Introducing Universities and Disciplines CHEN Baosheng Interdisciplinarity and Paradigm Shift of Modern Science —A Speech Given at the First National Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies Conference and Joint Meeting of Academies for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research HAN Qide Theoretical Reflection and Practical Inquiry on the Construction and Evaluation of Disciplines with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era HUANG Baoyin, LIN Mengquan and CHEN Yan Reflections on Universities and Disciplines ZHANG Pingwen Exploring the Connotative Means of Disciplinary Development Particularly Applicable to Underdeveloped Regions —A Case Study of Lanzhou University YAN Chunhua The Historical Evolution, Functions and Optimization of the Discipline Catalogue in China MA HuaideWANG Zhiyong On Developmental Laws and Prospects of Legal Science WANG LimingHUANG Wenyi Meta Evaluation: The Circulation of Evaluation and the Value Origin ZHOU Zuoyu On the Dilemma of Late Developing and Exogenous Academic System and Dealing Strategy YAN Fengqiao Academic Disciplines Connotation, Its Mechanism and Basis for Classification YAN Guangcai Discipline System: Chinese Features and World Significances LU Xiaozhong
黃寶印,現任學位與研究生教育發展中心主任,《大學與學科》雜誌主編,主持社科基金重點項目“中國研究生教育品質指數研究”。畢業于中國人民大學世界經濟專業,碩士學位。曾長期在學位委員會辦公室、學位管理與研究生教育司工作,歷任文理醫學科處處長、專業學位教育處處長,學位辦副主任、研究生司副司長。 張平文,現任北京大學黨委、副校長,數學科學學院教授,《大學與學科》雜誌執行主編。先後當選長江學者特聘教授,獲自然科學基金傑出青年科學基金,自然科學基金創新研究群體專案學術帶頭人,數學物理學部院士,發展中科學院院士。