【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 02月號/2022 第403期
E220214356000101 |
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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2022-01-31 |
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Flowers for the Lunar New Year
※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3 ※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3
Flowers for the Lunar New Year
Why Is the Oscar Statuette Only Worth $1?
The Stunning Horsetail Falls at Yosemite!
It’s the second New Year of 2022, and we are only one month in! If you are interested in the beautiful orchids, peonies, or peach blossoms that you always see around the first few months of the year, check out “Flowers for the Lunar New Year” to learn more. Maybe you prefer eating candy during the time off from school and work. Check out “The Delectable Differences between Dark, White, and Milk Chocolate” to learn which one is your favorite. We know that you will use the computer a lot to keep in touch with friends during the holiday, but writing them a letter would be more meaningful. Don’t believe us? Look at “The Advantages of Handwriting” to understand what we mean. Finally, your parents and family members may give you some red envelopes. Be careful! Don’t give your money out to your friends. Learn from “Sorry, I Can’t Lend You Money” and you will have some excuses to say no. Happy Lunar New Year from the staff at Ivy Analytical English. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 02月號/2022 第403期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 「嗶」一聲、「掃」一下,科技帶來的便利 八歲女童 成史上最年輕天文學家 秋日美景不再 氣候變遷影響楓紅 詞彙測驗 乘載著祝福的年花 焦點話題 你那邊幾點?有了格林威治標準時間,不用猜! Facebook誕生在哈佛今年滿十八! 減塑新幫手TOMbag:可清洗環保垃圾袋 你會選夜市券還是自助餐廳券? 黑白牛奶巧克力~甜甜苦苦好滋味 新聞導讀 手寫好處多 翻譯 為何孩子總愛重複聽故事 金錢往來這門尷尬的功課 奧斯卡小金人系「金」欸嗎? 懶人減重法:間歇性斷食 捲尾猴:機靈可愛的小幫手 二月限定!優勝美地火瀑布 簡報技巧指南 實力測驗 解析文法:句子的形成 背誦卡
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