【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 10月號/2019 第375期
E220117315000101 |
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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2019-09-30 |
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The Rise and Fall of Angkor Wat
Sensing the Scent of Rain
North America's Unique Marsupial: the Opossum
揹著寶寶趴趴造 ―― 北美負鼠
Bored? Play a Board Game!
桌遊 不只是遊戲
※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3 ※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3
No matter where you live, you can’t escape the weather. This can be especially noticeable in October, when fall is moving into winter, or vice versa, depending on which hemisphere you live in. You’ll find the topics of weather and its long-term cousin climate sprinkled throughout this month’s issue of Analytical English . As days get colder, certain leaves change color, a phenomenon we ention in “Time for Change: Autumn Foliage in Taiwan.” When you’re out in the woods, perhaps you notice a smell in the air that signals a coming rainstorm. There’s an explanation for this, hich we cover in “Sensing the Scent of Rain.” Given enough time, weather patterns turn into climate, which, while less immediate, is equally as fascinating. In “The Rise and Fall of Angkor Wat,” we discuss how climate change may have brought down this once great city. For a more present look at climate, read about animal struggling with changes in “Hostile Planet: Mountains.” Whatever the weather is like outside, now is a perfect time to chill out with October’s Analytical English. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 10月號/2019 第375期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 聖母峰登山季十一死引發質疑 世衛首度認可中醫地位掀爭議 神祕「雨味」哪裡來? 溫柔而堅定 傑辛達.阿爾登 翻譯 創舉!法發明家乘飛行滑板飛越英吉利海峽 笑一個吧!菲律賓微笑面具嘉年華 馬丘比丘機場動工引發抗議 危險星球:高山 揹著寶寶趴趴造──北美負鼠 限塑 Yes or No? 實力測驗 布偶裝下的不簡單 《金銀島》尋寶趣! 桌遊 不只是遊戲 拉麵與流浪漢 何不讓我們 當心!文法警察出沒 新多益 外來種危機!埃及聖䴉防治大作戰 吳哥窟:過去與現在 實力測驗 芝麻開門! 豔麗「楓」情 一頭霧水 反問句 背誦卡
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