【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 01月號/2020 第378期
E220123395000101 |
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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2019-12-31 |
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The Great Capybara
動物界萬人迷 ── 水豚君
How Hand Warmers Work and Which One to Choose
暖暖包 溫暖你的冬天
Picture Perfect or Mirror Image?
This month Analytical English is celebrating the start of 2020 and Chinese New Year. And all of that reveling means we have food on our mind. “The Plant that Eats Meat” proves that it’s not just humans and animals that enjoy a tasty meal. If you are interested in boosting your culinary skills, you might want to check out food that is “Seasoned, Sealed, Delivered”using a fancy cooking technique. Or you may be interested in the way an “Iron Fish Brings More than Just Luck to Cambodia.” If you are someone that enjoys growing your own produce, you might be inspired by the fact that “Italy’s Youth Return to the Countryside” to pursue careers in agriculture. With all this food, it’s important not to overindulge. If you pile too much on your plate, you might end up with “A Not-So-Sweet Surprise” on your bill at the end of the meal. When all the eating and snacking becomes too much, settle down and take a break with January’s Analytical English.
目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 01月號/2020 第378期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 暖暖包 溫暖你的冬天 舒肥法:在家輕鬆當大廚 翻譯 噩耗!沖繩首里城慘遭祝融肆虐 歷久不衰的秘魯繩橋 雅加達快速下沉中 印尼計劃遷都 太平洋上發現大型浮石筏 大堡礁重燃希望 馬雲的成功之道 動物界萬人迷──水豚君 社群媒體大當機!你也失控了嗎? 實力測驗 義大利青農新勢力 她們的故事:《小婦人》 皇家時尚大揭密! 早午餐吃太飽 尋找美國 鏡中完美……純屬虛構? 零工經濟來了 加州立法規範 缺鐵嗎?試試「幸運小鐵魚」! 豬籠草的壺中滋味 實力測驗 紅毯背後的祕密 新多益 2020燈會璀璨臺中 慣用語放大鏡 主詞與動詞一致
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