List of figures xxvi List of tables xxvii Preface to the second edition xxviii Preface to the first edition xxx Acknowledgements xxxii Credits xxxiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 About the organization of this book 4 1.2 Examples, back-translations and the languages of illustration 6 Suggestions for further reading 8 Note 9 2 Equivalence at word level 10 2.1 The word in different languages 10 2.2 Lexical meaning 12 2.3 The problem of non-equivalence 16 Exercises 46 Suggestions for further reading 49 Notes 50 3 Equivalence above word level 53 3.1 Collocation 54 3.2 Idioms and fixed expressions 69 Exercises 87 Suggestions for further reading 91 Notes 92 4 Grammatical equivalence 94 4.1 Grammatical versus lexical categories 95 4.2 The diversity of grammatical categories across languages 97 4.3 A brief note on word order 123 4.4 Introducing text 123 Exercises 126 Suggestions for further reading 130 Notes 131 5 Textual equivalence: thematic and information structures 134 5.1 A Hallidayan overview of information flow 136 5.2 The Prague School position on information flow: functional sentence perspective 173 Exercises 184 Suggestions for further reading 189 Notes 191 6 Textual equivalence: cohesion 194 6.1 Reference 194 6.2 Substitution and ellipsis 200 6.3 Conjunction 204 6.4 Lexical cohesion 215 Exercises 228 Suggestions for further reading 232 Notes 233 7 Pragmatic equivalence 235 7.1 Coherence 235 7.2 Coherence and processes of interpretation: implicature 239 7.3 Coherence, implicature and translation strategies 244 Exercises 268 Suggestions for further reading 275 Notes 276 8 Semiotic equivalence 279 8.1 Semiotic resources and semiotic regimes 281 8.2 Creative deployment of semiotic resources 288 8.3 Translating semiotically complex material 292 Exercises 299 Suggestions for further reading 305 Notes 305 9 Beyond equivalence: ethics and morality 307 9.1 Ethics and morality 308 9.2 Professionalism, codes of ethics and the law 316 9.3 The ethical implications of linguistic choices 320 9.4 Concluding remarks 323 Exercises 324 Suggestions for further reading 330 Notes 331 Glossary 334 References 339 Name index 359 Language index 363 Subject index 365
莫娜·貝克(Mona Baker):英國曼徹斯特大學翻譯研究名譽教授,中國上海交通大學貝克翻譯與跨文化研究中心主任,國際翻譯與跨文化研究協會創始副主席。