【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 09月號/2019 第374期
E220114250000101 |
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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2019-08-14 |
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Letting the Cat out of the Bag
※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3 ※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3
Letting the Cat out of the Bag
Was Purple Unpatriotic?
國旗五彩繽紛 為何獨缺紫色
How the Hashtag Changed Our Lives
The anticipation of travel can be as much fun as the trip itself, often because you get to learn about new places as you prepare for your visit. As you flip through September’s issue of Analytical English , you’ll discover some insight into places all around the world. Planning on visiting Japan? Read “It’s a Breeze: Decoding the Symbols of Japanese Fans” for some tips on picking up a souvenir to stay cool. For tourists that like to stay active while also sampling local flavors, “A Marathon of Food, Wine, and Fun” in France may be just what you’re looking for. If Florence is on your list of places to visit, know that “Stendhal Syndrome: The Power of Art”is real and could leave you feeling under the weather. Wherever you travel, be prepared to question and rethink “The Time of Your Life.” If you are set in your ways when it comes to timekeeping, you may find yourself frustrated if your destination has a different pace of life. Even if you’re not going anywhere soon, Analytical
English has plenty of exciting things for you to learn about the world. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 09月號/2019 第374期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 國旗五彩繽紛 為何獨缺紫色 兩千年埃及古墓出土 洞察號首次測得火星地震 為什麼白紙放久了會變黃? 主題標籤演化史 翻譯 肩負全球氣象觀測重任 福衛七號順利升空 告別分手陰霾 走向全新人生 惡火襲擊巴黎聖母院 馬雅失落寶藏 喵星人二三事 你想養哪一種寵物? 實力測驗 史上最「酒」馬拉松 《查理與巧克力工廠》 佛羅倫斯限定!司湯達症候群 艾咪的甜蜜教訓 彩虹 日本扇子 您不知道的事 新多益 是什麼決定了你的時間觀? 重整旗鼓 無畏攻擊的美利堅合眾國 實力測驗 複合形容詞 背誦卡
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