【代購】梅芮迪斯.蒙克錄音作品全集 (13CD)
Meredith Monk: The Recordings (13CD) |
商品编号 |
028948573349 |
定价 |
NT3400 |
售价 |
RM618.20 |
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出版日期 |
2022-11-11 |
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梅芮迪斯.蒙克(Meredith Monk)1942年11月20日出生於紐約,是作曲家、歌手、導演/編舞家,也創作了許多歌劇、音樂劇、電影和裝置作品。她被公認是最獨特和最有影響力的當代藝術家之一。《梅芮迪斯.蒙克錄音作品全集》,收錄了迄今為止所有梅芮迪斯.蒙克在ECM New Series新系列的專輯,並在她在80歲生日之際發行。
收錄的專輯包含Dolmen Music、Turtle Dreams、Do You Be、Book of Days、Facing North、ATLAS、Volcano Songs、Mercy、Impermanence、Songs of Ascension、Piano Songs和On Behalf of Nature,每張專輯都有不同的啟示。
這套設計精美的套裝CD,內含了一本300頁的書,列出了最原始的內頁筆記及新的內文和採訪紀錄。書本內還包括Frank J. Oteri的介紹文章《梅芮迪斯.蒙克的世界》及梅芮迪斯自傳《靈魂的信使》(The Soul’s Messenger),以及未曾發表過的照片和Manfred Eicher的序言。
【曲目】 <CD 1> Dolmen Music 01. Gotham Lullaby 02. Travelling 03. The Tale 04. Biography 05. Overture And Men's Conclave / Wa-Ohs / Rain / Pine Tree Lullaby / Calls / Conclusion
<CD 2> Turtle Dreams 01. Turtle Dreams (Waltz) 02. View 1 03. Engine Steps 04. Ester's Song 05. View 2
<CD 3> Do You Be 01. Scared Song 02. I Don't Know 03. Window In 7's 04. Double Fiesta 05. Do You Be 06. Panda Chant I 07. Memory Song 08. Panda Chant II 09. Quarry Lullaby 10. Shadow Song 11. Astronaut Anthem 12. Wheel
<CD 4> Book of Days 01. Early Morning Melody 02. Travellers 1, 2, 3 03. Dawn 04. Travellers 4 / Curchyard Entertainment 05. Afternoon Melodies 06. Fields/Clouds 07. Dusk 08. Eva's Song 09. Evening 10. Travellers 5 11. Jewish Storyteller/Dance/Dream 12. Plague 13. Madwoman's Vision 14. Cave Song
<CD 5> Facing North 01. Northern Lights 1 02. Chinook 03. Long Shadows 1 04. Keeping Warm 05. Northern Lights 2 06. Chinook Whispers 07. Arctic Bar 08. Hocket 09. Long Shadows 2 10. Epic 11. Fire Dance 12. Little Epiphany/Sybil Song 13. Mill 14. Boat Song
<CD 6> ATLAS - an opera in three parts (1) 01. Overture (Out of Body 1) 02. Travel Dream Song 03. Home Scene 04. Future Quest (The Call) 05. Rite of Passage A 06. Choosing Companions 07. Airport 08. Night Travel 09. Guides' Dance 10. Agricultural Community
<CD 7> ATLAS - an opera in three parts (2) 01. Loss Song 02. Campfire/Hungry Ghost 03. Father's Hope 04. Ice Demons 05. Explorer #5/Lesson/Explorers' Procession 06. Lonely Spirit 07. Forest Questions 08. Desert Tango 09. Treachery (Temptation) 10. Possibility of Destruction 11. Out of Body 2 12. Other Worlds Revealed 13. Explorers' Junctures 14. Earth Seen From Above 15. Rite of Passage B
<CD 8> Volcano Songs 01. Walking Song 02. Lost Wind 03. Hips Dance 04. Cry #1 05. New York Requiem 06. Offering 07. Boat Man 08. Skip Song 09. Old Lava 10. Cry #2 11. St. Petersburg Waltz 12. Three Heavens and Hells 13. Click Song #1 14. Click Song #2
<CD 9> mercy 01. braid 1 and leaping song 02. braid 2 03. urban march (shadow) 04. masks 05. line 1 06. doctor / patient 07. line 2 08. woman at the door 09. line 3 and prisoner 10. epilogue 11. shaking 12. liquid air 13. urban march (light) 14. core chant
<CD 10> impermanence 01. last song 02. maybe 1 03. little breath 04. liminal 05. disequilibrium 06. particular dance 07. between song 08. passage 09. maybe 2 10. skeleton lines 11. slow dissolve 12. totentanz 13. sweep 1 14. rocking 15. sweep 2 16. mieke's melody #5
<CD 11> Songs of Ascension 01. clusters 1 02. strand (gathering) 03. winter variation 04. cloud code 05. shift 06. mapping 07. summer variation 08. vow 09. clusters 2 10. falling 11. burn 12. strand (inner psalm) 13. autumn variation 14. ledge dance 15. traces 16. respite 17. mapping continued 18. clusters 3 19. spring variation 20. fathom 21. ascent
<CD 12> Piano Songs 01. Obsolete Objects 02. Ellis Island 03. Folkdance 04. urban march (shadow) 05. Tower 06. Paris 07. Railroad (Travel Song) 08. Parlour Games 09. St. Petersburg Waltz 10. Window in 7’s 11. totentanz 12. Phantom Waltz
<CD 13> On Behalf Of Nature 01. Dark/Light 1 02. High Realm 03. Fractal Activity 04. Environs 1 05. Eon 06. Duet with Shifting Ground 07. Environs 2 08. Pavement Steps 09. Evolution 10. Ritual Zone 11. Water/Sky Rant 12. Memory Zone 13. Environs 3 14. Harvest 15. Dark/Light 2 16. High Realm Reprise 17. Fractal Mirror 18. Ringing 19. Spider Web Anthem
Total Time: 12:04:22 |
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