狐狸和烏鴉 A Fox and a Crow 狐狸和驢子 A Fox and a Donkey 獅子和孟加拉虎 A Lion and a Bengal Tiger 大野狼和小羊 A Wolf and a Baby Sheep 果農和竹子 A Man and Bamboo 野狼和綿羊 A Wolf and a Sheep 有用的人 An Instructive Man 沒有尾巴的狐狸 A Tailless Fox 工蟻和幼蟲 Worker Ants and a Larva 生氣的驢子 An Angry Donkey 牧羊人 A Goatherder 農夫和狗 A Farmer and the Dogs 狐狸和馬蠅 A Fox and Horseflies 猴子和漁夫 A Monkey and a Fisherman 鴿子、狐狸和梨子樹 A Dove, a Fox and a Pear Tree 碾米坊裡的賽馬 A Racehorse in a Rice Mill 虛榮的花豹 A Vain Leopard 青蛙和太陽 Frogs and the Sun 野雞相鬥 A Fight of Wild Fowls 烏鴉和鴿子 A Crow and a Pigeon 老鷹和獅子 An Eagle and a Lion 驢子和雕像 A Donkey with the Image 驢子和牠的主人 The Donkey and Its Masters 天神和駱駝 Jupiter and a Camel 小牛和公牛 A Baby Ox and a Young Ox 旅行者和蜜蜂 A Traveler and a Swarm of Bees 旅行者和船 Travelers and the Boat 猴子和烏龜 A Monkey and a Tortoise 螃蟹和狐狸 A Crab and a Fox 老鷹和農夫 A Hawk and a Peasant 烏鴉和鴿子 A Crow and a Dove 兩個男人和一把斧頭 Two Men and an Axe 母雞和貓 Hens and a Cat 田鼠和貓鼬 Voles and Mongooses 狼和牧羊人 A Wolf and a Shepherd 烏鴉和上帝 A Crow and God 鷓鴣和鬥雞 A Partridge and Fighting Cocks 鶴和鵝 A Crane and a Goose 馬和馬術師 A Horse and a Horseman 牧羊人和小老虎 A Shepherd and a Baby Tiger 綿羊和牧羊犬 A Sheep and a Shepherd Dog 蛇、老鷹和獵人 A Snake, an Eagle and a Hunter 貴族和皮匠 A Nobleman and a Tanner 公牛和山羊 An Ox and a Goat 農夫和鶴 A Farmer and Cranes 兩隻青蛙和一口井 Two Frogs and a Well 橄欖樹和無花果樹 An Olive Tree and a Fig Tree 燕子和其他鳥兒 A Swallow and Other Birds 麻雀和野兔 A Sparrow and a Hare 小貓和狐狸 A Kitten and a Fox