This study is an attempt to reorient the field of Chinese linguistics from the perspective of the new field of cultural interaction studies. The author, approaching Chinese linguistics from the periphery, examines such topics as the spread of Western learning and linguistic contact and Westerners’ study of Chinese: He studies materials produced by Western missionaries and Ryukyuan materials to show the validity and usefulness of Chinese linguistics in the field of cultural interaction studies. In addition, he looks at cultural interaction through illustrations.
Introduction: A Peripheral Approach to Chinese Linguistics as a Contribution to the Study of Cultural Interaction Part I: Studies of Chinese in the Periphery Chapter 1: The Value and Possibilities of Modern Western Studies of Chinese, with a Focus on Mandarin Chapter 2: Modern Westerners’ Views of Chinese Style Chapter 3: The Development of Modern Westerners’ Terms for Chinese Parts of Speech Chapter 4: Morrison’s Grammar and Views on Translation Chapter 5: The Grammar of Crawford’s Mandarin Grammar, a Milestone in Nineteenth-Century Studies of Chinese Grammar Chapter 6: Chinese Studies of Grammar prior to Ma’s Guide to the Written Language: Bi Huazhen’s Division of Parts of Speech in Notes from Yanxu Cottage Chapter 7: Thomas Wade’s Progressive Course Chapter 8: Pidgin: A Feature of Contact between Cultures of Different Languages Chapter 9: Wenyutang and Its Business Partners Chapter 10: The Days of the Week in Modern Chinese Chapter 11: The Chinese Bible Used by Robert Morrison: A Newly Discovered Manuscript of the New Testament Translated by Jean Basset Part II: Modern Cultural Interaction between East and West as Seen from Illustrations Chapter 12: “Zixingche”: The Chinese Word for Bicycle Chapter 13: An 1890 Amusement Park and Its Roller Coaster (“Zixingche”) Chapter 14: The Life of Christ, Sinicized Chapter 15: The Origins of Chinese Comic Strips Chapter 16: Aesop’s Fables in The Child’s Paper, from New Sources Chapter 17: Left versus Right in Chinese Illustrations of the Colossus of Rhodes Chapter 18: The Words for Portrait and Chemistry in China Chapter 19: Bulletproof Vests, No Less Chapter 20: The First Iron Man? Chapter 21: Manchu and Mongolian Pamphlets Chapter 22: Clock Towers: Notes on Expressing the Time in Modern Chinese Chapter 23: The Arrival of X-Ray Technology in China Bibliography of Major Works Origins of the Essays List of Figures
作者簡介 Keiichi Uchida Dr. Keiichi Uchida (内田慶市) is Director of the Institute of Oriental and Occidental Studies, Kansai University, Japan. His areas of specialization are Chinese linguistics and cultural interaction studies.