【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 05月號/2020 第382期
E220138715000101 |
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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2020-04-30 |
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Amazing Antelope Canyon
羚羊谷 ── 大自然的光影魔術師
The Unkindest Cut of All
為什麼被紙割到超痛的 QAQ
Circus Roncalli: The Future of the Circus?
虐待動物 OUT!3D 投影打造魔幻馬戲團
The Immense Power of the Maternal Instinct in the Animal World
It seems that everyone these days is concerned about physical health, but this May at Analytical English , we’re thinking about mental health and the ways to combat stress and the blues. As any teenager knows, “The Worries of High School Students” are vast and can stem from pressure to perform well in class or from the need to fit in with one’s peers. Yet, one’s living environment can also take a toll on health as we look at in “Depression and Suicide Linked to Pollution.” With all these things impacting our mental health, we’re wondering what can be done.
Perhaps one way to tackle these problems is by “Getting into the Right Mindset.” It seems that the correct frame of mind can help boost confidence and foster success. Or maybe we just need “A Chance to Give Back.” Volunteering with animals or students can help us feel fulfilled, which always boosts our overall outlook on life. If you’re looking to shake yourself out of a slump, maybe this month’s issue of Analytical English has some inspiration inside.
目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 05月號/2020 第382期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 翻譯 焦點新聞 羚羊谷──大自然的光影魔術師 首開先例!帛琉於2020年實施防晒乳禁令 為什麼被紙割到超痛的QAQ 無法抹滅的傷痛:多瑙河畔之鞋 服務學習 逆轉人生 歐洲歌唱大賽:新秀歌手的搖籃 《偷書賊》:從死神角度看見文字的力量 虐待動物OUT!3D投影打造魔幻馬戲團 高中生最大的壓力來源 實力測驗 「音樂」影響你的食物選擇 東尼的寂寞巧克力沒有血汗的美味 信念的力量──成長型思維模式 母親節特輯:動物媽媽真偉大! 揭開黑寡婦的黑暗歷史 隱形的A柱讓您安全上路 新多益 「乒」出新人生! 水中閃「電」「鰻」天過海 解析文法 實力測驗
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