【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 06月號/2021 第395期
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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2021-05-31 |
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The History of Poker and Playing Cards
※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3 ※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3
The History of Poker and Playing Cards
The Facts about Egg Balancing
More Than Just Plain Old Milk
The Mysterious Movements of Mercury
水逆發威 如何防備?
This month, Analytical English is considering all the different things that will be happening in June. This year, we will have “One Extra Second of Summer” when a leap second gets added at the end of the month. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard about it. It’s not a regular occurrence. Something you probably are aware of is the Dragon Boat Festival. We will look into “The Facts about Egg Balancing,” which is a common activity around the time of the festival. You should also know that for most of the month, Mercury is in retrograde. Decide whether you are an astronomer or an astrologer by checking out “The Mysterious Movements of Mercury.” It’s not just the month, but the days of the week also have mythical connections. “Wednesday Is Odin’s Day” and in fact, most of the days are named after Norse gods. Have a look at June’s issue of Analytical English and get ready for the month ahead. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 06月號/2021 第395期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 翻譯 阿根廷出土之泰坦巨龍化石或為地表最大動物 人道取向 科學家研發酵母菌鮮奶 誰說端午才能立蛋 沙漠十項全能之舟 蘇伊士運河大排長「榮」!全球貨運受衝擊 太魯閣號出軌,釀成嚴重傷亡 健康威脅!室內空氣比室外髒? 如果我有一個YouTube頻道 小蛤蜊──檢測波蘭水質的大功臣 你從未想過的撲克牌! 實力測驗 飛吧!氣球~ 《再給我一天》:重新活出美麗人生 閏秒:地球自轉小捕手 全植物奶選擇多,你愛哪一味? 好聚好散 姊看的不是老片 是懷舊 垃圾場驚嚇之旅 彩色胡蘿蔔 妙用大不同 水逆發威 如何防備? 實力測驗 一絲不掛~裸瓶包裝零負擔! 星期三 奧丁日 倒裝句構 背誦卡
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