【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 09月號/2022 第410期
E220243290000101 |
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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2022-08-31 |
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The Rise of the Food Truck
※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3 ※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3
The Rise of the Food Truck
Laugh out Loud at Stand-up Comedy
Beware of the Bandwagon
September is here, and that means students are heading back to school ready to learn new things. This month’s issue of Analytical English is full of informative articles for the curious mind. Have you ever wondered how food trucks became so popular? “The Rise of the Food Truck” will explain everything you need to know about this popular dining option. Another great food-related article is “A Sandwich with a Little Bit of Everything.” It delves into the origin of a famous sandwich commonly eaten in South Africa. “Spit to Clean” looks into a surprising use of the saliva in our mouths other than digesting food. If you want to learn about things not found on Earth, then “The Galileo Project: A Groundbreaking Mission to Jupiter” is a great read. You will learn all about the amazing discoveries from that space program. Finally, “A Brief Look at the History of Houses” not only looks at the history of homes but also provides practical knowledge about protecting your home. You will surely learn something new in the September issue of Analytical English. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 09月號/2022 第410期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 焦點新聞 詞彙測驗 餐車:街頭行動美食館 超強去汙神器:口水 颱風快報!颱風如何生成報給你知 嗶啵嗶啵 外星人收到請回答! 復活節彩蛋 達爾文失蹤筆記本完好回歸! 請救救我的帳號! 南非蓋茲比三明治 蓋世無雙 單口喜劇:讓你笑到「並軌」 功成身退!伽利略號永眠於木星 腿下的銀翼:義肢跑者連跑104天馬拉松 每天該喝多少水? 白鯨:汪洋中的一點白 新聞導讀 琥珀宮:昔日的輝煌,今日的謎團 翻譯 進入正軌 讓你大開眼界的眼鏡發展史 高跟鞋:歷經成敗淬鍊不凡 關於房屋的大小事 你落入「跟風」陷阱了嗎? 動名詞 實力測驗 背誦卡
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