透過李家同簡潔而寓意深遠的文章,領略用英文表達中文故事的妙趣 我在此給讀者一個建議:你不妨先看看中文文章,先不看英文的翻譯,然後試著將中文翻成英文,我相信你一定會覺得中翻英好困難。翻完以後,再去看英文翻譯,相信可以學到不少,也可以寫出越來越像外國人的句子。-- 李家同 李花村 Plum Blossom Village 我行醫已經快四十年了,以目前情況來看,我相信孩子存活的機會非常小,可是我仍安排他住進加護病房,孩子臉上罩上了氧氣罩,靜靜地躺著。我忽然跪下來作了一個非常誠懇的祈禱,我向上蒼說,我願意走,希望上蒼將孩子留下來。理由很簡單,我已六十五歲,這一輩子活得豐富而舒適,我已對人世沒什麼眷戀,可是孩子只有六歲,讓他活下去,好好地享受人生吧! I’ve been a doctor for nearly forty years; judging by the look of things, I knew that the boy’s chances of survival were very slim. In spite of that, however, I had him put in the ICU. He lay there quietly, an oxygen mask covering his face. Suddenly I knelt down and said an unusually earnest prayer. “I’m willing to die, but I hope You will preserve this boy,” I said to God. “The reason is simple: I‘m 65 years old. I’ve lived a full and comfortable life; now I’m ready to take my leave of this world. But this boy is only six! Please let him live. Let him enjoy what life has to offer.”
〈來自遠方的孩子The Boy from a Distant Land〉 他老是一個人。在美國,雖然個人主義流行,但並不提倡孤獨主義,青少年老是呼朋引伴而行。 He was always alone—in America, individualism may be fashionable, but being a loner isn’t. Young people tend to travel in groups. 〈李花村 Plum Blossom Village〉 我行醫已經快四十年了,以目前情況來看,我相信孩子存活的機會非常小,可是我仍安排他住進加護病房,孩子臉上罩上了氧氣罩,靜靜地躺著。我忽然跪下來作了一個非常誠懇的祈禱,我向上蒼說,我願意走,希望上蒼將孩子留下來。理由很簡單,我已六十五歲,這一輩子活得豐富而舒適,我已對人世沒什麼眷戀,可是孩子只有六歲,讓他活下去,好好地享受人生吧! I’ve been a doctor for nearly forty years; judging by the look of things, I knew that the boy’s chances of survival were very slim. In spite of that, however, I had him put in the ICU. He lay there quietly, an oxygen mask covering his face. Suddenly I knelt down and said an unusually earnest prayer. “I’m willing to die, but I hope You will preserve this boy,” I said to God. “The reason is simple: I‘m 65 years old. I’ve lived a full and comfortable life; now I’m ready to take my leave of this world. But this boy is only six! Please let him live. Let him enjoy what life has to offer.” 〈深河Deep River〉 恆河代表上蒼無盡的愛,富人和窮人,他們的骨灰,都進入了恆河,正如上蒼一樣,上蒼接受富人,更接受窮人。 The Ganges represents God’s infinite love. The ashes of rich and poor alike find their final resting place there—like God, the Ganges accepts them both. 〈飆車Train Surfing〉 對我而言,我飆車的原因是可以肯定自己的價值,我一直覺得有些自卑感,因為我不識字,而且一輩子也不會被人尊重,可是飆車的時候,我感到我好厲害。我相信我的飆車夥伴一定也是和我一樣,要藉由飆車讓人家瞧得起我們。 My personal reason for train surfing is to affirm that I have value. Not being able to read makes me feel sort of inferior. I know that others will never respect me, but when I’m surfing a train, I feel like I’m awesome. I suppose my fellow train surfers are the same: they do it to gain others’ respect. 〈我是我I’m Me〉 我不要人家檢查我的DNA是不是希特勒的DNA,我不是希特勒,我是我,希特勒心中充滿仇恨,我從來沒有,希特勒有極為病態的種族偏見,我卻一直致力於不同種族之間的諒解。 I didn’t want anyone inspecting my DNA to see if it was the same as Hitler’s. I’m not Hitler—I’m me. Hitler’s heart was full of hate, but mine has never been. Hitler was a pathological racist, but I’ve always promoted interracial understanding. 〈瓷娃娃 Porcelain Doll〉 我坐在火車裡,不禁一直想著,有些人什麼都有,卻失落了自己的靈魂。 As I sat inside the train, I couldn’t help reflecting: some people have everything, but they’ve forgotten all about their souls.
作者簡介 李家同 民國28年生,台大電機系學士,美國加州柏克萊大學電機博士。歷任清華大學工學院院長、教務長以及代校長、靜宜大學校長、暨南大學校長。 李教授曾獲得五次連續的國科會傑出研究獎,教育部工科學術獎、侯金堆傑出榮譽獎和旺宏電子講座教授,他是美國電機電子學會的榮譽會士,並且曾擔任過十一種國際學術刊物的編輯委員。 李教授也是短篇小說作家。他的小說親切、自然、發人深省。《讓高牆倒下吧》、《陌生人》、《鐘聲又再響起》、《故事六十八》等書感動了無數人心。 李教授關心英語教育,他所寫的《專門替中國人寫的英文基本文法》成為最新、最暢銷的英文文法書;他所企劃的《專門替中國人寫的英文課本》也成為英文學習者的第一選擇。他同時也投身基礎數學教育,他為中學生編寫實用的數學課本,期望透過詳細解說,讓學生更容易理解,邏輯思考更清晰。已出版《專門為中學生寫的數學課本》(四則運算及代數)。 譯者/解析者簡介 NICHOLAS B. HAWKINS (郝凱揚) 美國史丹佛大學畢業,主修經濟,副修數學、中文。曾任史丹佛國際發展中心助理研究員;北京德賽思創諮詢中心見習生。曾為摩門教傳教士來台宣教兩年。以公費就讀台大國際華語研習所,並擔任台北家扶中心義工。中文聽說讀寫流利,曾經拿過中文歌唱比賽冠軍。 解析者簡介 周正一 成功大學外文系學士、輔仁大學翻譯學研究所英文筆譯組碩士,淡江大學美國研究所博士班,現任教基隆女中。著有《英語文法Follow Me》。 聯經網址:www.linkingbooks.com.tw