【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 01月號/2021 第390期
E220165371000101 |
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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2020-12-31 |
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Party up! Lan Lan Cat 5th Anniversary Exhibition
嗨起來! 白爛貓五週年特展
※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3 ※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3
Party up! Lan Lan Cat 5th Anniversary Exhibition
嗨起來! 白爛貓五週年特展
New Year’s Resolutions: How Not to Fail
新年新希望 三招守護你的健身計畫
Wartime Recipes
Welcome to 2021! This month Analytical English is embracing the start of the New Year and looking to the year ahead. Hopefully, you rang in 2021 in style. Maybe you even chose one of the “Unforgettable Ways to Celebrate New Year’s Day in Taiwan.” Perhaps, the start of a new calendar year has you reflecting on goals you wish to achieve. In that case, we suggest glancing at “New Year’s Resolutions: How Not to Fail.” One thing we want to do is find alternative ways to explore the world, at least until travel returns to normal. Luckily, we have “Jules Verne’s Timeless Worldwide Adventure,”which will take readers to exciting locations all around the globe. We would also love to see people resolve to stop looking at their phones so much, especially when on the streets. If you are someone that tends to have your eyes glued to your screen, please “Watch Where You’re Walking!” As you flip through the January issue of Analytical English , perhaps you’ll be inspired to make some changes or find new interests for the yea r ahead. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 01月號/2021 第390期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 翻譯 拜登擊敗川普,當選美國第四十六任總統 三不猴?究竟是哪三不? 黃色小鴨之父霍夫曼再現江「狐」 史無前例!《衛報》以AI智能撰寫專欄 候鳥的人字編隊之謎 新年追日出!陸海空任你選~ 減少低頭族,立法行不行? 國王皇后 《牛津英語詞典》您所不知的編纂鉅著 與時間賽跑:《環遊世界八十天》 來一雙時尚!摩洛哥拖鞋 浩劫奇蹟 實力測驗 世界級景觀:埃及黑白沙漠 土壤3D列印建築或可取代混凝土 發現夏威夷! 戰爭美食點點名 嗨起來!白爛貓五週年特展 蘇格蘭聖火節:歡慶維京歷史 新多益 新年新希望 三招守護你的健身計畫 招風又賣萌的耳廓狐 不定詞 實力測驗 背誦卡
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