隨著成長和生理狀況的變化而不斷的同時發展。 ◎作者同時兼具法學博士、MBA、律師、會計師多種專業身分,中英對照,精闢解析。 The author is an attorney and C.P.A. Throughout his life, he has been questing and exploring common grounds for people and concluded that childhood education is the foundation for people, families, society, and the future of the world. He is very appreciative of the opportunities and education offered by society. In this book, he shares his principles of education as a giving back to society. 作者是位執業律師暨會計師。他一輩子在找尋人間的共通之處,得到兒童教育正是人們、家庭、社會及未來世界之基石的結論。他非常感激社會給他的教育和機會。在此書中分享了他的教育原理來回饋社會。 ●This book shows you ways to 這本書告訴你如何去 .Discover how people learn 發覺人們是怎麼學習的 .Guide our children 引導我們的孩子們 .Review effectiveness of education 檢討教育的效率 .Explore tools for education 探尋教育之工具 .Grow with children 與孩子們一起成長 .Introduce children to a wonder world 帶孩子們進入美妙的世界 Dedicated to parents, educators, learners, and leaders of the universes 獻給所有父母、老師、學生和領袖們
Acknowledgments 致謝 Preface 前言 Part I - Learner’s State 第一部 – 學習者的狀況 1. Body Function Curve Principle 身體功能發展原理 2. Gross Capacity Principle 整體能力原理 3. Free Capacity Principle 可供自由使用的能力原理 4. A Person’s State Principle 個人狀況原理 5. Potential of a Person Principle 個人學習潛力原理 6. Learning and Physiology Correlation Principle 學習與生理相關性原理 7. Trammel State Principle 阻礙狀態原理 8. Principle of Physical and Mental State Co-Relationship 身體與心理交互作用原理 9. Principle of Latency in a Person’s Change of Physical and Mental State 一個人的身體與心理狀況改變的潛伏期原理 10. Dominant State Principle 顯性狀態原理 11. Recessive State Principle 隱性狀態原理 12. Critical State of Existing Knowledge Principle 知識臨界點(關鍵點)原理 13. Information Management Principle 資訊管理原理 14. Ideal Education Principle 理想教育原理 15. Pursuance of Betterment Principle 追求更好原理 16. Motive Principle 動機原理 17. Desire Principle 渴望原理 18. Motivation Principle 驅策力量原理 19. Action Principle 行動原理 20. Self-Sufficiency Principle 自給自足(不用依賴別人)原理 21. Confidence Principle 信心原理 22. Principle of Comfort Zone 舒適圈原理 23. Effect of Education Principle 教育效果原理 24. Act in Time Principle 及時行動原理 25. Limited Resources Principle 有限資源原理 26. Relevant Factors Principle 相關因素原理 27. Learning Path Principle 學習途徑原理 28. Priority Principle 優先順序原理 29. Time Factor Principle 時間因素原理 30. Knowledge Accumulation Principle 知識累積原理 31. Personal Condition Principle 個人狀況原理 Part II - Learner’s Interactions with Environment 第二部 學習者與環境的互動 32. Environment Principle 環境原理 33. Trust Factor Principle 信賴因素原理 34. Critical State for Learning Principle 學習的關鍵狀況原理 35. Window of Opportunity for Learning Principle 學習機會窗口原理 36. Dwindling Window of Opportunity for Learning Principle 學習機會窗口逐漸變小原理 37. Development of Learner’s Potential Principle 學習者潛能發展原理 38. Education Priority Principle 教育優先順序原理 39. Bond Principle 人際關係原理 40. Distancing Principle 保持距離原理 41. Family Tie Principle 家庭關係原理 42. Family Education Principle 家庭教育原理 43. Total Education Principle 全面教育原理 44. Connection Principle 關聯原理 45. Attachment Principle 親近感原理 46. Transmission Princip29 傳播原理 47. Imperfection Principle 不完美原理 48. Education Limit Principle 終極教育原理 49. Approaching an Education Goal Principle 接近教育目標原理 50. Principle of Tool 工具原理 51. Principle of Guidance 輔導原理 Part III - Introducing a Learner to the World 第三部 引領學習者踏入現實世界 52. Group Principle 群體原理 53. Principle of Stage 階段原理 54. Principle of Growing Stage 成長階段原理 55. Principle of Maintenance Stage (Dedicated to Dr. George Forman on 12/24/2021) 維持階段原理 (獻給喬治福爾曼博士12/24/2021) 56. Principle of Open Communication 公開溝通原理 57. Principle of Over-Expressive 過度表達原理 58. Outreach Motive Principle 擴大動機原理 59. Principle of Outreach 延伸原理 60. Principle of Demand 要求原理 61. Principle of Conflict 衝突原理 62. Partial Conflict Resolution Principle 部分解決衝突原理 63. Conflict Duration Principle 衝突持續期間原理 64. Principle of Conflict Resolution 衝突解決原理 65. Principle of a Window of Opportunity for Conflict Resolution 解決衝突機會窗口原理 66. Principle of Setback 挫敗原理 67. Principle of Giving 贈與原則 68. Principle of Negotiation 協商原理 69. Principle of Holdback 裹足不前原理 70. Principle of Incentive 誘因原理 71. Principle of Competition 競爭原理 72. Principle of Associatio6 聯誼原理 73. Principle of Sharing 共享原理 74. Principle of Round Robin 環狀溝通原理 75. Principle of Cross-Communication 橫跨溝通原理 76. Principle of Structured Organization 結構性組織原理 77. Training Principle 訓練原理 78. Principle of Team 團隊原理 79. Principle of Teamwork 團隊合作原理 80. Principle of Team Leader 團隊領導原理 81. Adjustment Principle 調整原理 Glossary 語彙表
作者簡介 宋武峰(Donald W. Sung) Donald Sung是一名律師和註冊會計師,他一生都在尋找和探索人們的共同點,並總結出兒童教育是人、家庭、社會和世界未來的基礎。他非常感激社會提供的機會和教育。在這本書中,他分享了他作為回饋社會的教育原則。 About Donald Sung: Donald Sung is an attorney and C.P.A. Throughout his life, he has been questing and exploring common grounds for people and concluded that childhood education is the foundation for people, families, society, and the future of the world. He is very appreciative of the opportunities and educations offered by society. In this book he shares his principles of education as a giving back to society.