【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 03月號/2020 第380期
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2020-02-29 |
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Baba Marta: The Bulgarian Celebration of Spring
喜迎春天 保加利亞三月節
The Power and Simplicity of the Cornell Method
The Old Tradition of Swan Upping
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This month at Analytical English we are loving animals and are thinking of what would make an exciting pet (beyond the obvious clichés like cats and dogs). “The Amazing Chicken” is worth considering since you wouldn’t need to buy eggs ever again, but it might not do well in an urban apartment. After learning about “The Old Tradition of Swan Upping,” we think having a swan or two around would make us feel quite regal. Among animals we never thought people would want to own, Komodo dragons are without a doubt on the list. However, as you’ll read in “Indonesia Announces Fee for Komodo Island Entry,” illegal smuggling of the large lizards is a problem. Finally, having watched plenty of Winnie-the-Pooh cartoons, we were shocked that there was “A Real Bear Named Winnie” that was someone’s pet for a time. Even if you can’t bring these animals home, you can discover plenty about them in the March issue of
Analytical English. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 03月號/2020 第380期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 喜迎春天 保加利亞三月節 「海洋吸塵器」成功收集塑膠垃圾 印尼科摩多島解禁 入島先繳會員費 電閃雷鳴的背後真相 「雞」情不單純? 翻譯 兩百多年來首次!聖母院停辦聖誕彌撒 絕美秘境 白沙藍湖相映成輝 全球電子菸反彈聲浪升高 印度宣布嚴禁 卡肯尼亞.恩泰雅:賦予女孩能力,改造一個社群 誤會大了!其實菠菜含鐵量少十倍 我曾主辦過的活動 實力測驗 排隊有學問 奧斯卡.王爾德 短篇故事精選 高效率筆記:康乃爾筆記法 面試遲到 不再寂寞 一輩子的摯友 真「熊」版小熊維尼 新多益 英國百年傳統!年度「鵝」口普查 鬱金香 神祕的魔幻之花 實力測驗 沒闔過一眼 助動詞 背誦卡
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