Content 目錄 你想知道嗎? 4 中英對照篇 easy as pie 易如反掌 6 rain cats and dogs 傾盆大雨 8 the apple of one''s eye 掌上明珠 10 look for a needle in a haystack 大海撈針 12 judge a book by its cover以貌取人 14 once in a blue moon 千載難逢 16 see the light 茅塞頓開 18 time flies 光陰似箭 20 a drop in the bucket 九牛一毛 22 crocodile tears貓哭老鼠 24 get cold feet裏足不前 26 talk through one''s hat 信口開河 28 hear through the grapevine 道聽途說 30 live on bread and water 粗茶淡飯 32 in one''s blood 與生俱來 34 cry over spilt milk 覆水難收 36 have a ball 樂不可支 38 put the cart before the horse 本末倒置 40 bite the bullet 咬緊牙關 42 the elephant in the room 避而不談 44 have one''s head in the clouds 神不守舍 46 the pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步 48 the icing on the cake 錦上添花 50 read between the lines 弦外之音 52 cut to the chase 開門見山 54 catch (somebody) on wrong foot 措手不及 56 knock one''s socks off 刮目相看 58 let the cat out of the bag 露出馬腳 60 put oneself in somebody''s shoes將心比心 a storm in a teacup小題大做 run round like a headless chicken手忙腳亂 broaden one''s horizons大開眼界 hit the ceiling怒髮衝冠 poles apart天壤之別 back to square one捲土重來 你想知道嗎? 中英共通篇 tongue-tied張口結舌 kill two birds with one stone一石二鳥 hot potato燙手山芋 save(something)for a rainy day未雨網繹 add fuel to the fire火上加油 red in the face面紅耳赤 have a heart of stone 鐵石心腸 plain sailing一帆風順 fish in troubled waters渾水摸魚 on thin ice如履薄冰 dancing in the streets心中有數 have one''s number turn a blind eye視而不見 a chapter of accidents禍不單行 come rain or shine風雨無阻 成語實戰賽 答案