【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 11月號/2019 第376期
E220118121000101 |
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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出版日期 |
2019-10-31 |
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WEBTOON: Getting Comics Online
線上漫畫王國 ―― LINE WEBTOON
※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3 ※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3
WEBTOON: Getting Comics Online
線上漫畫王國 ―― LINE WEBTOON
Taiwan's Endangered Black Bear
重振「熊」風 人人有責
The Great Google Easter Eggs
Transportation is such a large part of our everyday lives, but how often do you really think of your daily commute? In this month’s issue of Analytical English , we’re looking at the various ways people move around. No place is better for cyclists than “Amsterdam: The Bike Capital of the World.” If you are someone who walks everywhere, “Press the Button: Taking Control of Our Lives” will explain why you probably don’t need to hit that push-to-walk button. If you’re not much of a walker, perhaps you’ll be inspired by the “100-Day Challenge” to trade in your bus pass for some sneakers. However you get around, “Baby on Board and in Danger” touches on the risk of leaving a child alone in a car. If you think you’re a pro at navigating cities, then you should head to “Gambia: A Country without Street Names” and see how well you do there. Next time you’re on the subway, flip through November’s Analytical English for some inspiration on switching up your usual commute. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 11月號/2019 第376期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 翻譯 熊熊大火!亞馬遜生態浩劫 重振「熊」風 人人有責 人類餵食惹大禍 黑熊被迫安樂死 修圖無所遁形! 反PS神器問世 養成規律生理時鐘 助你一夜好眠 「海」洋泰迪熊「獺」上拯救地球之路 一百天挑戰 如果我不能擁有妳 漫遊腳踏車之都 《簡愛》── 夏綠蒂.勃朗特的真實寫照 谷歌隱藏彩蛋大揭密! 拯救受困寶寶 實力測驗 安慰劑按鈕是真是假? 防堵仇恨言論 YouTube更新相關規範 柏林圍牆倒塌三十週年 馬鈴薯:深藏不露的平民美食 《冰雪奇緣2》 線上漫畫王國── LINE WEBTOON 新多益 按圖索驥的甘比亞日常 「滾」出保齡球的淵遠流長 代名詞 實力測驗 背誦卡
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