資料庫系統概念》是資料庫系統方面的經典教材之一,其內容由淺入深,既包含資料庫系統基本概念,又反映資料庫技術新進展。它被國際上許多著名大學所採用,包括斯坦福大學、耶魯大學、德克薩斯大學、康奈爾大學、伊利諾伊大學等。也有多所大學採用本書作為本科生和研究生資料庫課程的教材和主要教學參考書,收到了良好的效果。本書基於該書第7版進行改編,保留其中的基本內容,壓縮或刪除了一些高級內容,更加適合作為國內高校電腦及相關專業本科生資料庫雙語課程教材。 本書特色 內容簡練。保留了原書最基本的內容,講述資料庫系統的基本概念;對資料庫設計技術以及資料管理實現與應用的高級主題進行了有選擇性的介紹。 直觀易懂。採用直觀的方式描述概念,以結構清晰的圖示和示例代替形式化的證明。 實用性強。以大學資料庫實例生動地解釋重要概念,通俗易懂。 內容新穎。反映了資料庫在設計、管理和使用方式等方面的變化及資料庫概念方面的發展趨勢。
Chapter 1Introduction1 11 Database-System Applications1 12 Purpose of Database Systems5 13 View of Data8 131 Data Models8 132 Relational Data Model9 133 Data Abstraction9 134 Instances and Schemas12 14 Database Languages13 141 Data-Definition Language13 142 The SQL Data-Definition Language14 143 Data-Manipulation Language15 144 The SQL Data-Manipulation Language16 145 Database Access from Application Programs16 15 Database Design17 16 Database Engine18 161 Storage Manager19 162 The Query Processor20 163 Transaction Management20 17 Database and Application Architecture21 18 Database Users and Administrators23 181 Database Users and User Interfaces24 182 Database Administrator24 19 History of Database Systems25 110 Summary29 Review Terms30 Practice Exercises31 Exercises32 Tools33 Further Reading33 Bibliography33 PART 1RELATIONAL LANGUAGES Chapter 2Introduction to the Relational Model37 21 Structure of Relational Databases37 22 Database Schema41 23 Keys43 24 Schema Diagrams46 25 Relational Query Languages47 26 Summary48 Review Terms49 Practice Exercises49 Exercises50 Further Reading51 Bibliography51 Chapter 3Introduction to SQL53 31 Overview of the SQL Query Language53 32 SQL Data Definition54 321 Basic Types55 322 Basic Schema Definition56 33 Basic Structure of SQL Queries59 331 Queries on a Single Relation59 332 Queries on Multiple Relations62 34 Additional Basic Operations67 341 The Rename Operation67 342 String Operations70 343 Attribute Specification in the Select Clause71 344 Ordering the Display of Tuples71 345 Where-Clause Predicates72 35 Set Operations73 351 The Union Operation74 352 The Intersect Operation75 353 The Except Operation76 36 Null Values77 37 Aggregate Functions79 371 Basic Aggregation79 372 Aggregation with Grouping80 373 The Having Clause83 374 Aggregation with Null and Boolean Values84 38 Nested Subqueries86 381 Set Membership86 382 Set Comparison87 383 Test for Empty Relations89 384 Test for the Absence of Duplicate Tuples91 385 Subqueries in the From Clause92 386 The With Clause93 387 Scalar Subqueries94 388 Scalar Without a From Clause95 39 Modification of the Database96 391 Deletion96 392 Insertion98 393 Updates99 310 Summary102 Review Terms103 Practice Exercises103 Exercises107 Tools111 Further Reading112 Bibliography112 Chapter 4Intermediate SQL113 41 Join Expressions113 411 The Natural Join114 412 Join Conditions118 413 Outer Joins119 414 Join Types and Conditions124 42 Views125 421 View Definition126 422 Using Views in SQL Queries126 423 Materialized Views128 424 Update of a View128 43 Transactions131 44 Integrity Constraints133 441 Constraints on a Single Relation134 442 Not Null Constraint134 443 Unique Constraint135 444 The Check Clause135 445 Referential Integrity137 446 Assigning Names to Constraints139 447 Integrity Constraint Violation During a Transaction139 448 Complex Check Conditions and Assertions140 45 SQL Data Types and Schemas141 451 Date and Time Types in SQL142 452 Type Conversion and Formatting Functions143 453 Default Values144 454 Large-Object Types144 455 User-Defined Types146 456 Generating Unique Key Values148 457 Create Table Extensions150 458 Schemas, Catalogs, and Environments150 46 Index Definition in SQL152 47 Authorization153 471 Granting and Revoking of Privile